Strange how Stereogum named Kanye West numero ono even though in their own Premature Evaluation they called it "excessive" and "tries too hard". Did they change their minds once PK4 gave it a 10/10?
It's a post about nothing!
Hey Frank! I hear the writers of this show are now looking for work...
Hey Frank! I hear the writers of this show are now looking for work
Beach House should probably win, with The National in a close second. Arcade Fire album should be up there, not as good Funeral but better than Neon Bible. I forgot Caribou's Swim came out this year....that was a good one. I would like to see Ariel Pink ranked higher than 25 on future list.
I refuse to believe that we as humans are hard-wired to think that popularity and/or fame is attractive. If that were true, I would think that every popular and/or famous person is attractive. I don't really care if a person is popular and/or famous.
Ryan Gosling is not THAT attractive. If he wasn't famous, (or in cool "indie" movies) you probably wouldn't give him a second look.
It went to Hawaii
Plus zombies were banging at the door, trying to get in. He probably panicked.
any story about a global apocalypse is going to have a pretty bleak look on human kind in general
I get what you are saying about the show not being realistic, (although it is a show about a zombie apocalypse) but I think you are missing the point. I don't think this show shares your opinion that people are generally nice, if that were true, why else would we deserve to get wiped out by a zombie apocalypse? The conflict with the zombies isn't enough, not for this show, it's attempting to be about more than that.
Also, I'm no ratings expert, but if Republican-preferenced shows overwhelmingly get better ratings, doesn't that mean that people who participate in ratings surveys tend to vote Republican? Aren't the Nielsens supposes to represent the entire viewing public? Or does it just mean Republicans watch more TV?
Republican's overwhelming preference in mind-numbing reality tv and derivative scripteds (excluding a few) shows that they have very short attention spans while Democrats tend to go for the more scripted ground-breaking original series (again excluding a few). It's not perfect, but it almost makes sense.
Peanuts are rich in IRON, man
Perhaps some R.E.M.: It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine)
“I’m not a racist, I was merely describing how I feel, this guy knows what I’m talking about…"" now please unlock these cuffs”
"I'm not a racist, I was merely describing how I feel, this guy knows what I'm talking about... now please unlock these cuffs"
Blue Dogs got what they deserved, by not supporting real progressive change. Getting rid of them makes room for real Progressives to rise up! Starting now.
They need to take a page out of the Republican playbook and tell people, "Fuck you, our policies WILL work, we know what we doing, please sit down and let us do what you elected us to do" instead of trying to come up with excuses why it hasn't gone the way they wanted it to yet.
First, gays are allowed to get married, then people start marrying their pets, then they start allowing them in the NBA, I saw it on a movie once. True Story.
Nothing says children's costume like Murphy being shot to pieces with chunks blown away as well as a whole arm being severed by gunfire by an entourage of criminals all toting shotguns.
Why is it now the President's job now to defend everything he has achieved? If his administration had done a better job at selling these policies to the public and explaining the long term benefits in the first place, then they wouldn't have to constantly defend themselves. Don't come in after the fact and be on the defensive. Go on the offensive, tell people not to question it, tell them exactly what it is going to achieve in the future and be sure of yourself.
GOD: I command that the temporal world cease. GOD: Sike, lol
I may not be the biggest 30 Rock fan, but I do enjoy watching the show, one thing I love about the show is it's great timing and rhythm. The studio audience and liveness of it totally threw off the whole reason I love the show. It was tough to watch. It reminded me of an SNL skit that went on too long and wasn't very funny.
Community was 30 minute commercial for KFC. A funny one but still.
For some reason getting an NC-17 rating made me want to see Blue Valentine a lot more than before.
Bad Ass Movies Request: The Wild Bunch (ensemble) Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (Warren Oates) Yojimbo or The Seven Samurai (Toshiro Mifune or ensemble) Die Hard (Bruce) Bullitt (Steve McQueen) The French Connection (Gene Hackman) The Dirty Dozen (Lee Marvin + ensemble) The Great Escape (McQueen + Bronson + ensemble) True Grit (John Wayne) The Killer or Hard Boiled (Chow Yun-Fat) The Night of the Hunter (Robert Mitchum) I do not apologize for the long list.
reminds me of the South Park kids
Since we can nominate anything, I nominate Citizen Kane.
and my too late of a post to possibly win at this point