
He's in advertising
Oh, I think this is only the beginning of her problems.
Oh, and this is for Koko, who suggested Cocoa sing "Georgia On My Mind."
Great job, Kelly! To be fair, I always thought of you as our blog mom. Well, our fake blog mom. Kate's our real blog mom, but you're at least our older sister who's allowed to use the oven ...but I'm older than you? Man, metaphors are hard.
In local news, Cocoa enjoys wearing glasses.
Loved today's entry.
And yet my Pictures Taken From Inside of Cabs of People Hailing Cabs on The Street remains unproduced.
I will say this, though. When I was sick and spend many weeks doing nothing, VG was there for me. It kept me sane and there's really not much that I can say to properly thank you for that. Here's to people being not dicks!
I don't want to say how much I like this stupid website because everyone who iKnows me already knows that, so I'll just say thanks, Gabe. Thank you monsters & see you next week, Kelly. And in the words of an 80 year old Mexican man who's dressed like a kid for the past 60 years:
I just went "Awwwwwwwwww" to this and my friend, who is here with me today before heading to Lollapalooza, came to see what I was reading and saw the headline and looked at me like I was a lunatic.
I started playing it a while ago and I liked it but then I decided to do something weird, which was just logging in to give everyone lives and extra moves. That way it says I've been "stuck on level 80" or whatever for 64 days but people think I'm still playing. I don't know it sounded like a funny weird thing to do at the time but I'm pretty sure everyone just thinks I am really dumb(er). Oh well.
If I was rich the first thing I would do would be to contract Pogo to make a song with soundbites from these videos. Then I would get pancakes.
* Pets I want to own before I die. I do not know what pets you want to own before I die.
Add one more to the list. Pets U want to own before I die 1) Raccoon 2)Red Panda 3)Groundhog 4) Giant turtle to give my chihuahua rides. Cats 1) Serval 2)Toyger 3) Ocecat Dogs 1) Basset hound 2) Bulldog 3) COrgy 4) Teddy Bear 5) Rideable dog 6) Hairless Mexican dog 7) Barkless African dog
Thanks for upvoting that mess of a paragraph, fellow web surfers! See you at the Pitchforks. Don't forget to sing my guestbook.
Say what you will about remakes but I for one am psyched for this new Last Year at Marienbad.
I think I_comment_ergo_I_am is missing the point here. Never mind that Winnetka is one of the most affluent Chicago suburbs and the family had money and a family reunion that very well might have called for the trendiest, most expensive pizza in town. The point is, the pizza was merely a symbol of adulthood. As outlined in this geocities page, Kevin is unfairly punished over pizza. He can't do anything about it because he is a kid. Years later riding in a limo with a whole pizza to himself seems like the definition of "making it" as an adult. So the amount of money is meant to seem astronomically large to a kid. It's meant to represent the helplessness that Kevin feels throughout the film.
Can't say for sure, but it was either jorts, Zubaz or bicycle shorts.
Another time I was riding shotgun while he was driving. We were headed to the record store so he could buy the New Kids On the Block album that he wanted. I would come home from school and he would be watching their music videos and he would mimic their dance. I caught him a couple of times holding on to the bottom of his foot and trying to jump it with the other foot. I don't know what that dance step is called but you don't see many portly linemen-built teenagers pulling it off. On the car ride, he kept humming the Robotech theme and making space ship noises until we hit a 5 foot pile of sand. That was the end of his Caribe. But more importantly, It was also the beginning of me realizing just what an oaf he truly was.
By which I mean don't wear collared shirts with the sleeves ripped off, jorts or tacky belt buckles.
When I was a kid my parents bought my brother a VW Caribe and two Samoyeds. Being the show off that he is, he put on his fanciest jorts along with his brass bull skull belt buckle and ripped sleeves collar shirt and he took his dogs for a long ride around town. This being Mexico and the Caribe not having any air conditioning, the dogs died of dehydration. Be careful out there, guys.
Cocoa, my 6 month old pup keeps wanting to go for a walk, but when we go out he lays down after a few steps. This is him dealing with the heat.
I don't know about you guys but It's almost 3:11 where I'm at and I'm ready to sit back and listen to some holiday tunes.
The hostess at the South Loop Yolk in Chicago looks just like a Mexican Kelly Conaboy. I would have her this but I'm not sure what the etiquette is regarding telling some one that they look like an editor of a mid-size pop culture blog. I think she was weird'd out as it was because I kept looking at my phone then looking back at her. Unless...Kelly, you're not secretly Mexican, have a bunch of tattoos and work party time in Chicago, do you?
Mr Taco Goes to The Internet.
FUCK YEAH! Great Week, everyone! Now lets go get fucked up with some brew and listen to this to celebrate! WE DID IT!
I read your tweet about couples sharing email addresses earlier and it reminded me of something. I used to live in the building of this rich kid. He used to have this record label where, My guess is, he would just put anyone willing to sing in front of a studio. I remember looking at their website on time and it was just bad awful art. This was during the time when Myspace was king and everyone was either a model, photographer or musician. Anyways, one of the song was this guy strumming a guitar with a chorus that went something like "Looook at the gettho, loook at the gethooo. All the people saaaad. Why are they sad? Does it make you saaaaad" And he had like a team of 12 people working on the label but everyone shared the same email address.
I couldn't log on for a while. Apparently Chrome was messing up my login to VG for some reason. I had to delete my cookies out and everything. It was weird I could read VG but could not comment.It was like that movie, The Muppets' Christmas Carol.
Congrats on the new BMW, Facetaco!
Just saw a guy driving a BMW with a Nobama, a Yankees, a Calvin peeing on the Ford logo, and a Limp Bizket sticker. Just FYI, in case you were looking for the worst person in the world.
I'm not from New Zealand. I'm pretty sure we did it cause we saw it in a movie. Either that or we saw the All-Blacks on TV.
I actually do remember this! Back in my Pee Wee football days we used to do the Haka before every game. To be fair to those kids, I'm pretty sure most of them are Maori. Also, I wore a jacket without a shirt 'cause I saw Vanilla Ice do it.
I need my phone for work and for luddite friends. As for the iStuff, I think that really only applies to the computers. They're well made, but again, I need a computer for work, so mAcs are not an option anyways. But their phones are actually pretty on par with Android and the others. I use my iPod/phone to run and sometimes they just crap out but as long as they're not water damaged, the iBar gEnuises just give you a replacement so it's actually even cheaper than getting a regular MP3 Player.
I recently got into video games again. I took a long break from them when I killed that bastard Bowser back in Super Mario World. Well, except for Madden & Karaoke games. Gotta play something while you're drinking. I'm not really into shooters and action games but I do like these: Tokyo Jungle (this game is as close to art as videogames get IMO) Vegas 2 (this one IS a shooter but it's more about stratyegy than anything else, I tell myself) Katamri Damacy ( just fun) The Walking Dead (way better than the show) Do you guys have any suggestions? Always looking for suggestions. PS. My PSNID is babysdayout if you want to know when I'm watching Netflixes.
I'm actually thinking of downgrading back to a standard phone when my phone eats it. I loves my Galaxy 2 but it eats up battery like a battery-eating fiend. AT&T's call service in Chicago kind of sucks and T-mobile sells the iPhone BUT they make you pay it off with the length of your contract. So not only is it tied to T-mobile but you're in a contract AND you pay full price. Instead I got a new iPod with the camera and it's pretty much the same for a fraction of the cost. Who cares that you have to wait until you get home to upload your Vines™? Plus, the smartphones make it Harder to actually make calls.