To address the elephant in the room, we should talk about the intense Hotness Disparity between Julia's extramarital kissing partner and all the guys' extramarital kissing partners.
Guys: Minka Kelly, Alexandria Daddario, Erinn Hayes
Julia: Roy from the warehouse
This is unconscionable.
Though words won't do it justice, it's a gif of Nick Kroll as Fabrece Fabrece saying "311 is a good band." The words "311 IS A GOOD BAND" are then superimposed in bold, neon font over the frozen image. Their coloring cycles through a number of equally bold, equally neon fonts and colors, which is followed by cuts of the scene that lead to Fabrece Fabrece saying "311 is a good band." Repeat.
Re your point about being able to write future dates in the present: that's a good point. :(
Re your Q about the finale: next week is the two-hour season finale! :)
I'll never forgive this show for the disaster of last season's finale, but it sure is fun to watch The Bechdel Test burst into flames every time Marnie enters a scene.
I took one of those "Which Girls Character Are YOU?" quizzes and got Adam, which I totally disagreed with, but when I went to retake the quiz I'd already gotten drunk and smashed my computer with a papier-mache sledgehammer. :(
McConaughey's monologue about humans rejecting their programming by ceasing to reproduce appealed to me. Other than that, how many more grisly, noir-ish dramas about serial killers do we need? HOW. MANY. MORE?