
I agree, but ignoring it isn't helpful. I don't like the word "mature" in there, though.
The folks who made that video also made this.
Yeah, to be honest, I didn't either -- but it definitely clears your head.
I think you're getting a bit too angry about something that, at this point, is all pretty ridiculous/humorous/etc. Mick Barr, who's good pals with Hella, and a friend of mine, gave me one of those shirts as a joke -- it was a "ha ha ha" moment. The first time I met another friend she said, "hey, you're the guy who did that review of my friend's boyfriend's band." And that was that. I've run into Zach here and there and... no hard feelings. They never took the review as seriously as you're taking it. They had fun with it. Re-purposed it. The point of including it above is, hey, they returned to being a duo, and with more fire than I've heard from them in a long, long time. It's a great track. Maybe one of my favorite. For me to write about their decision to play again as a twosome WITHOUT mentioning the SPIN review would be dishonest and lame of me ... the elephant in the room. I respect honesty and accountability in writing... too many folks writing in a dishonest vacuum these days.
P.S. I also thought the singer was pretty corny.
I enjoy criticism. But what does that even mean? How is that statement meaningless?
Sorry, I was thinking of a "humping the world" sorta joy.
If you don't enjoy this sort of singing, I'd say avoid anything referred to as "black" metal. But there's plenty of metal with different vocal approaches, of course. What kind of singing do you like?
When I got it as a teenager I assumed "I am the only one who's thought of this" and then... realized it was the Black Flag logo of the literary realm.
You'll get it then: It's the muted post horn/Tristero symbol. On my left arm next to an old woodcut, my wife's name, and beneath a big ol' whippoorwill. (The book nerdery continues: I have a William H. Gass symbol on the right arm surrounded by a bunch of other stuff.)
That does tie in, though. You know, I have a Pynchon tattoo. That I got when I was 17. I was a real fan boy.
I think it's pretty fascinating in the context of the rest of BEE's work. It's like a skeleton key, or something -- a bit like Dennis Cooper's Period in that way.
I just like referring to him as a Warr guitarist whenever I can.
I'm into Stained Glass... I meant to post on it a while ago, but time got in the way. They're one of NYC's more intriguing bands. Interviewed them a couple of years ago before they moved here -- enjoyed the secrecy, fully immersed kvlt-ness. Love the atmosphere (and riffs) of this one. Much bigger than in the past. Really pretty album. Title's appropriate. Makes a great pairing with Inquisition's Ominous Doctrines. You?
There are tickets. Not sure what's up with the link; it worked before. Let me investigate...
He might be talking about his cat.
You have a point. I'm probably thinking in terms of my own kid, who's too young to talk, pays no attention to lyrics.
You don't think kids would be into this?
I love that Haunting The Chapel commenters regularly focus on, and critique, drum sound.
Are you into Hour Of 13? If not, check them out.
Whoa, I had a strange day yesterday--missed that. Pretty amazing news. Going to write Season Of Mist now and see what's up.... thanks for tip.
Thanks. I'm just trying to be honest. So not an intentional "Devil's Advocate," but hey!
I've written about Salem A LOT on the site previously -- wanted to hop into new territory. Tropic Of Cancer isn't as dark (to my ears) as the Soft Moon. Will give more spins.
Is this because I don't like Arcade Fire?
We're like Tom & Jerry.
Ha, that's not true. I I love a lot of music (etc). I do like some Radiohead -- they've done plenty of admirable stuff -- but I'm not a huge fist-in-the-air fan. Which is why I'm more interested in the diehards' reaction to the new material than my own two cents.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up, satansscrotum.
"We just did a limited repress of 200, but have already sold half." Send email to desolatelegacy at gmail dot com
Some distributors still have it, I think. Let me ask the band.
Good ears. They've had a new drummer since the Tides EP. So on Tides and now Mammal.
As mentioned below, consider //TENSE// the honorary no. 19.
Yeah, //TENSE// is a lot of fun -- oversight/mindlapse on my part. I had Tropic Of Cancer on there for a bit, but decided they didn't quite fit... Keep the recommendations coming, of course. People will search out the stuff that shows up down here, too.