
This really is a conundrum. I mean, aside from the fucked up UK-border-policy issues this ordeal exposes, which are substantial, I also reflexively "Like" everything we post about Das Racist on Facebook. But I don't "like" the idea of an "Amrit Likes Das Racist Detained And Deported In The UK" appearing on my profile. What's worse? The ease with which words like "facebook" and "like" have slipped into my thought (let alone speech) patterns. Point is: This post is at least three kinds of depressing. Wake me up when it's not -5º outside and my prayer rug delivery gets here, please.
Despite ODDSAC's 2010 release, it was more than four years in the making. So if anything Josh was present in celluloid spirit, but not in any substantial creative or fleshly sense. (Fleshly? Whatever.)
"Everyone else," meaning people who actually knew about what was happening in the studio. But anyway, this is good. I just hope it doesn't sound the way I'm told it sounds.
Ha yes, that was a brain-stall-typo, and what happens when you write near a craps table. Nick Lowe wasn't there. Thxx.
Brings new dimension to the "tripping as I'm thinking about a boy his name was Sue" lyric.
The only important standard in listening to and talking about music is that your ears be working. If you listen to Neon Indian's "(if i knew i'd tell you)" and then "Sundriped," and still don't hear a tonal similarity, then you might want to practice listening. It''s never too late! Hi Tracy I hope you can hear this.
Broken Social Scene's Brendan Canning.
I hope Andrew took more shots than just the ones from his camera yesterday. (Happy Birthday, Andrew!)
I was mostly just joking, but Saturday night that guy tending bar at the Woods really did look like Ed. I guess we'll have 15 minutes in Chicago to confirm one way or the other.
I'm glad you do! It's better that way.
It is, and now it does. Thanks Marshall.
Kate Heads In A Duffle Bag, which is the most aspirational #lostmovies I could muster
I think Mr. Dream's third song was titled "Fancy Things," it was less aggro-Bleach menace and more of a power-pop smile style, and I loved it. Not to say I don't love menace and Bleach. I just also like power-pop and smiles.
This was an incredible amount of fun, Peter and Alan were a dream. I was so taken with how present, gracious, and curious Peter was, and Alan never ceases to amaze. Please watch it until the end, too (after the credits). Note Alan and me looking at each other in response to Peter's comment. Priceless. We talked for an hour -- editing was difficult because we really did have so much great footage. Let us know if you guys wanna see more -- we're game to show it.
Corrections: 1. I am completely and totally an internet nerd (RSS is my best friend), and 2. my tattoo is not barbed wire, it is a sword (there's a pen involved too, you have to peel back my muscle-tee to find it). FACTS.
Dr. Steve Brule approves. For your HEALTH!!
Ugh, no, "dear." I was intentionally playing with the phrase (I tried to hint at that with the "always a dear"), because obviously comparing Zooey Deschanel to an animal is crazytalk. Having to explain it means I failed though, so, well, damn. Anyway yeah she looked scared, dear.
Haa. It was! But only for four days.
Ah thanks I'm fixing now, thanks mcnutty. (I like your handle because it always reminds me of Bubbles talking to McNulty, if that means anything to you. Which, I hope it does.)
Thanks for the tip! Incidentally Garage Mahal is the name of my new lo-fi band.
Nope. "lol ur fat" would be a D- zing or worse, depending on who said it (I'm a relativist). "Propensity for corpulence" is a pithily wrapped slam which, substance aside, is artfully constructed, so much so that the rest of the post calls its origin into question, and uses it as a way to maybe understand the song/mindset of Courtney as well. (Also, about that substance: Yes it is mean, but also, that is what a zing is? And it is not "ur fat," it's that you have the propensity for being so. A deeper and more gnawing psychological dig, that, and one that never lets you feel content -- corpulence is always right around the corner.) Also I don't know what ffs means, and I'm pretty sure Srsly is missing vowels. Courtney Love's ghost tweeter can help up your game, too!
Fair enough! Sorry for being a slack mother. Added. And this commercial of which you speak ... I'm intrigued.
Hey sorry, weird tech thing happened there, file's OK for download now. (And yes alex, you are correct.)
Wallace, you should be all set now. Thanks.
Whoa. Relax, technoG. There will be a Progress Report up later today.
Ha, sorry. I guess the bitter taste is still in my mouth from sitting through that thing last night, and all these posts relate to the Grammys, either explicitly or contextually. Promise not to pile on anymore. I think.
Sorry, the comment liveblogging was sort of impromptu decision and then true to my word I wound up taking getting drunk very seriously. Pretty sure everything I would've postedfor the final two hours would've been more wordy spellings of the word "fail."
Pink dripping water on the crowd = The SPinkler?
Info you might actually care about: Phoenix beat Byrne & Eno, Death Cab, Depeche Mode, and YYYs for Best Alternative Album. But let's get back to talking about KE$HA.
Shout out: My good friend Brandon Dailey of the Mudhoney Salon in NYC cut all the hair for this Green Day performance (and supplied that photo). Nice work, B!
I wish I knew if Keith Urban had a chest tattoo. #gross
Stephen Colbert's daughter is Amy Adams?