
I'm checking with our photog on the night, Santi. I think he submitted all his karaoke shots, but if there are some left unpublished I will let you know. (Good job up there btw!)
somebody told me they see cyndi and pelle's faces up there. but i only see a vase! so illusiony.
Scott Weiland introducing a song called "Sober." Don't worry everybody, irony is alive and well.
I hear "Paper Planes" is all over Slumdog Millionaire (so seeing it this weekend), which will probably be Oscar bait, so we've got a ways to go.
Oh, so many. I'd say Wildspitz Bio (cow with a little goat) would be at the top of the list. It's good with everything and not particularly offensive. Holzhofer is my second fave. Fricalin and Gubbeen are nice too, both semisoft. Ardrahan (super soft) is the one that would stink up the room. Vacherin Fribourg would be good for mixed company, Taleggio is a hit with most, and some sort of aged cheddar (maybe Montgomery Cheddar) for the less adventurous. Scott we should go cheese shopping some time. Or launch that cheese blog.
bryant Kitching, you are going to see No Age on Sunday. Check your email!
The game show host in this movie is Anil Kapoor, one of my favorite Bollywood actors from back when I had favorite Bollywood actors. He starred in a movie called 'Mr. India,' in which he had superpowers, a heart of gold, and crazy sweet dance moves. You can watch it in 18 parts on YouTube. You're welcome. Also, 'Slumdog' already looked good, but Sigur Rós just makes everything look even better.
Congrats Zachary, the magic random comment selector has chosen you! Keep an eye out for an email and see you Sunday.
Actually we're both wrong, it's "Spaceman." And now it's fixed!
But of course. I just didn't know if you guys were quite as financially fucked as we are down here, but I'm glad to acknowledge Canada's shared love for sluttiness and candy.
I knew there was a reason I watched this last night. Thanks Gabe.
"Prismatic Room" is on my list for song of the year.
Sorry we heard it wrong -- it is in fact Conan. Fixed up.
maybe carles can give me internet blogging lessons. fixed.
Illusions, Michael! A trick is something a whore does for money.
I noticed. But take it easy on them, guys. They only had all summer to come up with new ideas.
I had tickets to the show tomorrow! I'm bummed.
Hey everybody -- If you were wondering, Russell said "penis." He said his "penis" had never been more moisturized.
link added. i'll be at the unemployment office with liz's manager.
it's rare that i'm proud of a typo.
at times they are. try "evident utensil."
Every word of your comment is true. Thanks Stuart.
Actually "Blue Tulip"'s the fourth proper track on the album. Chapter Three was a cover of "Starry Stairs" by Jack Ladder:
you have indeed done good, thanks. tis fixed.
My mistake, Oasis does not "own."
Sorry to Zang your Zing, Gabe, but the EV restaurant you can expect is Veselka. Both Serena and Dan will travel through space and time to meet there within two minutes of hanging up the phone. File under: Broadcast Realism.
Yes! Circle gets the square. Or a slow-motion punch to the face.
Hi sorry, there's now one full month more of static in this post.
the pictures take a little time to render, depending on the speed of your connection (sorry). it's worth the wait for the saul photos, i think i'm going to be him for halloween.
haa. actually that's arthur russell! it used to be omar from the wire, an equally lethal artiste just in a different genre. ya feel me.
It's true! In fact I talked to him. He said, "Tell everyone I said hello." So, Kanye says hello, everybody.
Hey, thanks B! And might I say I have never read a commenter with such exquisite taste in bloggers and opinions ;)
good news everybody: flight's delayed! Which is great, I was cutting it close. JFK wouldn't have been a bad place to blog from (for example I do not have a TCBY and full service bar in my apartment usually) if my laptop didn't break when I got here 15 hours ago.
I thought it had a couple of worthy singles, and was otherwise comically overblown. Like Brandon had these cartoony ideas for what would make an Important sounding album. "Read My Mind" still kills it though.