
Yo would pick it up if you consider the outtakes: Dignity, Series of Dreams, Most of The Time (acoustic). The same thing can be said of Infidels and Shot of Love: he left some of the best songs out the records.
This is song is, as All You Need Is Love, an obvious 11.
Oh and Tempest is such a great album. Sounds better to me every time I listen to it.
Big Dylan fan here. The special edition has the real treasure of this Bootleg Serie: the unbelievable and definitive version of Spanish Is The Loving Tongue, by far his best piano performance ever to be recorded on tape. Considering the scope of Dylan’s work and The heterogeneity of his fans, I think it’s rather safe to consider a relative consensus regarding his best album: Blood, closely followed by Highway and Blonde.
This was very funny.
Lord, help us. What? A new Deerhunter EP? That will do!
I love that song. It's obviously an 11. Also: Cash Rivers And The Sinners new joint has become my favourite album of the year (sorry, Young Fathers). We don't deserve Pollard:
Me too. But TMB is one hell of an album.
That some hot mum right there. So happy to know all's running smoothly with her life, I have always been a huge fan of her music and I completely fell in love with her when I listen to an interview she did with Mimi Parker (of Low). I confess I'm not a huge fan of the song, but it will hopefully grow on me.
OMG That Primal Scream cover is DA SHIT!!!
I absolutely love him, too. Off topic: Young Fathers' CS have definitely become my favourite album of the year.
Whaaaat? His second solo album is stellar!
2018 has been an AWESOME year for Kanye. And something tells me we’ll have more from him soon.
This may easily turn into my favourite album of the year so far. Great review, Ryan, though I do think this album has all its roots in previous records from the band such as Curtain and Guns.
Now that I think of it, RAM must have been a tremendous influence to Elliott Smith.
Karl Blau nailed the perfect version of this song:
What does he thinks of Fortunate Son? Gum called it populist not a while ago. I think it’s golden.
Some masterpieces are about figuring out. Blood On The Tracks immediately comes to mind.
I've been amazed by the number of people I know that sold all their vinyls (and CDs) when streaming started to explode. Thank Lord I wasn't one of them.
Yep. October, 5th. It's becoming a rule these days. Guess they wait for the orders to know how much to produce in the first batch.
No. Because she’s weak.
Any Deep hunter fan use it profusively (did I spell that right?)
For me only Either Or comes close.
I felt the same: the best? Come on now. Wait. Yep. Best album indeed.
Damn. Tears came to my eyes when I read your comment: this is exactly what I think of this album. A miracle. Also: i am now officially old.
I’m excited by the lukewarm reception: somehow I always feel more comfortable enjoying a record I adore (like this one) knowing that most people don’t care that much for it. Close contender for AOTY for me.