
I loved how they just reused the whole Space Jam soundtrack.
This was the first movie I saw on 3D and i think it will be the last. I went to see it at the IMAX and while the movie is tasteful with the 3D and very effective in some key scenes, the technology is still not 100% there, IMDO. The payoff was too little in exchange for the crisp clarity of regular IMAX. Light effects are sometimes treated as physical objects and it's kind of off-putting. I'm not sorry I watched it like this, but I think I prefer to watch a sharper image than 3d.
Loved the movie but I prefer the original title.
I actually knew about the impossibility of spaceswimming space station to spacestation because I watched some documentaries on space and read wikipedia (ladies) not because I'm smart (I SAID LADIES) and it didn't bother me. Space is simply a plot point in Sandra's world falling out around her. The part that did bother me was, like Kelly mentioned, the daughter reveal. Though, I'm not sure how it would've been handled better because, like i said, i am not smart, but I think Cuaron could've probably figured out a way to make it more organic. The thing about NDG complaining bothers me, not in that this is a far more realistic space movie than any out there. I don't think anyone waked out thinking this actually happened, the same way people don't actually think we have Avengers, but I don't see why NDG is not embracing pop-culture's-however fickle- fascination with space. Remember the spacejump? Don't get me wrong, I think NDG is a supergenius and a great asset to society but this just seems petty.
I'm not really into pot, but what did David Edelstein say, Flanny?
Question, should I see Gravity in IMAX 3D or just regular IMAX? I've never seen a 3D film and I hear mixed opinions. What do YOU think?
Good point. That's what I get for not labeling the pictures in my computer. Anyways, here's a few pics of my pets. Aren't they adorable?
There's a couple daycares by my house. One time I was walking my 5lb brindle Pom Chi and I waled past a line of rope kids. They all started saying yelling stuff like, puppy, doggy, and the such. Then a little girl just went, "NOOOOO, that nawt a dawg, is a CAWT!"
Yo, what is the most scary moment in a non-scary movie or show? I vote the Halloween episode of Louie where he takes his kids trick or treating. That ish was genuinely disturbing.It's very well paced and filled with realistic super scary stakes.
Also Harland Williams was in it.
That dog's spirit was trapped between the torment of life and the nothingness of death.
Could be, but he ran away like an Abott and Costello Meet the Frankenstein when Rory told him she saw a ghost, then has no reaction when she sees her corpse. IDK, I ain't no psychiatrist, I'm just saying the movie didn't seem to follow the same tone. shrug.emoticon.
BNPG: Halloween Indie Bands Architecture in Hellsinki Super Scary Animals Werewolf Parade Guided by Dog Voices
I got desensitized to scary movies when I was little, back when me and my cousins would marathon Freddy Krueger movies back to back and that human centipede/saw thing just ain't my bag, but I like this, mainly because it was kind of just a romantic comedy with a scary ending. And even then, the most scary part was the fake-out website thing. My question is, why wasn't Scott more upset with her death? The movie spends most of the time building up their relationship until then throws it all away by making him not even that disturbed by it. Is it that once you put ghosts in your movie everything else doesn't matter? Seems to me, the movie would've been more enjoyable with a more ambiguous ending, where you don't know if the ghost killed Rory or it was just a panic-induced asthma attack. And I should know, I have a license to comment on pop culture websites.
"Cash or credit?" "Dog."
Aww, adorable, and a lot less depressing than my dogs' toys, Seita and Setsuko from Grave of the Fireflies.
Holy crap! I just noticed my dog is Guy Fieri.
I prefer the inspirational route.
You can't just mention a rabbit and not post pics.
It does but he actually just chewed it up real good. It worked fine at Walgreen but the cashier gave me a look of concern followed by immediate indifference.
Gadzooks! I haven't been to an extravaganza in a Month of Sundays.
My dog ate my debit card.
What were her arguments? We can't decide who is right if you don't specify.
You can set up a different profile just to watch movies that are guilty pleasures. Or so I hear.
What about creepy movies? I vote: Black Moon Anything by Alejandro Jodorowsky Dau Eraserhead Aguirre, Wrath of God Come and See Oogielovies
And if you don't have Netflix, you guys can come over to my place and watch it on my home theater, the way it's meant to be watched.
Beware! Children at Play! is the best scary movie and I am willing to fight anyone who says otherwise.
Can we talk about Rob Schneider's stupid vitamin business and the supplement industry in general? Did you know that, unlike FDA regulated drugs, supplements are not tested at all by the FDA? That means that anyone can just get a bunch of random ingredient and sell them to the public without the authorization of any medical experts. Remember the whole ephedra thing, where people started dying because of the popularity of the supplement? The government had to wait for people to die in order to regulate it because of that stupid supplement law. Also, unless your doctor suggest or prescribes it, you don't really need any supplements if you eat a balanced diet. Of course your stupid business should be regulated, you are a snake oil salesman! ANGRY.GIF!
Can we talk about how dalmatian is possibly the worst dog to make coats out of? The spots are uneven and the patterns are random. You have to breed a ton of dogs just to make one that has an even coat. Even then they have tons of health issues due to inbreeding between dogs that have similar spots. People talk about Cruella being evil, but what about the dogs's owners? How did they get 101 perfectly spotted dogs? Oh sure, they just happened to have a pair of dogs that had a litter overspawn by 1400%? Get real, those people are the worst, they probably ran the most vicious puppy mill ever. Anyways, if you wanted to get a real even and soft coat you would go with lab or chow. Not that I've thought about this before...
I stuck with this show even after the awful years. The past couple of seasons have actually been pretty good, but yeah, it's time to go. Last season's X-mas special was supposed to be the series finale, and it's actually one of the best episodes of the past 10 or so years, so I think this is it for me. Love you forever, Simpsons S1-Whateverlastonewas but I just can't watch a Family Guy/Simpsons crossover. Fan love you.
I think it signified Jesse breaking off from Walt's mind games. He realized Walt was dying anyways and he did break him out of Nazi desert prison. If he killed Walt the guilt would have gotten to him the same as when he killed Gale. Jesse and Walt were never really into being physical with their murders. They mostly outsmarted people. They even had qualms about killing Crazy 8 who tried to kill them. I think the way Jesse killed Todd was a callback to that. By letting Walt die by himself, he let Walt go, Just like Molly let Mr Magorium go.
OH wait, I do have something to say. It was the Mister Magorium ending!
: (H( (teethface emoticon)
Shhhhh (inside joke for Stu and the peeps at Fatcat) I had a bunch of thoughts but after reading Kelly's recap I have nothing else to recap.