
Notice "don't throw batteries at people" was not on that list.
Private heimaey what is your malfunction?!?!?!
Gene Hackman will always be the definitive Luthor to me: And why isn't Ned Beatty in EVERYTHING? "Mr. Lew-tor."
by the end of the season perhaps they'll all share a ricin cigarette. Just kiss the fucking egg, Jesse.
I swear there was white power stuff involved. Or am I just SUPER racist?
Matt Damon will be happy to hear he looks like the smart version of something.
The older guy sitting with Todd was his uncle. His white supremacist uncle who sold Walter a gun once or something.
Presto, sexism. You write like a woman, bro!
You don't have to read it. Just have your husband read it and explain it to you.
I read the piece and I think it's clear that -- assuming you find all of BB's principal characters morally bankrupt -- Skyler/Anna Gunn was called out above and beyond the others. She is a hypocrite. And vindictive. And spiteful. So is her fucking husband. And few people go around calling Walter White or Bryan Cranston an asshole. Betty Draper, same thing. She was called a bitch long before Don wore out his welcome with viewers. Gunn's not crying wolf. Institutionalized sexism isn't going to be as unsubtle as a man saying women are stupider than men. It's a prolonged, deep two-class system that gives women fewer opportunities and less leeway to be more than one thing without it being somehow attributed to their ovaries. Sexism is deeply ingrained in our culture, so much so that some of the best practitioners are themselves women. Now, the distress detailed by Gunn's essay are hardly the worst that women face, it shows how embedded these attitudes are no matter how much money or notoriety you have.
NO! Not Michael Pena!!!!! "Yo, that's racism, man. I love to racism, bro!"
Oh, Archbishop McWrongsalot. Online degrees are fine for some sectors of the workforce, but there PhD-level expertise requires a much deeper level of immersion. And your flippant dismissal of expertise is precisely what I was talking about. Have a nice weekend, anyway!
Joe Swanberg: Winona Ryder Azealia Banks: Jeanine Gaorofolo Ben Stiller: Ethan Hawke Kanye West: Ben Stiller Steve Zahn: Steve Zahn
Honestly, I was a little too old when Reality Bites and My So-Called Life came out. Those efforts were pretty much cash grabs by Hollywood to leverage the grunge/alternative scene before it flamed out completely. Instead of seeing myself in those projects I just saw the death of something that used to be cool. (In this age of bands moving from blogger darlings to MTV Awards stars in a half minute, it's a quaint concept, I realize. But back then it felt like culture was something you should defend from commercial interests. These days I think we're just thankful that a band can make any money at all.) That said, Reality Bites has some genuinely good things to say about co-opted youth culture, and you can see Dave Pirner 'act.' So there's that.
The fact that truckasaurus has to pre-acknowledge how tiresome the argument is is evidence enough of how bad SNL's race/gender problem is. W. Kamau Bell proves that you can have lots of different-looking people who are funny as shit. The truth is, nothing has changed since 1975: (recent-ish; you get the idea)
is that max's weird little brother? also, where did you hear that?
The internet is going to blow up when they see the new Robin.
You give me a time and a place, I touch your butt. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'll keep touching your butt. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and, well, I'll still touch your butt. Do you understand?
I love things that are so profoundly beautiful that all you can say is "it's freaky."
Drank too much deer beer. "What if I told you that somewhere there's a very large box and whatever you imagined, whatever you wanted to be in it, when you opened that box there it would be."
My question is: when are they going to mash up the cronut with Bradley Manning?
I was upset when I found out Big was a Sex and the City prequel.
When you're on the internet, you're always in Rome.
When you're on the internet, you're always in Rome.
“If they’re getting ‘raped’ and don’t resist then to me it’s not rape. I feel bad for her but still.” Dr. Phil was inartful, but he is for better or worse one of the most high-profile therapists in this country. Crappy daytime TV is one of the best ways to reach the people (and the parents of the people) who need to hear this message.
Third time's a charm. Seriously, Jeb, WTF?
"about having sex with a girl you don’t know, but is obviously intoxicated" If you know a girl you still can't just have sex with her because you want to, FYI.