
I saw that episode. He threw the party there so his own house wouldn't get messed up. But the problem is he once again found his lack of consideration for others, his insistence on trying to be what he thinks others want him to be, to be his Achilles heel. But he already knew that! He found himself exactly where he was at the end of the previous episode. And the one before that. It just feels so predictable. Every episode you know he's going to end up alone and defeated -- and none the wiser.
LEGO movie looks a little too intense for me. I'll stick with The Duplo Movie, thanks.
I might be the only person watching Hello Ladies. It's funny, especially the scenes with Kyle Mooney (that dude has been a favorite since his time on Norm Macdonald's old sports comedy show). But it's hollow. Lee Eisenberg, Stephen Merchant and Gene Stupnitsky are killer writers and they've been involved in the writing/directing of every episode. But Merchant's character is like Michael Scott/David Brent if those characters had never learned anything. Each episode just resets the characters where we saw them from the start, so there's no cumulative emotional growth or insight. Bizarre.
I'm all over the place on it. It's used to show how inappropriate Mac is, how out of touch he is. But it's also an indication of how much he adores Lethal Weapon. He wants to be Murtaugh. The blackface and hair and everything are indicative of this. It's a perversely sweet gesture that obviously comes off as anything but. Does that mean it's OK? I laughed at Dee even as I cringed. The "it's funny because it's offensive" comedy trope has certainly run its course, but I've always felt Sunny magically walked that line well and never used it as an excuse to make fun of minorities, the handicapped, etc. Maybe it's because the characters are 1) so insanely naive and 2) clearly running critiques of American society and its many, many flaws. This still doesn't really resolve the blackface. I mean, don't we all already know it's wrong? And haven't we already seen this Lethal Weapon thing from them?* *Lethal Weapon, along with Die Hard, is the movie I will stop and watch if I come across it on cable. It's just hardwired in me, so I appreciate their tributes, especially the endless saxophone punches in response to every line of dialogue. That was just great.
THIS Public Marriage Proposal Is The Worst One Yet
Michael Keaton is having some sort of weird moment. I feel like he's in the zeitgeist again? He's like that person you're all like "hey, when did that guy just up and stop being famous?" Honestly, Multiplicity is fuckdiculously bad, but wonderful. You can see the perhaps amazing film it could have been. It was Harold Ramis' sort of philosophical followup to Groundhog Day -- only this time he was looking at persona, what it is that makes a person who they are. But since Ramis had fallen out with Bill Murray, he had to get a different lead. Keaton, in a way, has a lot of Murray's general vibe. I can imagine Murray in Multiplicity, especially reteamed with Andie MacDowell (I am NOT even going to check if that is spelled correctly). Worth watching. Jeb, what is this comment EVEN ABOUT?
"Though something that was a bit off was how dumb the Waitress seemed in her encounter with Charlie." Actually, I thought it was pretty great because we could only conclude that a) she really has been dumb the whole time and it took Charlie's arrogance to unmask her as such (and thus for the viewer) or b) what we "saw" was really just Charlie's arrogant POV, which viewed the waitress through a warped lens of assholery. So.
Everyone thinks it's cute until they realize it's phase 1 of a hangman costume.
On the 7th day he was spooooooooky.
Allow me to decode: “she was in a great mood” (translation: great sex) “They had ordered food (translation: weed) in and stayed up late talking (translation: having great sex). She said hanging out with Rob was just like old times. (translation: having great sex)”
I think the show has explored every corner. It's fine if it ends. That show came out at the height of the mockumentary trend in sitcoms. If it were pitched today, it probably would've ended up on Netflix, which would actually be perfect.
On a hiatus all kinds of crazy shit can happen.
The Thing is so great. For super fans, a Hugo Award finalist that is written from the perspective of 'the monster,' only it's not a monster.
"Damon Lindelof's Twitter account was five years old. It is survived by Chuck Lorre's Tumblr."
The best part about internet famous pets is they don't even know what an internet IS!
Vaccinations are not about you or your child. When you get vaccinated, you are protecting yourself, sure, but just as importantly you are protecting the millions of fellow citizens with compromised immune systems -- those suffering from cancer, HIV, even the elderly or very young. People who cannot protect themselves and would kill for the chance to get a two second prick of the skin in exchange for protection. Vaccination keeps hundreds of millions of people able to live in close proximity without a massive, sudden die-out. You think we're all living longer by accident? Because of iPods?
I only take medical advice from Carmen Electra, thank you very much. I LOVED David Cross on that show!!!
True story: I am leaving the country tomorrow afternoon and will not be home for two and a half weeks. I will not know how BB or Dexter ends and will miss the first two eps of Parenthood. So, basically, bye internet!
Sassy used to be cool.
what is even happening with my comments today? "BRAINS BOOBS" great comment. A+++. finally getting top-rated comment!!!! jesus
I prefer hotel bars.
If you are in the Meatpacking District, DON'T be nice, PLEASE wave money, WEAR A STRIPEY SHIRT IF YOU ARE A MAN and OF COURSE be a lunatic.
That is a correct hashtag.
Yes! They can destroy the new new Death Star and then all go to Jabbar's school play -- all in the same Mumford & Sons-soaked montage.
I'm sorry, Kelly, maybe I missed the memo, but is this Makeyoucrygum?