
Shhhhh (inside joke for Stu and the peeps at Fatcat) I had a bunch of thoughts but after reading Kelly's recap I have nothing else to recap. A+
How about 10 best comments? I think this works over at SG and there's way more quality comments here at VG. I do not think the 5 lowest comment section works, though. My feeling is that it creates confrontation for the sake of confrontation. There's ,like, 3 people who are good at it, but I personally prefer to just ignore trolling for the sake of trolling. In fact, I don't think I would miss the Lowest Voted in VG at all. Not to say there should not be downvotes, but once the comment is hidden it's done for. Gabe used to be good at putting the smack down on the LV but I get a feeling that Kellly just likes to ignore it? If that's the case, I don't see the point of keeping it. I understand the value of it when the community was being created but at this point I think the core community pretty much knows not to be racist/sexist/crazy/cool. (20 year old references, wazza!) Plus if Kellly really want to call someone out she can always do it in the MB intro, because she is the baws of these here web parts. I don't know, maybe YOU think too much about blogs you read.
More Steve Winwood. Kelly gets a cat. Kelly gets a time machine. More Pony Days. Mans. Kelly recaps the NFl, evenspecially if she does not understands the game. 5% less gifs, 352% more cliparts. More Katherine Chloe Cahoon. Let me know what shows to watch. I don't know current shows as I mostly watch tv when I'm supposed to be working. Kate should have a weekly post. (Possibly an old Star Trek recap?) More Patrick M. Kelly goes to more talk shows. Karate Thursdays. Casual Fridays. More explosions and curse words. Weirder Internet videos. Buffalo chicken. Monster Pet of the Week.
Woops, Wrong post. I'm going back to watching Mr Magorioum.
Because Whedon writing is arbitrary and makes no sense. That's right, Internet, downvote me, but I'm taking this guy with me: Mwahahahahahaha!
Nick Fury is seen here recruiting the newest Avenger, Spatenman.
Send your loved one a link to this comment. tape it.
So, if what Stu says is true, Molly is Jesse, Henry is Saul and blue meth is the Congreve Cube? Does this mean Jesse and Saul team up in the end? Jesse would end up being the new Heisenberg, with his last spark of humanity destroyed he is free to light up the meth empire just like Molly lit up the store.
So Kelly Can finally meet up and Marry Jesse, BUT AT WHAT COST?
Seriously, does anyone know the official timeline to Breaking bad? The show debuted January 2008 and Mr Magorium was released on home video on March 4th, which makes me think Robert Foster bought the Blu-ray version the day it came out, took it to the cabin, realized he only had a DVD player, drove 60 miles back to the store, realized he forgot the disc back at the cabin, bought the DVD version, drove back, made smores, opened up a bottle of wine, and watched Mr Magorium's DVD just for the bonus features. But that;s just my theory, how do you think Breaking Bad will end?
So these past few episodes have proven how well planned the series is, which is pretty awesome considering how sloppy the loose ends seem right now, but more importantly, WHAT DOES THIS MAEAN?! I've karaoke'd with the girl wearing orange! Am I in breaking Bad? Does this mean I'm about to get Gale'd?! Who is the one who knocks? I'm scared.
Dang you, Breaking Bad, your science is just too tight.
Regarding Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium, I hate when the collector's edition comes just a few months after the director's cut.
Also in Nebraska: 311. "Next time, on the season premiere of Better Call Saul:"
Shout out to all my friends at
Ah, I have a very similar story about that book, but change Middle School to High School.
There's only one J.D. Salinger book, right?
When I was in middle school a couple of friends and I read the book and we went around calling everything and everyone "phony," which was the phoniest thing we could've done.
I am the one who double posts. I am the comment mangler.
And to that point, I don't think Walt ever needed Jesse for his criminal activities. I mean, he pretty much figured out everything for himself and just manipulated Jesse into doing the dirty work. But more importantly, Jesse kept him somewhat sane. Even when Walt was manipulating him, he always had a teacher-student dynamic with him. He needed the excuse his family needing money for committing his crimes but he needed Jesse as a protege to keep focus. Even after Jesse leaves he takes on Todd as an apprentice.
And to that point, I don't think Walt ever needed Jesse for his criminal activities. I mean, he pretty much figured out everything for himself and just manipulated Jesse into doing the dirty work. But more importantly, Jesse kept him somewhat sane. Even when Walt was manipulating him, he always had a teacher-student dynamic with him. He needed the excuse his family needing money for committing his crimes but he needed Jesse as a protege to keep focus. Even after Jesse leaves he takes on Todd as an apprentice.
One thing I really liked was the rolling of the barrel. Before Walt was stealing millions of dollars worth of methylamine he had to steal a single barrel to get an edge over other meth retailers. Unlike the train robbery, which was untraceable, Walt and Jesse stumble into a warehouse and make a mess. Hank and Gomey laugh at the security tape and say something like, "why didn't they just roll it?"
Actually I'm really tired from working long hours but I'm stoked about the spinoff.
Yes. I heard Odenkirk talking about it with PFT and it seemed he was into it. Hearing the producers wanting to get this done instead of the network is another plus. Just don't call it Saul Goodman: Criminal, Lawyer.
Speaking as an an oaf, one day we'll get our day. One day.
A while ago my dad went into the office and he had his dog. People saw him holding him like a baby and kissing the top of his head when he thought no one was looking and the whole office went "yup, that's his dad."
No. We did have snakes but we fed them rats. Rats were food. We did not feed them bunnies. Bunnies were also pets, as were gerbils and hamsters. The one time I did have a rat my dad sat on it and it got completely pancaked like a Looney Tunes cartoon. I once had a tarantula in with a scorpion. The scorpion ate the tarantula. Then, a bit afterwards, we went on vacation and I left a ton of crickets for the scorpion to eat. When we came back the crickets had eaten all the gooey parts of the scorpion, leaving just the outside exoskeletor.
Probably the miniature monkey-type thing or the eagle that I used to have to feed chicken heads to.
I don't know if I've ever mentioned this here, but growing up my parents had tons of exotic animals. They would also get into situations where they got in over their heads. So I have this recurring nightmare where they buy a big cat, usually a lion or tiger and I have to figure out how to take care of it. #dreams
Pretty sure milk pants is that dog's nightmare.
Also not a caption, but I would like to post a picture of Canela getting ready fro Breaking Bad.
I think I figured it out. Bad vines are the ones where, from the beginning, people are shouting for no reason or the sound is turned all the way up and GOOD VINES ARE THE ONES WHERE EVERYTHING'S QUIET THEN THE PEOPLE SUDDENLY SHOUT AND/OR TURN THE MUSIC WAY LOUD!!!"
My favorite chihuahua moments: My mom's dog, Chamoy, is the smallest grown chihuahua I've ever seen. He's a bit under 4lbs and walks with his tail between his legs. His previous owners used to lock him in a bathroom, so now he has abandonment issues and he just wants to be carried everywhere. Anyways, this one time he saw a sitting 100 Lb pit bull mix and Chamoy went behind him and started humping him. IDK, it was funny and I'm immature, what you going to do? Here's a video of my parent's dogs with my dogs rascaling about.
Oh man, adorable baby panda and TWO chihuahua videos? Best Petting Zoo ever.
No no no, Cocoa's a boy. The quinceañera is for Canela
If I have a quinceañera for my dog's 15th month "birthday" would you guys still speak to me? Also, would you bring beer and a small dog?