
choosing to believe that this is a parody of a stupid comment for my sanity
This is true! Though honestly the criteria for this list is so loose that nothing really makes any sense. We just want to celebrate some new-ish artists that put out good music this year, but that doesn't lend itself to a grabby headline :P
New stuff next year for Kissi I think! They just missed the cutoff for BNB last year, so decided to slip them in here :) And yeah, we've been on the Mitski train for a while now so she wasn't considered. If we had done a list in 2014 (we skipped that year), she would've def been on it.
I really do not like Whitney (though some other staffers like them, but not enough to make the list), but Car Seat Headrest was on last year's list :)
It's eligible next week! I am voting for it.
Yah, I've fixed. Wooooo I'm so excited for everyone to hear this!! It's so special
Got a nice lil surprise for all you KKBheads next week :) ;) :)
damn ok guys :( .... i still think this track goes
Argh I missed an opportunity to make a good joke...
I definitely see how the lyrics could be read as such (and you could be completely right! idk), but I ultimately came to the conclusion that, for as whiny as it is, it doesn't really read as disrespectful to me. Which is just my personal interpretation, but I do think it's very self-aware, and the song plays with perspective in an interesting way (see: I think most of the spoken word part is from Amber's "perspective," though I wouldn't fully commit to that). Of course, the whole album could turn out to be some sadsack poor-me straight boy bullshit and I'll have to backtrack on this completely, but I am holding out hope that Longstreth isn't that dumb. And this is coming from someone who never really fucked with the Longstreth-only iteration of the band, and always thought Amber and Angel and etc's contributions were always the best parts. So we'll see!! But I feel you.
oops yep this should be fixed in a sec :)
Yeah, throwing my lil weight behind the LVL UP album! That closing track is so crazy epic.
argh thank you! been a crazy day, fixed
I just said the same thing in Slack a few minutes ago!! I think they're both pretty much perfect albums, but I listen to individual songs from SLM a lot more than BO nowadays. "The Socialites" & "Unto Caesar" 4ever
Not sure if it'll actually work since you're in Canada, but I think there's a little glitch with the NPR embed because that's displaying for me too here in NY. Maybe try clicking through to the site because I can hear it then...
"(pair or pa-yer)," says their Twitter. So I guess like the fruit! Or however you want.
I was so close to making a catfish joke in the post but figured you guys would pick up the slack. :') Thanks
Wrote this before my morning coffee settled in ;)
Yep, we got some bad info. Should be updated momentarily! Thanks :)
This is so important. Thank you. Never delete this.
u get me, dansolo
It was ok! I only caught the last half of it because Melvins were at the same time, but I was impressed for what it was... But I'm also very much not the target audience for it, so I didn't really have anything to say about it.
Both? Neither? I debated that in my head, actually.
We'll definitely keep this in mind for the future. I know these exclusive streams are frustrating, and we mostly decide on a case-by-case basis whether it's worth posting/alerting you guys to their existence. I decided to post this one since I know a lot of commenters are hyped on the band and I don't think the album's going to get any other coverage beyond this, so I wanted to give people a space to discuss it if they wanted to. Get that it sucks if you're not an Apple Music subscriber, but also I personally hate all streaming services!! I'm still desperately clinging onto my mp3s...
No one is safe from Carly Slay Jepsen
Oh, those are two separate thoughts -- Devil & God is about to turn 10 in November, Daisy's only 7. I made it a little clearer up top. My fave (and I think the most lauded) is D&G!
Ok, I get why maybe you'd be icked out by this in that regard, but as far as I can gather Sarah (who is in the photo + leads the band) has been responsible for all the visuals for her project, and I'd imagine it's the same for this.
Don't really see how it's "problematic." Sure, it's ~provocative~, but it's pretty clearly (to me) a play off the whole aesthetic of Virgin Suicides and other movies of that ilk.
I think they are supposed to be bats. Or birds! Spooky
Very high up there. Only beat out by like... Abi Reimold, PUP, and Mitski :)
We've had the album since like March, so not exactly! It holds up.
Oops yep sorry about that! January 2015 feels so long ago!! Fixed
I totally felt the same way at first! But after a few more listens and some long car rides, I warmed up to it a lot more. Perfect Cast and You're Gonna Miss It All definitely have stronger hooks, but I admire what they did ~artistically~ and ~thematically~ here a lot more. Spend some more time with it (if you want!), it could grow on you.