Agreed. Your points are my points. I've never made it a secret that I've enjoyed this record. I've also never made it a secret that I don't respect the journalists who caved to the backlash. It's lame when the lemmingwave takes hold, but it does...often.
You're welcome. I don't see why it's a bad thing -- If you don't know the bands I mentioned, a quick Google search will show you what they sound like, and you'll learn about a couple new groups (that you may end up enjoying).
We won't. It's been a hectic, strange year and I decided to forgo asking people for their lists, to just focus on my own. But hopefully you and others will supply your guest lists in the comments.
I qualified that: "Maybe Zola Jesus, at least in some overall 'vibe,' when she goes for the windswept." So you'll need to explore and listen closely... Happy Holidays!
Of course, there were just more drugs involved in those politics (and the balance has shifted). I'm sticking by my older brother thing. Which isn't to say I don't enjoy reading it now and again ... My stepfather subscribes.
Are you saying Jesus never made typos? (Also, equating typos with good/bad journalism is pretty silly -- ever read the daily corrections section of the NYTimes?)
Right, exactly: Rolling Stone's 43 years old and used to be cool/cover music, but then it got more interested in politics and scantily clad starlets. That's the family dynamic, right?
Definitely, agreed, but these Monthly Mixes are based on MP3s that came out within the last month, so we're working w/ certain self-imposed restrictions ... it's a fun, challenging limitation. (That said, "King Night" has a special place on my personal around-the-house Holiday sampler, of course.)
Funny, I called them "Cocteau Twins colliding with Royal Trux" in '09 ( then saw more what they actually looked like and realized the overlap was eerily closer than I'd imagined.
Hey there, I'm not a one-trick black-metal pony! Though would be fun to do a mix that somehow connected entirely to black metal... For instance, Zola Jesus's drummer has a black metal band. The dudes in Frank (Just Frank) had a black metal band. Phil Elverum loves the stuff. Ditto Jorge from Violens. Telepathe had a Burzum shirt in a video. Salem reference it. Crystal Castles... You get the idea, but that would be too easy.
I just remembered this list: Ashes was my No. 2 of the year (scroll), behind Scott Walker's The Drift, a tough album to beat. So, yeah, we're talking more of a 9.0 in a perfect world.
Also, Kylesa's Spiral Shadow got an 8.4 today. Funny.
Does your drumming shift it at all?
I hear you on the "pro-void" thing. The problem... a lot of this stuff gets framed unimaginatively (due to supposed genre conventions?) when it's actually more interesting/individual. Once it's stuffed into a standard black metal narrative, it almost doesn't exist.
I'm a Striborg fan as well. Re: the nihilism thing... Did you know he was a teenage breakdancing champion in Tasmania? Not kidding. I have friends who've seen him go for it (fairly recently).
Agreed re: the ideology. My problem with these sorts of "run of the mill" anti-human sentiments is that they lack the nuance of a true anti-human philosophy. That, and it's hard (impossible) to believe the majority of BM band(s) (like 99.9%) actually stand behind them. It's too often the least thought-out part of a band's shtick. Still, I do like when groups push a "philosophy" of some sort ... even if imperfect.
Unfortunately, you picked the guy over here who doesn't actually listen to Das Racist. (And, in general, i try to keep my ironic listens to a minimum. Even the Mr. T Experience.)
Nope, I'm saying what I'm saying: I never liked Cold War Kids. A lot of people did like them, but for some reason don't cop to it now. (A denial I find interesting.) They have a new song. I still don't like it, but maybe people who used to like them will remember what they liked and come back (or whatever).
As simple and honest as that.