
may win for "Worst Photoshop DVD Cover Art of All Time"
Kingdom of Heaven. It's got everything. Orlando Bloom trying to act tough. It's 3 hours long and is terrible boring and confusing.
Not to mention the film is insulting to parents. The parents in that film are TERRIBLE people! They are so stricken with grief they forget about the one daughter that they have who is still alive.
I think the Monsters don't watch enough bad movies, so we end up with nominations for movies they didn't really like instead of WMOATs. I say... Grindhouse
You haven't tried their new "Rocks and Feces" flavor? blueray thanx!
That was cute and actually answered more questions than finale did.
this one literally should have won
That's the funny thing about conventions. Sometimes you get lucky and actually end up seeing something cool and other times you feel like you stood in line the whole time and saw nothing. That being said, I enjoyed reading Gabe's bitching. Maybe you should have been drunk Gabe, that helps.
Requiem for a Dreamweaver
I agree with That One. And to those who say that the movie didn’t leave them with any interesting ideas afterwords I say "How could it not?"
Nolan cast ACTORS...not supermodels
I thought they ending had less to do with the movie and was more for our own self-reflection of our own perception of our own existence
Why reboot Big Sleep when their's dozens of other Chandler Phillip Marlowe novels?
This film = Not a biopic. Not even really about Ginsberg himself...more of commentary on interpretation of art set against that obscenity trial.
I'm surpised Gabe hasn't reported that heaven got a little more Harvey Pekar today.
Well Toy Story and those Harry Potter books weren't marketed towards me either but I enjoyed them thoroughly because they are actually GOOD and not TERRIBLE. Who says something generally geered toward younger people still can't be enjoyed by all for what it is because what it is is really good? I say the creators of Twilight are still negligible.
I used to enjoy reading these comment portions of Videogum. They were amusing and clever. But lately, it seems everyone is just talking about this Steve Winwood person, which I don't really get...or care about.
Get your god damn hands off my wife!
For a second I thought Gabe was talking about Knight and Day starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz because that does not look great.
Gabe you have to see Toy Story 2 this instant!
Roger looks constipated, perhaps Don is setting up a new deal with Ex-Lax for him.
Leno 2.0 is still doing no better than "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" had, he's actually lagging behind, and Letterman's numbers have been up since Jay returned. So I don't know how this was a good money decision considering they never let Conan gain any ground and made him follow the unwatchable Jay Leno Show. Check out the graph here.
Stop talking about hip-hop culture like it's still the 1980s and as if you were even there.
What kind of explanation are you looking for exactly? It's not scientific. You said it yourself, it's a MAGIC island. Some just things cannot be explained, it's too fantastical.
The show is about entertainment first. All those shocking twist and turns and mysteries kept us entertained, kept us watching, and made the experience more enjoyable. There is no way they could have answered everything, but I wouldn't have had the show any other way.
Actually I think he got downvoted because he did not like Doogie Howser.
I think Gabe might have mentioned it because other people in the blogosphere have been making that same connection about the movie as well.
The History Channel is owned by Disney. They are the ones who are writing history now. Think about that.
The only one on that list I'll probably go see is Get Him to the Greek, although I do believe you missed to include Inception.
Funniest right now would be Bill Hader
Ann from Parks is the worst character...that is all.
third. And Hugh Jackman is in it! So we get pee pants jokes and The Hunt!
This season needs to take a few episodes to explain what's happening with Nikki, Paulo, Cesar, and Illana in the sideways world because they all were very important and crucial to the story.
That's what you get John Locke for throwing me down a well, you invalid! - Desmond