
Those television awards are garbage! True Blood? Anna Paquin?!! Breaking Bad shut out! oh and UP is better than all those Musicals/Comedies!
Kid A, the greatest album of the decade, was recorded in 1999 and came out in 2000 , and IT'S NOT EVEN THEIR BEST ALBUM! If only we could have known so we could have ended it right there. Sorry guys, better luck in the 10s! 2000s, the year great music forgot.
Frank Reynolds...Always Sunny.
I did break up with him, after the 80's.
The gang's got to eat, we're in a recession.
I thought it was one of the best Always Sunnys in a while! I gave it an ocular pat-down and cleared it for security.
Looks like Christopher Nolan at his most self-indulgent. I love it. Great trailer.
Why doesn't he worship "The Jesus"?
but who's going to save Harrison Ford's family now?
directed by Quentin Tarantino?
If anyone needs healthcare, it's these people. How else are we going to prevent the rapid spread of STDs in this country?
The title is misleading, "All About Steve"? The poster seems to be all about Sandra Bullock? Why is no one looking at Steve? Who is Steve? Is Sandra Bullock Steve?
Ryan Gosling was supposed to play the part of the father but was replaced by Mark Wahlberg. Gosling > Wahlberg > Williams Wahlberg has been his best in roles where he played a cop or a firefighter, not much range there.
that's almost as scary as Shakira's "She-Wolf" video
Ironic, the man who plays an agent on TV needs to get a new one.
This show is starting to lose me with all these pointless crazy makes no sense storylines and lame twist.
I really need to start watching more bad movies. I haven't even heard of Le Divorce. Granted it's not the kind of movie I should have heard of, life is too short. Can't wait to see you let Beowulf have it! I suggest LAST DAYS.
This is turning into Monster's "Whoever Can Burn Gabe The Best" Ball.
Not so fast, Potter still outgrosses Twilight
Dear Mr. Sawyer, You don't know who I am but I know who you are and I know what you done.
It doesn't ever rain in Austin Texas.
We understand that getting to watch movies and write about them is a pretty sweet gig, but that doesn't make having to watch the world's worst movies a less painful experience. In that case, I say bitch away, it's what we pay you for!
Gene Hackman hasn't even been in a movie in 5 years. I think he's retired.
Gene Hackman hasn't even been in a movie in 5 years. I think he's retired.
I can't quit having gay sex with you.
The Chronicles of Riddick xXx Van Helsing Stealth Pearl Harbor What if we changed our name to the Donut Brothers?
Dogs usually just lay down and fall asleep when they get high
The question is NOT where Eric Bana is...but WHEN?!!
The question is where Eric Bana is...but WHEN?!!
I guess it takes a better director to step in and make the script work better like Star Trek could have been horrible without J.J. Abrams. I was just giving McG some credit where it was due.
Britain is England, Scotland and Wales
Their is no such thing as a British accent. You liked Live Free or Die Hard? I liked the overall look of the film and the McG is not totally to blame...I think most of the problems came from bad writing.
Lets be really cruel and make you watch From Justin to Kelly. other suggestions You have yet to do a Uwe Boll film, House of the Dead, Alone is the Dark are pretty awful How bout Son of the Mask?
Someone has raided my lost ark! - Raiders of the Lost Ark Name's Lawrence...Lawrence of Arabia - Lawrence of Arabia Rock me Amadeus! - Amadues Where we are going, I hope they have roads! - Back to the Future How do you like these Bananas? - Good Will Hunting I'm in Little China and there's Big Trouble! - Big Trouble in Little China I just had a Close Encounter...of the Third Kind -
How Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes?