I have a friend who was on the game show where you have to, like, link words together? Like it would be like, "Professional" "Bowler" "Hat" "Trick." You know what I mean? Anyway, the word he had was String and the two letters of the next word were BI. Which is pretty obvious? But he couldn't get it so he said "STRING BING." Which is very very funny and he is the best.
I thought it was mostly bright outside? MY B. But still! Still I think someone would have seen him, or at least looked around and seen him there afterwards. Since Victor found him the car right away. You know?
Can someone please write a big post about how it's unfair that people keep calling Kelly Gabe? With a photo of Kelly's head photoshopped onto a sexy half-naked woman's body? Thxthxthxthxthx