
Vanessa Bayer and Nasim Pedrad are my favorite new cast members. Definitely keepers!
I see no riesling why these chinchillas were put in wine glasses. What's with all the blanc stares?
If each of these chinchillas had an hour-long backstory that was discussed throughout the entire episode then it would be like Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones is on it's 3rd episode. The Hunger Games and Harry Potter only take a few days to read because they are young-adult books. So it's pretty easy to catch up with the rest of the world.
They stopped using the shakey cam after season one and the show gets better every season
His name is actually Eddard Stark,"Ned" for short.
You'd go back in time and murder a newborn baby Hitler
In all fairness, it does go at a snail’s pace and you have to keep track of a lot of minor characters.**
Drink every time you remember he was in the movie Aliens
I think Ian just became the new best rapper alive. upvotes!
If I don't shave with a chainsaw then I must be a child rapist.
I voted for her. Although being a Yankee fan is like being a huge fan of fascism.
take a Gander at these duck impersonations
would be a good name for a store that sells pies
thanks, I was accidentally logged in under my facebook account.
peep David Simon's response in Slate:
Defund PBS and NPR? What on earth do people have against Car Talk, world music and jazz, Julia Child reruns, and the Sesame Street?
Do the magicians and con men time travel? to go back in time and KILL HITLER?
did anyone else catch the secret link in Gabe's rant?
Mubarak Orders Ministers to Resign but Backs Armed Response to Egypt Protests?
as a teen you thought that would never be you, you were invinsible.
Does any of you remember what it was like to be a teenager? For the most part there were no major consequences! The only major consequence was detension or bad grades or getting in trouble with your parents, but as a teen who cared about that?
Also Loeb's Superman For All Seasons was underrated and quite good for a Superman comic book. He also has too many bad ones to list, and helped run the TV show Heroes into the ground, so I have mixed feelings.
Ricky Gervais has always been mean-spirited. He gave those self-loving Hollywood celebs what they deserved (and it's not unlike what this blog does on a daily basis) I say Bravo! Ricky Gervais. Well done.
The Town. Cliched. Too long. A curious lack of action. A rip off of about a dozen other movies that were better.
they whip their hair back and forth
He is real!
Ben doesn't even flinch at a thrown Hot Pocket.
00. Roger Sterling
You should watch Deadwood. I haven't watched Justified yet because it makes me miss Deadwood. Justified needs a little more Al Swearengen. Miss you Deadwood!
Boardwalk Empire really picked up around the time this guy showed up.
I'm convinced, I got to start watching The League.
I'm excited my avatar made the album cover. You like me! See at the meet-up guys! Austin TX Area!