
He's ten months old, we think. His previous owner kept him in a closet and we suspect they were not that nice to him because he loves other dogs but is afraid of people. When he sees another dog and the other dog doesn't want to say hi to him he starts whimpering. But it's Ok, he's healthy and one of the most promising dogs at Dogwart's.
Here's a picture of him sleeping in his favorite position.
Here's that picture of my parent's puppy hanging out with my cats that you guys asked for.
Cool. I was just PUNdering out loud. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Continued on page 2323
No, thanks. I'm sticking with Wu Financial, they work to devise the best plan for me and my fam.
Other wise my anti-hank theory works, right? Right? Ahh?
The best callbacks are Winwood callbacks.
According to Davidcxr, that gun is an M60. It's designed to be shot while lying down with the front of it resting on a tri-pod. It's also the gun used in the trecnh scene in The Hurt Locker when the dudes were sniping the building that was about a mile away. So what would he need an antitank gun for? Think about it...anti tank anti HANK. Ahh? Hey, where you guys going?
Guys, let me let you in on a little behind the scenes non-sense that I was working on. A while ago I met and alderman though a friend, I also met a bronze sculpture artist and I e-met a guy named Steve Winwood. I thought long and hard about what to make of this so I decided that the only sensible thing would be to make a Steve Winwood Statue in a public Chicago park. I talked to the alderman who was up to it under the guise that it would be a "statue in homage to the Internet." I talked it over with the chat monsters, specially fondue who suggested I contact corporate sponsorship to make this happen. I was thinking of maybe contacting an Internet provider so that the statue would give out free wi-fi. For a while everything seemed to be going OK. Steve Winbot is facebook "friends" with the guy who invented showbiz so I thought that would be the biggest hurdle, you know copyright and all. I was thinking of opening up a kickstarter for private donations and including depictions of other internet memes to help fund this. But just as things we're getting ready to roll along, I showed the artist a rouhg design and told him the full scope of the project. He promptly told me to go fuck myself and the project was abandoned. Anyways, Just thought you would like to know just how close we came to ligin in a wolrd with a bronze Steve Winwood statue. The end.
Hey guys, us hotheats over at MOBFD are reading Gabe's book that he wrote a while ago. Discussion is next month. Reading is magical.
You ask me if I have a God complex? Well, let me tall you something...I am Todd -Todd
"You're asking me if I have a God complex? Let me tell you something... I AM TODD" -Todd
Barely related: The alarm to alert the ER at St Elizabeth's ER in Chicago that an ambulance is coming is the Theme for E.R. Kind of weird listening to that when you're pumped up with drugs.
I was out commenting on other blogs so I wouldn't be typecasted.
Ron Howard could tweet a pic of the Bluths in a speedo and still be looked at like a fuckin hero.
Patton was probably like, "Wait till i get my joking right, then y'all can't tell me nothing, riight."
Kell's a champion, turn from Tosh.0 ish to Petting Zoo triumph, blog this ish through the Wire.
Nah, man, Krispy's real. All that money and fame and all Chet's been able to give us is 3 or 4 soulless overproduced tracks in the span of two years. Krispy meanwhile has been locked up in a room doing a video a week for the one summer. Krispy's reinventing the game with little to no production values in a town where you can't make no money and don't even get me started about James.
There's a perfectly good explanation for this.
I know this is about 10 months away but, Gabe, can you please book Krispy Kreme for the Videogum 5th Anniversary Party? PS. Krispy Kreme is on Spotify if you want to listen to all his jamz while reading the gums.
I would be pretty pissed too if someone stole this from me
Congrats ballers! Two things: If you're in Chicago tonigh, come have a drink with us at JBar at an Open mic hosted by OG Monster Becca After you do that, take a plane to Toronto and hang out with DJ Freshie and the Toronto crew Have a great weekend, stay grinding. Videogum chat is going down. Also, join the official VG facebook group if you want.
“Really? Never seen Seinfeld? The slap bass? Something like puaa-puaa-puaaa-puaaaaa chk ah tn tn tss”
Here are my Rotten Tomatoes predictions for these movies based solely on the trailer: 2 Days in New York 83% Sinister: 72% For a Good Time Call: 65% the Queen of Versailles: 37% Pitch Perfect: 54%
After trying to figure out a way to say this without it sounding like the weirdest humblebrag ever, I'm just going to say it: My friend's wife works at The Weiner Circle. I've only met her a couple of times but each time she's just looked exhausted and dejected. Nice, though. Anyways, not sure how much of that is working a full time job and a part time job and how much of it is the fact that the latter is at that place.
Does anyone know how I nominate this for DJ Freshie's Thread of the Week?
Sorry Ian and Fatima. I did it again. :( someone should take my commenting license away. Feel free to downvote this comment.
What the hell? In wrote a comment out, and it refreshed the page, and now its gone. I pasted in what i wrote an it said ‘duplicate comment detected.’ I can’t even see my comment with an “awaiting moderation” tag.
I would give you more detailed examples but I'm in an undisclosed location where I can't really use imdb and wikispedia. Can someone help me out with a top 5 times sbtb ripped off full house? Thnlanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience.
Real question(stupid but real) do you guys remember how saved by the bell would use storylines from full house? I mean full house wasn't revolutionary but I kind of remember sbtb doing that.
Sorry. Will you still be my friend? I can draw you in the style of my neighbor totoro
Dammit I'm now using my kindle fire and I accidentally downvoted you. Stay tune for tomorrow when I via web tv log
Isn't it planned to end after next season anyways? Even if Peggy has this whole arc of coming back I don't think she'll be very prominent. I really don't see the show shifting focus to her at the new agency for the whole last season...well, maybe if Megan goes to work with her.
Oh, No, I understand the rotting part. Rotting is great. If all things in earth would rot the world would be a better place. I'm asking more for the deforestation aspect of it. Like, Newspapers are slowly dying sand so is standard mail. Again, I am only thinking about passages from the study I mentioned aobve. Another thing I was thinking of is, will computer companies be , eventually, ostracized for puters' short lifespan? Like like like, the way car companies are because they don't focus on getting better gas mileage or electric companies for not using smart grids, solar, wind, taco power, etc. What other wonders does the brave new world hold for us?
I loved, loved loved my Kizzeendle and I they might actually be a somewhat not too bad environmentally conscious alternative to books, since that way they don't kill the trees? I am basing that on a study that I just read from the Speaking Out of My Ass Institute, BTW. But I am with you on the frailty of them. Those things are flimsier than floo. I'm on my third one right now. What you mention about the short life is more austeric. If you buy one of these new laptops you're buying a laptop for a couple of years. In those couple of years there's no way we will be all in Dat Cloud. If anything we're still a couple of iGenerations away from that.