
This is, for me, and by far, the most frustrating editorial section of stereogum. Destroyer video was beautiful and, obviously, it's not here.
Oh man this is quickly turning into my Summer record of 2016.
Nice track indeed. But it's amazing out it is sonically afar from TLOP. Feel me?
Something it is. Checked.
Feel ya. But there's a vintage 50 cent vibe in it that I find irresistible.
Word. But I love the whole record so much. And the extra tracks are top-notch as well: 30 hours, no more parties, facts and fade sound fabulous to my ears.
Well, i received the new version thanks to a Tidal e-mail and downloaded it. I must say I prefer the first version (probably because I've listened to it so many times since it was released). I like Pablo's imperfections and rawness (hey, I'm a Guided by Voices freak, so here you go). Love the new Wolves, though.
Beware the cover of his record is a photograph of my beautiful city, Porto, Portugal. You guys should come here and visit!
Well, it all depends how you look at things. There's already +250k streams on the track.
In My Time of Dying is OBVIOUSLY number 1.
One day you will get Carouselambra and you will die in shame.
Second Coming is a masterpiece and one of the most underrated records of the 90s. It came too early. If it was released in the late nineties, it would have been a hit.
I have more than 2000 CDs that I have bought during my lifetime (I still do today, mostly via Amazon). I began buying music in the late 80s and I was fascinated by CDs: they were high-tech, cool and, of course, they were marketed as "perfect sound forever". Oh and CDs were the optimum source to record to cassetes. I just loved them and never ceased to. About quality: vinyl vs. CD. Almost 99% of what people say is nonsense. Analog is the approximating perfection. Digital is perfecting approximation. Both are great and the complexity of its difference absolutely fascinating. But they are also commodities with a potentially high emotional value. People would prefer High Fidelity (Analog/Vinyl) or Perfect Sound Forever (Digital/CD) depending on the emotional value they give to each format. In my case, for instance, I only buy Vinyl when a record absolutely ravishes me: they are fucking expensive and this is my way of expressing my gratitude and attachment (my girlfriend says I'm crazy). In 2016, for instance, I bought so far vinyls for Blackstar, Fading Frontier and Carrie & Lowell CDs are already coming back. Prices of used CDs have already started to rise after its all-time low during the last 5 years. And hip hop CDs are already a "thing" amongst collectors.
He was absolutely unique: his flow, humour and intelligence changed hip hop forever. So many memorable bars.
Absolutely. But that's more a Bowie record with Pop as a guest vocalist.
"It’s a toxic feeling, all that roiling wrath turning into its own sort of euphoria." You could actually name five metal bands and five metal albums using only the words of this sentence. Metal breathes in you, my friend.
What d'you mean? I love the vocals on this!
This is a great album.
It's a great list because it is unexpected though throughout justified with convincing arguments. One can tell it's a real fan who wrote this, and any fan likes to show off some deep cuts or left-field choices.
Wow. 1) This is hardly surprising: PJ and Seamus Murphy delivered in 2011, twelve of the best and more groundbreaking music videos in History. They are all in YouTube. 2) Knowing that, when I saw this entry I was unable to watch it right away. I became so tense that I had to go out for a short walk through my garden. I sat down at my desk, took a deep breath and click play. 3) Good Lord.
This is the track of the summer for me so far.
I immediately thought of you when I read this, bloc. Everytthing is gonna be alright, you'll see.
Comparaison needs context. What you did there was silly because you offered none. But I'll admit that Led Zep work is sacrosanct to me. I like your style, though, sir.
Sir, what a silly comparaison. Two great bands from different eras, their output and legacy are incomparable.