
Agree with you on everything, Kelly. Good job 100% I tried to give Mindy another chance and just bailed mid-way. No thanks, bro. I remember The American Office and Parks and Rec starting out groan-worthy and then pulling through during season two, so hopefully this will be the case, I just don't see it happening. This show has potential too but I just can't find anything that works. Simpsons. I watched the Simpsons and even though it's been a weaker season than the past 3 or 4, I thought the episode was the best one of the season. It's kind of hard for them to go anywhere at this point. The jokes are still great and have always been great but after they reached those awful seasons where everything was meta humor and plot non sequiturs all the time, it's hard to pay attention to the show's storytelling. I'll still DVR it every week though, because damn it if that show didn't raise me. An Idiot Abroad. Listen, I hate Ricky Gervais as a performer and public figure but damn it if he's not a great TV producer (though, this might have to do more with Merchant than Gervais, who knows). I also love Pilkington with the fury of 10,000 suns. The other two seasons of An Idiot Abroad are probably my favorite reality TV ever. That said, WTF? They added Warwick Davis this season and it just feels weird. I like Warwick and I like when he and Karl interact but I feel like maybe the show is getting a little circusy. Then again my avatar is Henry Behrens dancing with his cat, so who am I to say? Haven't seen Peep Show, but looking forward to it. Watched an old episode of Frasier where they get stuck on the stairway to the roof.
I forgot who won last year, I think it was KelBurrows?
Monster NCAA College Bowl Challenge Password is enhance You're going to be watching the bowl games anyways, might as well join
That's disappointing, I was hoping David After Dentist would score two field goals at tonight's game.
"Best book since Katherine Chloe Cahoon's The Single Girl's Guide to Meet European Men" -Christopher Trash, Bookgum.
1. My dog was the smartest, most well behaved dog at obedience class. But the only two other dogs were my dad's dog, who was abused by his previous family so he has deep trust issues and my mom's dog, whom she carries everywhere with her and hand feeds every morning. 2. The Monster Fantasy Football League West starts the playoffs tonight. I'm on first place, Briadu, Gabs and Electric Koala are the rest of the playoff teams. 3. I ran 6 miles today. 4. I'm probably working through Xmas cause I got a ton of work to do. 5. Who is more human, Robocop or a neanderthal? 6. Cincinnati 36 Philadelphia 28 7. I quit redbull and I'm into coffee now. What your favorite ground coffee? 8. If you had to date a viral video star, who would it be?
Man, my reply page is full of Xmas butts and blurred-out taco penises. Who needs an expensive musical coffin when a life well lived is it's own reward.?
Why's Thomas there? I thought he died during the big Grantham chili explosion.
And now we know.
Don't make a toddler stand directly below you when you're standing on a ladder, kids.
Lets chip in and buy that little girl some therapy for Christmas.
I'm sorry, I can't understand a situation in which Kristen Schaal is not the best.
No Peep Show gifs?
Watching my pets chase each other. Highly entertaining and instantly rewarding but tedious after a while. There's not much story developing but the characters are endearing. B+
I agree with Kelly about Bob's Burgers. Great show A++ Best show of the series. I love Kristen Schaal and Eugene Mirman riffing (or reading lines very naturally with each other) and the show has the kind of heart not seen in an animated show since mid-200s KoTH or early 90s Simpsons. Very hyper-surrealistic (it's a word I made up cause I was going to say it's realistic but also surreal then I realized that's kind of what a satire is but it really is easier to keep typing rather than to erase stuff and proofread.) This show went from being very good to great recently. Peep Show. Guys watch Peep Show. I could say some of the same things I said about Bob's Burgers about Peep Show and they would still apply. I got a grass skirt made of dicks. A+++
Raising Hope – This is another show I really wanted to like. No thanks, bro. They've managed to take a one camera show and make it hokier than a 3 camera one. What's with the music cues, does Sammy Hagar do the sound for this show? C- I really wanted to like it because Greg Garcia is the grandson of classic Mexican film star, Cantinflas. If you speak Spanish go watch some of those movies instead (they're too language based to properly translate). I really liked the premise of My Name is Earl but it just felt like it was trying too hard past season 2.
Apt 23 was good. Don’t really care about the characters but it’s pretty funny. Almost too quirky for its own goo, meaning that I don’t see it evolving without being arbitrary. Really hope I’m wrong, I just don’t see it. But then I’m just some jerk wasting time I should be working A- Ben & Kate is kind of the opposite, where you care about the characters but it's just too vanilla, hepcats. It feels almost too safe. Not really interested in watching it week by week but would love to fire up a full season while doing chores or data input. B+
I really wanted to hate The New Girl but there is just no way. I think it has to do with Zooey Deschanel not being able to fix everything MPDG-style and instead focusing on solving stuff in a more organic way. I loved this episode! Winston hasn't really had much development until now,. He's mostly relegated to playing straight man to the wacky room mates. I'm guessing it's cause he was a last minute replacement for another character but I'm digging that they're not forcing him. I feel like this show sometimes casts people and dares you not to like them, I hope this is the case with Olivia Munn, who was just out of her league, show-wise. She's pretty, but also very bland. A+
I really wanted to like the Mindy Project. I read Mindy's book , enjoyed it and was looking forward to it, but like Kells (I'm calling Kelly Kells now) said it just doesn't click. Her character is not strong enough to be a lead and her costars are really bland and uninteresting. C-
I love quinoa, broccoli not so much.
I figure I'll get to coffee before i get to tea. I did buy a french press so I might use that in the future.
I don't understand why Axel F is not sampled by every musician ever.
1. What's your favorite Eddie Murphy movie? Nothing late 90s or later, please. 2. Who was better, Vanity 6, Apollonia 6 or Sheila D? 3. Excited about the new Eels Album. Check Stereogum out for their new single 4. I've quit redbull and have gotten into coffee. 5. Last regular season week for Monsters Fantasy Football West. Briadu, Gabs and I are in. It's a battle for the last playoff spot between Just Desserts, Philplusbert, West and Electric Koala. 6. Payton Manning is a shoe-in for NFL comeback player of the year, if I remember correctly he got steam cell stuff done on his neck, someone with better smarts should research this. 7. Got Wild Beasts' Smother vinyl on the mail yesterday. A+ 8. Buffalo chicken sandwich 9. What thread was your first Videogum comment on? 10. What did you eat today?
What I'm saying is he's holding out for more money since he's still playing Coach Taylor in commercials.
Well, congratulations, Kyle, It's over. You ever notice the big stories happen in the big screen? The important stories are told in the big screen. I'm talking about movies. Television doesn't mean anything now. No time to get nervous, forget about everything else AND FINISH. THE. JOB! yeah you made it this far, now what are you going to do about it?!
"A full bowl of weed in an ICP pipe." You can't blame a girl for reaching for the stars.
What about Axel F? And also why has Axel F not been sampled more? Is it bacause it's too tied to the Crazy Frog now? C'mon, beat makers sample Axel F more. For me? How about Crazy Frogg? Krisp Frogg? Fresh Frogg?
When I was a Teen Trash I used to work at Home Depot with this kid who used to sound and look just like DMX except he was Puerto Rican so we called him PR (because racism?). I don't know why I just thought of this now instead of in the DMX thread, but If you're Puerto Rican and thinking of a rap name feel free to steal that.
"Now what am I supposed to do?" -Aries Spears