
A single waitress took care of 30+ single tabs and her biceps were solid like steel. Total badass, knew everyone's name. The 8) used to make the sunglasses emoticon guy.
dammit, they finally changed the sunglasses guy emoticon
That means the whole time we we are all..Da cake eatur!
1) Two girls who showed up because of the poster. They knew nothing about Videogum, but hopefully they enjoyed themselves. 2) The 1 waitress whom everyone loved and looked like she could kick all our asses at once. 3) Patrick M 4) Kinda 5) Many 6) I ate a slice of pizza for the first time in 2 years. 7) it was very fun 8) deal with it
I make an effort not to get into Internet arguments and I should know better but what the hell, I have a few brain cells to kill. I love how you're quoting "I’d totally be that skilled and dedicated at X if I had more X." Please pt, stop smoking wee day and night, it makes you hear stuff that's not there. I should elaborate on the woodworking stuff more. That was my fault. In an interview I saw of him, he was deriding the youth and saying something about how we should be making something real, wood working was an example. I agree with this but the problem here is not laziness, it's money. First off all, there is a very small market for home made furniture. I am willing to bet the vast majority of monsters have not one single piece of bought home-made furniture. You know why? That shit is expensive. Brazilian redwood can be as much as 15$ a lineal foot. I have no problem with him using his money for this craft, nor buying all the infinity pools he wants, that's his money. BUT giving wood-working as an example of something lazy kids should be doing is kind of like Gwyneth Paltrow saying kids should be eating a 100$ plate of kale a day to be healthy.
Until he quits his day job and supports himself by selling chairs, it's a hobby.
This is just me and please downvote me for it if you disagree but I don't like Nick Offerman. He puts on this macho dad 1950s persona while living off acting. Like, I ain't care if you do that, some of my best friends are actors but the few interviews I've seen of him, he acts like he's better than you cause he can follow Ikea directions. Dude, you didn't build your infinity pool yourself. I love woodworking too, I just can't afford it. Your hobby is, that, a hobby, not a job. Also, Ron Swanson is just Garfield. From his love of food, to his mustache to being a government worker who hates the government* To his relationship with Odie/Sam Seaborn. No thanks, bro. *cat who hates chasing mice/his job.
I googled the Rock-a-fire Explosion because of Steve Winwood and a picture with the caption Chris Thrash came up. I misread it as Chris Trash because I am an idiot.
Havoc or Facetaco?
Hey, Kelly, thanks for asking. I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said better before but I know everyone has their Google alerts set to "faceless Internet commentator Chris Trash'es take on Boston Marathon bombing," so I might as well say it. I love sports. I love sports and I don't care who knows. I have witnessed more heartbreaking and dramatic events watching sports than watching movies and TV.* I've been a fan of long-distance running for a while now, since my cousin began running them about 12 years ago. My cousin was never very talented at other sports but she immediately fell in love with long distance running. "Running is about hard work not talent," she would say. I guess this is true to a point. I mean, at any given marathon, no mattter how big it is, there are only about 30 people who have a realistic chance of winning it, but tens of thousands of people run along, trailing the winners by many minutes or, more likely, hours. Spectators at a marathon are just as likely to cheer for someone finishing at 6 hours as they are for those finishing in 2. It's truly very inspiring, seeing strangers connect with strangers, even if just for a bit. The whole thing is, for lack of a better word, very monster-like. I, myself started running after the 2007 Chicago Marathon. I was watching it in Pilsen, a culturally mixed neighborhood, mostly composed of scruffy hipsters and Mexican immigrants. The marathon was unseasonably hot that year, upper 90s, I think, and it took a toll on the runners. The marathon organizers ran out of supplies and several people were hospitalized. I think 2 died and 40+ were hospitalized. I felt very inspired watching immigrant families spending their money on ice or water to hand out to the runners. I mean, some of those people are barely making ends meet, spending 10 bucks on Ice for strangers is a big deal. I ran pretty seriously** for the next couple of years, even placing 4th in the Chicago Area Runners Association's Clydesdale division for 2009 until I was hospitalized after being poisoned. Running made me a better, less cynical person. When I had to stop because of my health it was a huge blow to my psyche. I gravitated to VG because I found the same level of camaraderie within these web walls. I know I've said this before but I really appreciate how you guys helped me stay sane during my recovery period. I love you guys.*** Back to my cousin. Her dream for the last decade was to qualify for the Boston Marathon. As you might know, Boston is not an open race, which ads to its prestige. She never had. She came close in 2010 but missed it by 2 seconds. So when she finally qualified last October, she was obviously ecstatic. She planned the trip since then and trained on snowy hills all winter. I had planned on going but I was unable to go due to work. Her mom came from Mexico to see her run, even if just for a few seconds, and many of my family followed. They even met with one of my cousin who, coincidentally, was supposed to be a flight attendant in one of the planes that hit the towers on 911 until her friend asked to switch flights with her**** Anyways, make a long story not quite as long, my cousin finished the marathon 15 minutes before the first bomb went off. She had gotten her gear and was walking towards the finish line to meet the rest of my family. There were many variables that could've gone either way as far as their position but luckily both my family and my cousin were a couple blocks away from either blast. I don't know why I'm sharing this, except yes I do but I don't know how to say it. But I'll give it a try, I've had a couple of times where I've been close to death. I've been poisoned, I've been in a car accident that split open the side of my forehead where you could see my skull, I've been feet away from gunshots not intended at me. But so what? We are all living in a giant space rock full of natural disasters, orbiting a star with the energy of a million nuclear bombs, dodging space debris while we ride 2 ton machines and eating over-processed foods and God knows what else. Lets just be excellent to each other and remember, you are Lisa Simpson. *That is why, perhaps, when watching motion pictures, television programs or internet blogs I chose comedy or surrealism over drama, but that's not important to my ramble. **seriously as in, I ran a lot not I was fast or anything. ***Well, not you specifically, but I love the fact that most of you aren't just out to make strangers out to be assholes, like most of the Internet. ****life is weird, huh?
Why do people like Ron Swanson? He's just a human version of Garfield the cat. Dude is okay in bits and pieces but whenever he gets a big storyline it is zzzzz-time. Hahahah You can't downvote me, anymore! your power over my pop culture quips is gone!!
Normally I have no interest in celebrities doing mundane things but I would pay cash money to see that edited into the MacGyver opening credits.
Not really, we were heading to South Padre for spring break.
There's a 3-legged greyhound at my local dog park. It runs just fine but it still looks pretty sad. I wonder how far we are from affordable dog legs prosthetics.
Marcello's is great, I also would recommend FLow & Santo's
Werttrew! Does tenure mean you can comment again?
I spent my lunch hour reminiscing about all the crazy animals my parents used to own. Then I googled miniature pot belly pigs and found out THEY DO NOT EXIST!? Apparently they are marketed as miniatures in order to sell them as pets but they can grow up to be 200lbs. No thanks, brah.
I like animals and animal stories, is what I'm trying to say.
I don't eat meat anymore* and I can't cook. If you're a meat lover, may I recommend cooking a chorizo and wrapping it with a skirt steak? May I? *except for fish, fuck them.
My uncle had a pet monkey and a pet dog. The monkey used to love to make the dog angry by poking his dog butt hole. One day the dog was waiting for him and it caught it by the neck. It attacked it so violently that the monkey was decapitated.
Cow tongue soup is delicious. Cow brains is gross. Iguana is bland. Rabbit tastes like stiff chicken. Alligator is sooogoood.gif Frog legs are gross. Crickets are surprisingly okay. Snake is meh.
If you ever drive by a dead animal in a really hot climate you see this Eli Roth-esque scene where all the guts all splayed out around it. Apparently, some animals can explode from the heat after they die.
I had a turtle that I painted with nail polish for some reason. It went missing for like 2 years, only to reappear in our front garden. I think it lived in our septic tank.
For all I know, it could've been. This was a monkey looking thing, with a tiny body. Looked like some type of rodent or mini-ape. Maybe that's what Mexican posums look like, I don't know.
My dad sat on my rat. This was at my cousin's so there was like 6 kids desperately looking for the rat for what seemed like hours. we did not find it until we were about to leave, and there it was, as flat as a sticker like int he old bugs bunny cartoons.
He used to tell me he caught them with a metal box, a stick and a mouse. He would wait for them to get the mouse and pull the stick. My mom would be waiting with a burlap sack to take the eagle. I believed this for most of my life until about 5 years ago when he admitted he bought them from a bird of prey dealer.
One time I caught something that looked like an aye aye or some thing. I put it like in a bucket where it hung by its tail to a stick, like a possum. It escaped after a couple of days. To this day I don't know exactly what kind of animal it was.
The only time I remember crying as a kid* was when my hamster, Rosita, died. I cried for days. *I was a weird kid who never cried, not even when I slashed my leg with a broken soda bottle.
One of our neighbors called the authorities to tell them we had it. When they came to look my dad swapped it from its cage with a chicken.
Also, my brother once put a rubber band on one of our cocker spaniels. He later had to have it surgically removed because he grew into it and it was cutting off his circulation. He also had one of our Siberian huskies die of dehydration because he drove with it in an un-air conditioned Volkswagen beatttle.
One time my much older brother brought a squirrel home. It ate all the wiring in our refrigerator.
Growing up in Mexico my parents always had tons of animals. My parents were workaholics so most of the time I was alone with them after school, unless my grandmother was home. I used to feed chicken heads to our eagles and falcon and regular animal feed to out other animals. Anyways, to this day I have weird anxiety dreams were my parents buy a tiger and they expect me to care for it.
That's YOUR friend's boss.