
Anything with David Costabile in it is a sure winner.
Who's your favorite freak and favorite geek from Freaks and Geeks? I'll go first: Freak: Jason Segel Geek: Bill Haverchuck (who I insist grows up to be Jermaine from FOTC.
I was at the barbershop the other day and these group of dudes were agreeing that they hated action movies like Hannah and Haywire because it showed 100Lb women kicking dudes' asses and that was just too unrealistic. Then they gave The Expendables as an example of a "real action film". Like, what is realistic about action films? Why can a 60 year old dude kick a lion out of a helicopter* but a 20ish woman can't? You should've seen me guys; I quietly scoffed SO HARD. #EqualRightsHero *I don't really watch action films
Rotten Tomatoes Rating Predictor: Quartet: 85% John Dies At The End 58% Miss December 32% Bullet To The Head 62% Cruel Winter Best Videos of the Week #2, Stereogum Side Effects 87%
Anyways, stay tune for my next installation, Famous People With Dicks Drawn on Their Faces where I unveil the phallic war dance that is celebrity culture... or something.
Yeah. Glob knows I make my share of dumb, poorly made photoshops but that's ridiculous but why are they in a professional-looking online portfolio?
This sounds about right. But lets get comfortable first. If anyone has the means and desire to adopt these two, here's your chance: They can only be adopted together.
1. Number 1 in Monster Fantasy Football West. Fondue? 2. Bill Haverchuck grows up to be Jermaine from Flight of the Conchord 3. 4. Why is ass more offensive than jackass? 5. I caught my dog trying to eat my cat's poo. Do dogs eat other animals' poo in the wild? 6. Anyone else doing Movember? 7. I'm not really into video games other than Madden, but have you guys checked out Tokyo Jungle? It's kind of gruesome and silly but I'm somehow fascinated by it. Check it out if you like games. 8. I lost my virginity last week. 9. What was your childhood tebby bear's name? 10. San Diego 17 Kansas City 13 11. I found my virginity :(
I bought my mom a Kindl for X-mas last year and she asked me to erase some stuff. This is from her Affirmations App:
I'm sure his other Judge Julian S. Wallows character will be very tastefully done.
This is the most sad and misguided attempt to get get on Comics Unleashed: Hot Chocolate.
I'm with Taco and I for one welcome the new possibilities
What's your favorite being trapped in a storm episode? Mine's Full House.
Stoddenista was okay, but I'm more of a fan of the earlier stuff.
I gave Canela her first bath and I found out she has a heart-shaped mark over her chest.
Cough *blurays* Cough* (ask him about Adventure Time Blu-ray release dates) *cough*
Don't question the scientific process, Steve.
wait, that is IF you can see out your window. #TeamDon'tSueMe
Monday Commenter Challenge: If you're in the path of Sandy, post a pic looking out your window.
According to Patrick M's Twitter, you are better off being stranded on a McDonalds rather than a PetsMart. In theory, dog food is healthier for you but it does not contain Vitamin C, which you would need to survive in a worst case scenario.
Good job, monsters. Good Job, Gabe & Kelly. Keep the blog rolling.
What's your favorite Adventure Time episode? Mine's Bmo Noire
International Unofficial Monster Meetup In Chicago. April 20th Stop lurking and come hang out, guys.
Slutty Chris Trash.
Oh, Man. Sorry to hear that, martinmegs and Max. There is no emoticon sad enough.
Oh, yeah, I voted on Tuesday. I don't know how it is everywhere else but if you live in Cook county you should totally do it. Just bring your ID.
1. Minnesota 28 Tampa Bay 22 2. Why do you "need" an HDMI cable to get HD in your TV when the cable coming from outside is coaxial? 3. Did you guys RSVP for the International Unofficial Chicago Monster meetup In April yet? 4. I watched the Maronovich Project 30 For 30. 5 stars. 5. You guys remember Northern State, what was up with that? 6. What's your favorite Misfits song? 7. You guys should listen to Motopony 8. I'm back at 1 of 10 in Monsters Fantasy Football West. I think Fondue is one in the East? 9. Everyone should follow Patrick M on twitter 10. How much do you tip your hair person? 11. When I was in 4th grade I wore lycra shorts for pants once.
It was 79 degrees in Chicago yesterday so I went for a run and then I went to work at Willenium Park (free wifi, very nice). After that I took Canela for a long walk in Grant Park where I took a nap listening to the new Grizzly Bear.
@ Explainer Guy: I forgot about The Announcement. Defffo one of the better ones. I'd recommend this one to everybody as well. If it wasn't for my strong stoic macho yet lovable exterior I would've cried at that one. @stu 3. I have a Miami Ricky Williams jersey. I hate smoking pot but I think it should be legalized. 4. Done. 5. I'd recommend going to Athetico or a similar place. They give you a free screening to see how your leg is doing and show you a bunch of stretches to get better. They also refer you to a doctor in case it doesn't get better. In that case you can go back, now with the privilege of paying. 5* I was originally supposed to run the last half of the marathon pacing my dad. But because I am dumb with trains, I went to mile 22 instead. I ran with him but because I'd been cheering at the runners for a while I cheered at the spectators for some reason** like I was cheering them while I was running. **because I am dumb. 11. Agreed, I think that because the Seattle Ravens lost catcher Walter Payton to a torn triceps they will not be a contender this year. Yeah, it's only a few of us during the daytime. A dozenish on Friday afternoons but every once in a blue moon we'll get on during the night and act like fools.
You guys, we have a tinychat room where peeps can cam up and chat. It's very futuristic/ weird but also kind of awesome. I'll bet we'll have a cam-up if not at the meetup around that time when we're all in Chicago.
I went to a focus group when I was a teen. Not knowing what the fuck was going on, other than some strangers giving me money to hear my opinion on Clamato, I started selling the stuff to them. "what do you think of the drink size?" "It's the perfect size to share with a friend!" Would you drink this by itself or mix it with something? "This would go great with anything or by itself!" They gave me the money right there and told me I din't need to stay for the latter part of the session.
I haven't seen Marinovich yet and I'm not really interested in Matt Hoffman but I might give it a shot. Some of them have really interesting topics but are poorly made and vice versa. It's really worth it to check out each one, IMO. For people who hate sports I would recommend The Band That Wouldn't die. My personal faves are: Catching Hell The U The 16th Man No Crossover Jordan Rides The Bus Fernando Nation