
When I was a kid my brother used to melt cheese over a frozen pizza. He would then roll the pizza and eat it like a wrap. What I'm saying is, where's the cooking machine for him, science?
thanks, I'll check it out
One time my dad asked my brother's ex-wife why a rabbit was associated with Easter and she responded, "Because Jesus liked rabbits."
I liked the Walking Dead video game and Plants V Zombies, any recommendations for games like that?
What's the best screen saver?
Come to this! Just remember not to objectify men too much. #safezone
Jiff> Bo
I have distant family who are Mexican Jews so I got curious about the culture and hit Wikipedia. Next thing I know I'm reading a detailed list of Mexican Jews, and upon realizing what I had done started feeling really shitty about myself. If the FBI is listening, I was just reading it out of curiosity, please take me off your lists. Thank you. cream.
r u realy a skwrl?
Are you talking about Pyrat?
Why are you not coming to the meetup?
I feel like they did that with The office too. The first couple episodes were just awful but, after a while, the American Office had better episodes then the original The Office.
Ah damn. You got me. I liked Chaos Theory. I just think they stopped caring about the narrative in season 2 and relied to heavy on references to relate to the characters instead of human experience.
I have never seen any Harry Potters nor do I care to.
Those 3 were great episodes but the series as a whole started going downhill from there. I don't think there's a single episode from season 3 that was on par with those 3 or any from season 1.
Also, the first season of Parks and Rec was horrible.
I would like to take this opportunity to mention that I like the movie The Notebook and that I didn't like Community past season one. Thank you.
Counter point: Adam Schefter is the best.
Yup. Facebook event page:
Woops. Sorry, Amrit. I'll get Stu to change it.
The dangers of trampolines have gone unspoken in this country for far too long.
Meetup flyer, guys. Pass it on. If you see something say something.
A bit ago I used to go to this shitty gym in Pilsen. I did not want to leave my locker unlocked so I always too my lock key with me into the shower. They towels they gave us barely covered any of my glory but it was okay because I used to work out at 6AM, where the only two people working out would be me and the old naked guy. So one day I forget my key inside the locker and there's no one there. The only person working at this time is a 16 year old girl and the front desk is right outside the men's locker room. Did I mention this gym was crappy? So I stand there naked, except for a tiny towel in the middle of the locker room. The locker opens up just a tiny bit but not enough for me to reach my key. I can, however, reach my headphones. So I dig them out. These are the kind of headphones that people used for running/gym where there's a sort of hook around your ear. I try for maybe 10 minutes to hook my keys up with headphones when I remember I have a work meeting right at 9. There's still no one there but I have to go soon so I open the door 1/4 of an inch and tell the girl my situation. Anyways, it takes another 15 minutes for the guy with the bolt cutters to get there, just as I finally hook my keys and let out a big "YES!!!!" He looks at me and immediately walks right back out. The point of the story is always use a combination lock at the gym.
I'm wearing a cheap suit and I enjoy the following things: House of Cards The New Girl The Office (IDK, I'm really liking this season) The Walking Dead videogame American women who are experts at dating European men Rappers who kill the rap game on a daily basis Animatronic wolves Blogs about bad movies Watching The Simpsons in French Small dogs Cats Alcohol Feist I had some multivitamins, tea and a small bag of Takis for breakfast.
About 5 years ago I was at a mostly black party in the south side of Chicago, where I was one of maybe 3 non-black people at the party. I was dancing with a girl and feeling pretty good about myself when the DJ announced the Cupid Shuffle was coming up. Everyone started yelling with joy and getting in a well organized line. Then everyone started dancing in unison as if they've practiced this together. This was a room of about 200 + people! Now, at this point I was hanging out in different parts of the city, the west side, the south side, etc. SO it's not like I was just some out of touch dude but I had never even heard the song , much less learned all the steps. I felt like everyone was looking at me, which is ridiculous because everyone was dancing. I just kind of waddled in rhythm, slowly reaching for the wall of the room then went to the bathroom while the song ended. I'm not sure what the point of my story was but remember, dancing is hard.
I agree about the business model but disagree about the urgency. I hate watching serial shows where you get a cliffhanger every week. I'd rather wait for a bunch of them at once. This one is specially well structured because they shows feel like chapters as opposed to stand alone shows written in standard tv formula fashion. I just got into The Walking Dead on Netflix cause I loved the game (get the game you guys, I'm not super into video games but this one's worth it) which focuses on decisions made by the leader of the pack in a way more subtle and satisfying way. I don't think it's a show I would've ever gotten into if it just came once a week but i'm loving watching a couple episodes at a time at night, when I wait quietly for the next day to start.
Fincher always has away of depicting real mundane life with natural gritty realism while telling in an almost fantastical way. He's the best magical realism American director, IMDO. The first episode had almost two much Zack Attackism, but I think it was important so it didn't take you by surprise in the later episodes, where it makes more sense. Anyways, I was kind of angry because I thought it was a Full House remake at first but now I'm really enjoying this show. *really really
When I was 15 a girl I had a crush on told me "I love someone." She meant me, but I was so dumb that I though she was talking about someone else so I gave her the finger. I went out with her friend instead, who I found out last year ended up being a methhead and is now in prison. Last week I fell off my chair while leaning back to pet my dog in front of the whole office.
I'm not saying if the people who consider the commercial were black or multicultural, I mean the people in the commercial.
As always, I apologize for my shitty writing form.
Dumb but real question, would the commercial be considered racist by the people who it is considered racist if the people were black or multicultural? I'm not saying it is or it's not racist --or at least that it's no more racist than a ton of other similar commercials. I remember a similar one a few years ago with people in a tropical island talking with yuppieisms while going about their day-- but I guess if I were to say it was, it would be because I like run on sentences and because it, maybe, just maybe, act like the offices where this take place are in the US and monoethnically white? Like, in order for the ad to make sense, the premise would have to be that having a Jamaican accent and being laid back would be unusual in a modern office setting. Idk, 30 rock does a lot of race humor and I'm never offended by it, except for the time they had Jenna in blackface dressed Lynn Swann just to make a reference to a football player that retired 30 years ago. What I'm trying to say is, I don't think the people behind this were trying to be insensitive but I can see how people would be offended by it. Also, I am using the Interrobang from now on. Are you guys okay with this‽