
KELLY: hey gabe. KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello? KELLY: hello?
It won't, because they're dismissing two characters who have thoroughly run their course. I loved Lowe, but the Anne character never had anywhere to go.
"Have a seat."
"Hey girl, George Zimmerman had every right to stand his ground."
"If a car wants to turn into a robot and protect Shia LeBoef and John Turturro, I don't see any particular sin in that."
If woman was literally drawn from the body of man (nope, of course not, whatever, also: dinosaurs, etc.), then one would think Christians would be fairly cool with the idea of gender dysphoria. Also: the opposite of duh is no duh.
Washing my hands after riding the subway.
Listen, people are still getting excited about who's posing on the cover of MAXIM. So this is just gravy. FU Photobucket. "You had me at Nope. Now pack your blog and marry me."
Conan the Octogenarian
Good job, Wolverine! One down, all the other movies to go.
I guess no one, even those with access to entertainment industry resources, knows how to hustle anymore? (Lloyd! Get my Kickstarter on the phone!) I listened to this rare long-form interview with Kubrick over the weekend, an audio outtake of his pre-2001 release New Yorker profile. In it, he talks about how he got into filmaking. Want to hear his formula? 1. Find out how much it costs to make a movie. 2. Do it for less than that by doing a lot of it yourself. 3. Get your friends to do the rest for little or no money. 4. Pay for the whole thing yourself or find a film producer who sees that you've paid your dues on newsreels/previous projects and/or pro photography. You know, shit jobs. 5. Make it for almost nothing. 6. Break even or lose a little money. 7. Do it again, only better this time. 8. Repeat as necessary, you lazy fucks. "Old man yells at cloud crowd source."
Canada has been ruled by Premier Aykroyd for the last 40 years. Read a book sometime.
I mean, the kid was 8 or something when that song came out. It's probably a favorite from his childhood. And he was in Detroit, a town that has few remaining points of pride beyond its musical heritage. I don't see it so much as co-opting as playing to the home town. I swear, though, this book ( totally reoriented my thinking on pop stars. Pissing in mop buckets aside, it's a twisted universe in which your every fart is dissected and debated.
Also, I have a weird issue with the way the women are being treated, as if they, grown women, were victimized. These were consensual, if gross, interactions. Calling women victims in this circumstance is sexist. Weiner's intelligence isn't in question; his ability to battle his compulsive behavior is. I don't hate on people who disagree with me. Weiner's certainly put people through the wringer, but I think a cool-minded assessment and weighing of matters makes my case a lot stronger.
"Does Uniqulo have a mental health crisis line?" -Gabe
now, let's combine themes!
So, yes, I do have MUCH more sense "than that."
Ooof. OK, we're off the clock, but I gotta respond to Ashleigh. I will be voting for Anthony Weiner. Why? Weiner's odds have plummeted and may never recover, which no liberals seem to understand is terrible. Weiner is a second-rate politician from Queens, which plenty have noted, but he's to the left of Christine Quinn, who is now guaranteed a victory. Upside, we have our first openly gay mayor. (Koch would never admit to being gay.) So that's awesome! Too bad she's a Bloombergian Democrat who opposes sick days for workers or creating serious amounts of affordable housing. She's very much pro 1%. And she mostly loves stop-and-frisk. Weiner, again, is absurd, but his leftist goals are what matters, especially in a city (like Chicago, where I'm from) in which the city council is a virtual rubber stamp. Mayors in NYC get shit done. I don't care if GW Bush never cheated on Laura. He's still an immoral fuck and I would take cheating-ass Clinton over him any day. The moral effects of executive decisions in government are massive compared to the personal fuck ups of a candidate. The person who wins, if not Weiner, will be substantially worse for NYC's poor and working class.
Falling down is always funny, always unintentionally so.
May I say I am really enjoying the comments assessing the potential worthiness of different superheroes as sex partners. Seriously, this is why I come to Videogum.
That place churns out stars. It's like celebrity Degrassi. If you want grit, though, I heard Kevin James started out as a garbage truck driver.
This sequel just got weird.
It's only fair. His wife's been wearing this for years.
Plus, you could make this joke: "What do you mean, DARK Knight?"
Yep. Though, honestly, he would be interesting as Superman, too.
Uhhhhhhh. guys?
"Don't you hate it when you're fighting the Joker and your Batarang gets caught on your old man balls and you're just like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGH!" -Batman CK
I think you mean the Dean Knight.
Oh, no worries, guys. If you want to hate someone new today, here ya go!
I remember when my boyfriend and I first met, we were listening to Nevermind, which had just been released by this new band, Nirvana, and he turned to me and said, "I can swim across the river."