
We will generally post as news when it’s a Supreme collab that is surprising. I thought Mezzanine stuff from a weeks ago met the threshold. Maybe Butthole Surfers does too, but when I suggested a post in Slack, everyone else said you guys hate Supreme posts lol. I find the idea of kids using bots to buy Butthole Surfers shirts amusing. 🤷‍♂️
Yep! Very close. We are finalizing the avatar upload functionality this week. There’s just one tricky cache issue the devs are having a hard time with.
needs more Tom Breihan
I used to play this on piano. 9/10
I met Mike Rutherford twice – nice man!
Thanks Eastside Tilly. We are SO CLOSE with the new system, just a lot of different services we have to make work together.
Can you email us? That shouldn’t happen
QAing our new profile editing system and I can’t change it back lol
They spelled Kamaiyah wrong on the poster, otherwise 🔥
For folks’ whose avatars are broken – does creating a account with the same email you use for Stereogum work?
You can email us if comments aren’t displaying, but our new commenting system will fix all issues. It’s pretty much ready but want the devs to fix a cache issue first so it always remembers if you’re logged in.
Ha, no I want off their radar so I can use Twitter again :)
The Army response was over the top. Obviously we knew we would get ratio'd, but it went way beyond that. They launched a DDOS that made the site inaccessible, signed up for our newsletter just to report it to our provider, flagged our tweets as abuse to Twitter, and posted pictures of Tom's family while accusing him of racism. Plus many emails and tweets telling me to fire him lol. In the past 10 years Tom has written more articles championing K-pop groups than any other rock critic! It's not BTS' fault that the chart system is fucked, and their Army are certainly not the first problematic stans -- maybe I could've edited to make that clearer. But they are still cyberbullies.
Terrific album
I feel like I have to comment on every Phil #1 so:
They are on my radar because I am paying more attention to CT bands these days 😃
No need to fight y’all. I promise I know you guys want it, and we will find a way to do more things, including Panopticon reviews, in time! There is a plan tba!
Honestly everyone is so swamped, it's hard enough for us to collaborate on the weekly list of other albums, and we still miss plenty of those. This isn't just me being stubborn — all the writers feel like there is enough/too much on their plates right now and I support them. My hope is we can bring back descriptors at some point in the future once we are able to hire staff. It may not seem like that big task to do the descriptions week after week, but once our staff was downsized we had to reduce workload somehow... that and Straight To Video and having someone work Friday nights and a couple of other things were the least disruptive tasks to discontinue, at least temporarily.
I know you guys want whoever reviews the Album Of The Week to also listen to and describe 20 other releases, but we don’t have the resources for that right now
I put it in Heavy Rotation and Chris is into it a lot too. Not sure if Tom’s heard it yet. We’ve been swamped so didn’t review unfortunately.
stereo gum, good name for a livejournal imho
Black Midi feature coming!
More than you would think, but they shall remain masked and anonymous!
Yeah surprised no one picked that. Too many great songs!
I’m thinking we could list a separate TNOCS top 10 under the general top 10, and also get rid of Worst 5? SU,D 2.0?
So actually ... one of the holdups with the new commenting software is that their API did not easily allow for a best/worst output. So my developer has built a tool from scratch (and it was very expensive) but while he was at it I had him include an ‘exclude The Number Ones’ option. 👀 Still several weeks away but we are making sure the new system has everything we could possibly need.
as far as I can tell a big Instagram account linked to it in stories, because she/they have been in the news again all these years later
"Brutal" slaps but I can't be the only one who checked if Elvis Costello got a co-write