
Re 6: Yes 9. Back when Werttrew kept some type of control over the Monsters Ball numbers, he estimated the active accounts to be about 400. This was over a year ago. If you think about it the people who are regular commenters are actually a tiny part of the people who comment, and they're a tiny part of the people who regularly read VG, and they're a tiny part of the people who are causal reader, and so on and so on...
You can just show up. The reason we're asking people to RSVP is to figure out how many people might show up. I'm friends with some different people who run bars (M Night Shyamalan twist) so we have different options. It's just a mater of size. Re: dog thing. I would maybe encourage your roommate to volunteer at a dog place? I've done it a couple of times and it shows you just how hard it is to properly train a proper dog. On the flip side he or she might bring home 20 dogs.
Last year I bought a sandwich from Starbucks and I left it in my car. When I remembered where I left it I went to get it but My car was broken into. All they took was my sandwich and some CDRs.
What do you do? if you don’t mind me asking.
What are you studying at seminary? if you don't mind me asking.
1. I ran into this: 2. I messed up my back this past weekend. So I'm working while lying down on my belly in the middle of my hallway. My dog is lying on the top of my neck. 3. I've been watching the 30 for 30 documentaries on Netflix. Great stuff even if you're not into sports. I would also recommend the HBO Real Sports and Underdogs on SI. 4. I thought I saw Stu on a picture for the bar next door but it turns out he does not own plaid shorts. 5. I was psyched in the last weeks that I finally averaged 8 minute miles while jogging. I haven't run since I messed my back but I hope to get back to 7 miles by spring. 6. Does anyone have any coupons? 7. Is there like a dropbox or something similar to send stuff to you guys? I don't know how the Internet works. I'd like to send some stuff bigger than email. Just dumb stuff, so ignore if you're not interested. 8. I'm 2 of 10 in the monsters Fantasy football League West Conference but I have the most points. 9. Did everyone RSVP to the International Unofficial Monster Meetup in Chicago yet? 10. You guys are pretty cool. 11. 49rs 26 Ravens 17
I grew up in Mexico and my parents worked all day. My grandmother would spend part of the day with me, but for the most part I would be left alone in an underdeveloped part of the city or in this old hacienda that was taken from a drug dealer by the bank where my dad worked. We had one of those old satellite dishes that used to show raw satellite feeds from around the world. One day I was watching a Portuguese documentary about ghost while I was by myself. Not knowing Portuguese or anything for that matter, it scared me sick. I went to the bathroom to drop a poo but when I went to flush there was no poo. I was scared for days.
Screw work, come chat with the monsters.
1.they're filming that show Chicago Fire in my alley. I went out to take out the garbage this morning and I was surrounded by fire engines, police cars and amobulances. I think there was a dude carrying a crash test-looking dummy too. 2.My dog somehow pooped a poo the size of her torso. 3.I went for a 3.14 mile run. I try running about 3.11 miles every other day. It's dumb but it makes me happy. 4.I'm trying to get into drinking tea instead of Redbull. Anyone have any suggestions? A link to something would be nice. 5. Would you rather wear someone's jeans that they've worn for a week without washing or a t-shirt that they've worn for a week without washing? 6. I'm thinking about buying my first Mac laptop. Which one should I buy? 7. Mark Sanchez'es passer rating during this past weekend's game was 66.6. The Jets went with him instead of Tebow when they needed a comeback. They lost. 8. Why do ALL phone commercials have to be so irritating?
April 20th, 2013, Chicago. Be there, Steve. Also, everyone else. Don't B L8.
I do not know why the sky is blue. I do not know why birds sing. No one will ever know. All I know is she's an amazingly positive person who lives life to the fullest. #KCC4GUESTBLOGGER
Sometimes, in life, you come across someone so amazing it's hard to believe they actually exist.
Happy birthday from your fellow peanuts.
How did his huge apartment stay so clean with 3 people (one of them handicapped, another a living physical therapy and another one acting like Ted Baxter in Caddyshack) and a dog? For a husky guy Kelsey Grammer sure had his shirt off a lot. When the show first started everyone made fun of Fraiser buying 5$ cups of coffee but later those same people frequented the coffee shop. Is this a sign of the prosperity of the 90s or a tonal shift? Why did Niles make so much fun of Roz'es promiscuity when he was so thirsty? Why is the kitchen so small when the rest of the apartment is so huge?
Real question: Do you guys use hot or cold water to brush your teeth?
Yes! The entire Michael Keaton filmography.
Chris Trash!
I know Werrtrew stopped doing the rankings but I think Facetaco's closing in on Winwood for most Lowest Voted. Werrtrew? I'm just going to say werttrew's name hoping someday he'll return.
I’ve always been told that… my gifs are inappropriate I’m not funny enough I’m too smelly I don’t have what it takes To be the best and staying there sweat is necessary Werttrew and Notsewfast had their years of never being comfortable… thinking they were just not good enough. I comment so no one can take what is mine. No one can replace my heart, my mind, my Hugh Jackman urine puns. Winwood inspired me and now our biggest prize bears his name. I’m older of course I’m older, that’s the beauty of it. 2 years plus. Different level pop culture references, different level upvoting, different downvoting. I want to read Videogum loooong after my image links have been taken down, long after my Monster Ball thropies have tarnished. And whatever you gotta do to make sure you chase your legacy …every moment of your life. How will you be remembered? Why wouldn’t you fight for the gre3atest achievement ever? HIT. THE. COMMENT. BUTTON.
One reason we need to Visit Videogum is that this site is committed to constructive cooperation No blogger, no monster— not me or any of my predecessors, no one, could have repaired all the damage Videogum found in the Internet in just four years. But Videogum has laid the foundation for a new, modern, successful blog, of shared prosperity, and if you keep visiting Videogum, you will feel it. You will feel it. “So are we all better off because Videogum does political posts? You bet we are. We simply cannot afford to turn the reins of political pop culture commentary over to someone who will double down on downvote-down. We believe that if you see a funny comment, you upvote it. If you see a differing opinion, you try to understand it. If you are eligible for Caption contest, don't downvote the other entrants, share the link. Get your friends and family to upvote you, but don't downvote everyone else. Editor in Chief, Delahaye and Vice-Editor, Conaboy are committed to making the monster class grow. If you have a funny idea for a post, send it to, If they don't take it, post it on The most important question is, what kind of website do you want to waste your work time in? If you want a you’re-on-your-own, winner-take-all comment, you should support the Facebook way. If you want a country of shared prosperity and shared responsibility — a we’re-all-in-this-together society — you should click on the site for Gabe Delahaye and Kelly Conaboy. 4 more years!
Spoiler alert:
I got a feeling this is going to happen a lot. Here's the PNG if you guys want to make some with your fireworks machine.
A la furia del cartel, nadie jamás a escapado ese compa ya esta muerto, nomas no le han avisado.
And now time for something completely stupid, BrBa characters as rappers: Walt: Kanye West Mike: RZA Jesse: Red Man Gus Fring: Jay Z Ricky Hitler: Chris Brown Saul Goodman: Ludacris Skinny Pete: Mr. Muthafuckin eXquire Marie: Shawty Mane Hank: Rick Ross Huell: Twista Badger : El P Skyler: Nas Tuco: Eminem
That makes sense but then why would she stop Pinkman from taking the drum?
Dos cosas: Where's the supplier's ware house if Jesse flies to it and drives 900 miles back? Do you guys think Mike got to Jesse and they bugged Walt's watch?
I hated the opening scene too, not as much as I hated Walking Gus since this was more about the direction of the scene and not the actual scene. BrBr usually has a scene like that every once in a while, with the quick cuts and fast zooms and such but not usually stranded in the cold open which just made it weird since it didn't lead to any on particular scene. But what do I know, I actually like Marie.
I know it's only Monday, but I hereby declare this the Photoshop of The Week Award winner.
I knew Skinny Pete looked familiar.
A while ago I saw a guy walking around in the park with a cat in a baby bjorn. We locked eyes for a millisecond and I give him a silent approving nod. Real recognize real.
I'm pretty sure the late 80s/early 90s is a mythical place that exists solely in The Internet.
You haven't lived until you've read a blog post on about Kristen Stewart's boobs in the original Russian text.
Nah, I tie those things to the dog. Gotta make those back legs strong for sled pulling.