
I'm also thankful for 311 an their fans. Last night Nick Hexum rescued some puppies from a trash bin. Two died, he kept one and he gave another one to some 311 fans. I started following 311 fans ironically but I've really come to like and appreciate them. #fullrange #FF
I'm thankful for all the people on My Fantasy Thanksgiving List, Ludacris captioning weird Internet pictures "#NowThatsLudicrous", my dog, Tokyo Jungle, whiskers on kittens, Kemonito, the send to Kindle app, HBO Go, Netflix Play Now, Hummus, Belgian beer, Redbull, quinoa, beavers, goosehounds, spicy Mexican peanuts, Joby (R.I.P.) and smart phones.
"That's a pretty good cover"-Blood on The Dance Floor
that should've been a tweet not a comment, right?
Turn over to ESPN right now to see an interview with Sam Gordon. Adorable lever: infinite.
I'd like Eddie Vedder to go to Facetaco's: Facetaco: hey, daughter, pass the salt. Eddie Vedder: ... Facetaco: What, are you thankful for, daughter? Eddie Vedder: ... Facetaco: hey, daughter...Daughter!
This explains it all
Topo Gigio Kate Feist Donovan McNabb Jake the dog Hunter S Thompson The one girl I ever loved BMO Annie Clark Bo the Pomeranian Chris Rock Mans Steve Winwood A baby panda Corey Booker The monsters The Munsters Gabe and Kelly Rod Serling Ellen DeGeneres My grandma Season 6 of The Wire
May I suggest dancing to this Videogum Song Contest cover from Ringo Deathstarr?
Rotten Tomatoes predictor: Admission 91% House Of Cards Our best guess for you 3.9 stars -Average of 517,719 ratings: 3.3 stars 21 & Over 52% The ABCs Of Death 49% The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones 72% Silent Night 38% The Europa Report 54% Oz: The Great And Powerful 85% The Canyons 32% The Heat 88%
You should check out it's not squigglevision but it's close. How do you feel about Newhart? I watched the Dr Laura episode of Frasier the other day and it's one of his strongest. Frasier actually came off as likable.
I was working late last night and I totally forgot it was Thursday. I DVR'd the shows but instead watched old reruns of The Big Bang Theory for some reason? I hereby return my sitcom cred card. You may now downvote this comment.
When the Brokeback Mountain DVD came out I bought it from Borders (from a girl, not you). I then photoshopped Heath Ledger and Gyllenhall into the 3:10 to Yuma DVD cover. I gave it to my dad along with some old Clint Eastwood movies. He loves westerns, and he loves to watch them with his drinking buddies. What was my point?Who knows, but you guys should try it sometimes if you want to see middle age men gasp at the TV.
Could be worse
I'm actually pretty alright at wood working. I have several pieces of furniture that I've made by hand. I would probably make more stuff if hardwood wasn't so expensive. Which, sloppily bring me to my next point. I was watching Conan O'Brien's TBS Very Funny Show and he was interviewing the guy who plays Ron Swanson. Dude rubbed me the wrong way. He was dissing "the youth" about how we gotta make something. Like I said making stuff is expensive. The reason we buy most of our imported stuff is because it's cheaper to get a melamine desk from Ikea than buying real hardwood and putting together a desk that can't be disassembled anyways. Sure, if I was a tv actor, who pretends to be a tough guy, money and time to spare I'd build myself a vanity workshop where I could sell my crafts on the back of my TV fame. But for the average person that is not doable. Dude then went on to say something like, "and one of our best workers .. is a woman." Like, who the fuck is surprised by that? Maybe it's because I've worked in the industry but women wood workers are pretty darn common. I can understand how you'd think otherwise if you'd never worked in that industry but for someone who portrays himself as a craftsman's craftsman, that statement just came off condescending and out of touch. Anyways, that's my rant of the year. See you in 2013 when I discuss Jay Cutler's organic tomatoes.
Yikes, that's tough. My brother played football his whole life as a lineman (until he got out of college) and he power-lifted like crazy. But he also used to roll pizzas up, melt more cheese on top of them and eat them like tacos. Long story short, he had a heart attack at 36. He's fine now ,I guess, but excersise is not enough to stay healthy, you gotta watch watchu eat.
I haven't read comic books since I was 12. Are there some you recommend? I kind of like the old Batman stories but I took a look at samples of some of his new jams and it was just ridiculous. Then again I mostly watch documentaries and read nonfiction because I am fun. [said in a Ben Stiller voice]
At least if you did, you'd have thanksgiving dinner sorted out.
I wear dark glasses all day because I work with tiny numbers all day. I always forget to switch them with my night time glasses and people look at me like l'm the unabomber.
1. Is this correct? 2. If I had a tandem bike, would you ride it with me? 3. Took a loss in Monster Fantasy Football West, still at 1 but tied at a record of 8-2. 4. I ordered that firefighter died book but it hasn't gotten here yet. I'll bore you with my diet details later. 5. What type of animal was your first pet? 6. What's the worst thing you've done to an animal, besides eating it? When I was about 4 (according to my parents) i used to pull my bunny's leg in order to "teach him to talk." 7. What's your Seapunk name? 8. I haven't been out since Friday because I'm taking care of that little dog up there and I work from home. He has serious separation anxiety because his previous owners locked him in a closet. I think I'm getting cabin fever. Anyways, he goes back to my parents on Friday. 9. I had a dream the other day where Tom Hanks started in a movie called "Doug Harrison", where he played a divorced dude living in the Mall of America. (in hindsight this comment should've gone in the rom-com post.) 10. You guys remember the Videogum Song Contest? That was cool. 11. No running and no bars makes Trash a dull boy.
Chamoy was fixed last Friday and he's been colder than usual. He was born in Mexico.
Well, Saturninan, sometimes people take the Internet a little too seriously. Sometimes that's a good thing and they create something tangible out of the experience, but other times people just get angry and take it out on other people. Whatever it is, I think it is better explained in the form of this gif: -Chris Trash, Internet Behaviorist
He's blazing Playback.
Party time
Movie Executive #1: Sexy vampire? Movie Executive # 2: check Movie Executive # 1: sexy werewolf? Movie Executive # 2:check Movie Executive #1: sexy post-apocalyptic warrior? Movie Executive #2 : check Movie Executive #1: Sexy ...zombie...¯\_(ツ)_/¯? Movie Executive #2: ...BINGO! Movie Executive #1: o/ Movie Executive #2 \o
Rotten Tomatoes predictions: World War Z 78% The Last Stand 42% Warm Bodies 62% The Grandmasters 84% Les Misérables 62% during theater run, 32% after DVD release after being shown at middle schools ad nauseum. UFO 58% Back to 1942 72% Jurrasic Park 3D 92%
In times like these is when we need a Werttrew. Because he could take the twitter list. Because he was not our hero. He was a silent guardian. A watchful protector.
Yup, the girl one. (I assume she's a girl since she has a bow on its head which, according to monchichi behaviorists, is how the female monchichis attract a male)
Thanks, Brrrrrian. I can't eat pork or beef because high cholesterol runs in my family, so really i'm just thinking of giving up fish and chicken, but I was thinking of doing two days a week at first. The only problem is that I can't eat cheese either because of the cholesterol. Even when I used to run 10 miles a day and spend 2 hours at the gym every day that sucker was in the high 300s. I will take your input into consideration. Anyways, I just got interested in it cause I heard Arian Foster is vegan but he never tweeted me back any diet tips.
1. Thought about making a pinterest for my dog's clothes but then I realized what I was doing and I had a good long talk with myself. I promised myself I would not do it and told me to take two internet steps backwards. 2. Still #1 in Monsters Fantasy Football West but concerned about Calvin Johnson 3.Do you recommend any orchestral or classical music? 4.Thinking of becoming a vegetarian but I work out a lot. Can you guys recommend some books or some such? 5. Why don't people say "all but" when it should be "nothing but"? 6. I'm still pretty psyched about Tuesday night. 7. Whenever I hear Bon Iver sing in that whispery voice I imagine it's because he doesn't want to wake up the other people in the hostel. 8. Doing Movember and I already have a full beard again. 9. Fun thing to do if you have 5 free seconds: Tweet @bryancranston and tell him he did a good job in How I met Your Mother. 10. Just finished Freaks and Geeks. Sogood.gif 11. I saw a monchichi in the street today.
Portlandia! USA! USA! USA! Sorry, I'm still psyched from Tuesday night. By the way, where's Anampat? I'd like to hear his take.
Hey, guys. I wrote a theme song for The Petting Zoo, let me sing it to you*: Pet time with Kelly Conaboy Meows, chirps & barks Arrow in the heart Pet time with Kelly Conaboy Productivity broke down We lost a work hour X3 *sung to the tune of kelly by When Saints Go Machine
let me try that again:
Errant comma! I'm going to take a nap.
No, to the video, not Gabe's appointment of trumps.
HI, Summer! you were always my favorite cheerleader. NO
You guys should go see them and support them, it's fun.
Growing up I played Pop Warner football and there was always at least one girl in our team. I've been to a couple of pro women's Football games and I always wondered why they didn't play with a junior ball. The passing game kind of suffers because of the full size ball. Also, I think they would benefit from playing with lighter pads and perhaps a weight limit (for safety, I think the NFL should have one too, 400lbs is too many lbs). Anyways, sorry for the hangover string of words, what I'm trying to say is, good job, lil Sam Gordon.