
I think Conan is probably pretty jaded about how he was treated by major networks. He'll be able to push the boundaries more on cable. It'll better suit him because he just didn't really fit in on the majors.
There's also a lot of Charles' Chalie Pace Charles Widmore Charlie (Desmond and Penny's kid) Charles Dickens (mentioned several times)
Inception Due Date Tron Legacy Toy Story 3 Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Don't get me wrong. I love Lost. I thought Season 4 and 5 were excellent, but lately it's been feeling like Season 3 all over again, and that's a bad thing.
not to the mention the adventures in the temple felt like a hydra station-like waste of time and the sudden shifts in character do not feel earned.
I think the problem with these flash-sideways stories is that, while we're sure that all this will mean something later, right now, we've been given no hint that it will, so it means very little to us right now. Therefore, it's not very effective to a crowd hungry for answers.
Beside the monologue, I was not impressed. It's almost like they didn't want to feature him in that many sketches, so they forced him into the background randomly a bunch of times. Although I only watched the online one, which didn't have Pageant Talk!
Was it just me or was the entire episode either latino jokes and/or curling jokes?
The Hangover had a pretty weak premise too, Doug got to the wedding, but it was still hilarious.
She must be mad he named her Ireland.
What was with all the crying in last night's episode? Kate cries, Sayid cries while being tortured, Sawyer cries, Claire cries, Kate cries again. What is this? The Crying Game? Somebody needs a puppy.
My Teenage Vagina
MTV: Mandatory Testing of Venereal-disease
MTV: Marrying Twilight Vampires
Zooey Deschanel is a jerk for getting married....why not me Zooey?
Rob McElhenney, "Mac" from Always Sunny guest stars in tonights Lost!
I'm still waiting on word about the spin-off series, "Desmond: Lost in Time".
Sayid is totally Jacob now. Jacob found his own loophole. He gave Hurely the guitar case, he told Hurley what to do, he told them if they didn't do it they would all be in trouble. Jacob set it all up. Locke vs. Sayid!
My theory; all the people who have died on the island have retained their memories in the alternate timeline, and Desmond too, because he's "special". It's why Boone said what he said to Locke, why Juliet said "it worked", and how Charlie knew he had to die. This hasn't been revealed to the other castaways because they wouldn't believe it.
Sometimes people on LOST die, sometimes they mysteriously get healed. No explanation needed.
Season 3 gave us classic LOST episodes like "Through the Looking Glass" and "The Man Behind the Curtain", so it's not all bad.
Yeah, it's poetic that the "King of the Wolrd" will get dethrowned by his Ex-Wife. Hurt Locker ftw!
That Stella comment is the best, I'll never think of the drink the same again.
That ad is pretty terrible. However the Tim Tebow pro-life one they actually are airing has a pretty bad catchphrase too. It goes, "Don't get an abortion because your baby could turn out to be a great football star". A totally realistic reason why you should not get an abortion.
"don't worry Mr. President, I'm not going to take your job away from you. Yet!" ZING! You could be one of his writers!
Go see the The Tooth Fairy, it's more fun than a root canal!
It's true this movie may be crap, but I agree with Variety's assessment of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
Topher gets to hang out with Rachel Bilson! Dammit I wish I was on a popular TV show 12 years ago!
When I saw those question marks I thought..."So Thom Yorke MIGHT be playing? Are they not sure?"
might I also add..Carey Mulligan as Mary Jane
District 9 - the best movie I've seen all year An Education - I'm in love with Carrie Mulligan 500 Days of Summer - I'm in man-love with JGL Lovely Bones - pontetial WMOAT candidate
I nominate the Lovely Bones. I saw it. It was bad. Like 'What Dreams May Come' bad.
Nobody is arguing whether or not what Mr. Polanski allegedly did was right or wrong. It's obviously wrong. It's easy to say, "he's a rapist, we should lock him up and throw away the key." Treating it like that won't prevent someone from doing it again or stop others from committing the same crimes. It's more complicated that that. Crimes like these are a symptom, not a disease. The punishment for such crimes must factor in things like what caused such behavior in the accused? Are they a danger to society? Can they or have they been rehabilitated and how? And most importantly consider what is best for the victim.
Nobody is arguing whether or not what Mr. Polanski allegedly did was right or wrong. It's obviously wrong. It's easy to say, "he's a rapist, we should lock him up and throw away the key." Treating it like that won't prevent someone from doing it again or stop others from committing the same crimes. It's more complicated that that. Crimes like these are a symptom, not a disease. The punishment for such crimes must factor in things like what caused such behavior in the accused? Are they a danger to society? Can they or have they been rehabilitated and how? And most importantly consider what is best for the victim.
might I also add How Not to Live Your Life?
Not to condone what Polanski did, but it should noted that the alleged drugging and raping charges were not proven and dismissed and changed to just statutory rape. He clearly was somebody who needed help but has deserved a change to rehabilitate himself.
Iron Man flys high into the air and shoots a missle at Mickey Rourke. Mickey Rourke, who does not seem to have any armor or shield, is instantly disintegrated. Iron Man high fives Don Cheadle and has sex with Scarlett Johanssen. The End.