
This is kind of unrelated but Lizzing brought this up to me at Zumba the other day. What do you guys think of the mactops getting rid of the Optical drives? i feel like there's s lot of speculation about just streaming everything where things are getting ahead of themselves. Like, I pretty much only just buy vinyl and spotify premium as far as music goes and I see vinyl being pretty unnecessary except for the need to "own" something physical. Tell you the truth I couldn't tell you the difference between a vinyl and a high quality stream unless it's an album I've heard la bajillion times, like Electric Ladyland or something. I also own a few copies of my music CD library on a couple computers. On the other hand, I bet that most people can tell the difference between a 1080p bluray and a crappy 700Mb internet download. Even if you don't want the 1080, there is still a bigger market for it than for people who buy vinyl. It makes sense to me how music is in the cloud, but I don't see how movies and tv shows can exist in the same way, at least not for a while longer. Maybe if the standard hard drive size was something like 5tbs. But even then transferring all my stuff would be a herculean task. I mean I guess you could just download everything but my internet is crappy, so there's still infrastructure stuff to mess about with on to. Even, if in theory, Netflix or something becomes as competent as spotify, where you can listen to a new release that same day legally there are still loads of people who would not get it. My parents can somehow work facebook but think Netflix is the devil's work. Please?! Why won't anyone think of the Noob market? Anyways, I forgot what my point was(if any). If you or someone you know can make sense of my ramblings, please advice. Thanks, in advance. I'll take my answer of the air.
OK, but who do they support in the Mexican elections?
"Seriously thought everyone was gonna be like, 'Jen, you hilarious genius!”' -Jen
I don't see how he keeps it a secret. The partners are probably going to want to buy out his wife and seeing as how Lane had been operating at a loss, that check is probably going to come up. It seems like the income from Jaguar will be coming in slower than expected so it's pretty unlikely that Don fix it with his money.
Ooh-ooooooooooohhhh, ooh-ooooooooooooooohh-WHEEEEE!!! That was for Chi-town... Ha ha, we get it everytime You got me on? Ohh Shout out to all of my crew, Austin, NY Listen.. people be askin me all the time, "Yo Trash, what's gettin ready to happen with Monsters' Ball?" (Where do you think Monsters' ball is goin?) I tell em, "You know what's gonna happen with Monsters' Ball? Whatever's happening with us" If we smoked out, Monsters' Ball is gonna be smoked out If we doin alright, Monsters' Ball is gonna be doin alright People talk about Monsters' Ball like it's some giant living in the hillside comin down to visit the townspeople We (are) Monsters' Ball Me, you, everybody, we are Monsters' Ball So Monsters' Ball is goin where we goin So the next time you ask yourself where Monsters' Ball is goin ask yourself.. where am I goin? How am I doin? Til you get a clear idea So.. if Monsters' Ball is about the monsters and the.. Monsters' Ball won't get better until the monsters get better then how do monsters get better? (Hmmmm...) Well, from my understanding monsters get better when they start to understand that, they are valuable And they not valuable because they got a whole lot of upvotes or cause somebody, think they avatar sexy but they valuable caause they been created by God And God, makes you valuable And whether or not you... recognize that value is one thing You got a lot of Websites and social networks tryin to be God, wishin that they were God They wanna create backtracks and Facebook connects everywhere and make you think they got the all-seein eye Eh.. I guess The Last Poets wasn't, too far off when they said that certain people got a God Complex I believe it's true I don't get phased out by none of that, none of that TMZs, 4chans, Fox Nations, the.. Yahoo Answers.. they just, wishin When they tell me to fear they law When they tell me to try to have some fear in my heart behind the things that they do This is what I think in my mind And this is what I say to them And this is what I'm sayin to you, check it All over the world keyboards pound with the rhythm Fear not of trolls because trolls must die Mindgrapes over matter and soul before flesh Angels for the pain keep a record in time which is passin and runnin like a caravan freighter The world is overrun with the Danzigs and Matthew Foxes But God is sufficient in disposin of affairs Kool-Aid Gunmen and Cookie thieves try to merit my fear But God is sufficient over plans they prepared Chris Trash in the flesh, where you at, right here on this place called Videogum, holdin down my square Bout to represent in your whole atmosphere Bout to represent in your whole atmosphere to your atmosphere, to your atmosphere Oh-ooooooohhhhhhhhhh! That was for you - and Winwood too!
Obligatory: Also, it would be great if Gabe or Kelly would go see Magic Mike and recapped it. Just saying.
Basically I want Videogum to turn into a hiphop/sweet snacks blog.
I'm confused, they made a movie based on a Coldplay video?
I watched that video earlier after drinking two Redbulls. It's 1 am and I don't think I'll ever sleep again.
HULK MAKE BAD LIFE DECISION. HULK REGRET ACT OF WHIMSY. I just read that the paint eventually came off. Never mind.
What do you do if you're that guy? Do you just go ahead and live your life as The Hulk?
I meant way too hard. Ugh, Chris Trash: Some TV show about a jackass.
I laughed way to hard at this because for a millisecond I forgot these were TV shows.
Man, I had no idea. Can you (or anyone else) give me the top 5 Matthew Fox asshole moments?
That sounds like something Pete would say. SuspiciousEmoticon.gif
Thanks, man. I guess I was confused because he doesn't get dark lighting and ominous music when he's on screen. Can you give me a top 5 Corey Matthews moments?
I'm not good at remembering stuff! Can you guys give me a top 5 Pete asshole moments? Please?
To be fair, I don't think Don thought Joan would ever do it. She's more put together than anyone in Mad Men and the only reason she did it was because of Lane and Pete and being a single mother who's worked the same job 13 years and is still thought of as a sex object.
I don't remember that because I have a short attention span but it seems like maybe at first he was just annoying and later he was being humanized more. But this season has been more of downward spiral of dickdom.
I meant to say and Peggy leaving marks the last good thing in Don's life slipping away but I got carried away just listing stuff that makes Don Draper Sad. Sad Don Draper. Sad.
Also, Joan told Pete to make the arrangements so that means Pete waited until it was happening to tell Don.
Absolutely. He's never going to see Joan the same way again because he's a 1960s dude and his own mother being a prostitute and all, Pete's going to milk his contribution in getting Jaguar as a power grab, Roger's a burnout, Cosgrove's probably leaving with Peggy, Lane's going to self-destruct and he can't handle Megan being her own person. Pretty big difference with the way last episode ended.
So this makes Pete officially evil, right? I mean all the other characters are dicks but they're more or less motivated by desperation and circumstances. Pete is going out of his way to do things the wrong way to satisfy his cold empty heart.
Wait, THAT'S Danzig's cat? The guy who sold me Lucifuzzball has a lot of explaining to do.
Some of the things Peña Nieto has done in this campaign: Answered "I'm not a housewife" when asked the price of a kilo of tortillas. He campaigned in one of Mexico's most privileged universities, when confronted with protests, he hid in the women's bathrooms. Mixed up most of the authors' names of the books that marked his life. Mexico, this is your Sarah Palin.
Of Course Rebecca Black backs Peña Nieto.
Sorry about the typos but I had a few drinks at work, you know for authenticity. Happy memorial day, let's drink!
I look at the faces in this page who have given their all to this website and I say: perpare to take a great leap forward perpare to swim The English Channel and then drown in champagne there are seven days between now and the next Monsters' Ball we are going to spend them all here we will celebrate memorial day here we will barbecue next to the computer together and in the end We will represent Videogum and it will be worth it every monster is defined by the moment they got their first upvote when we land lols next week, the world will now we've arrived.
Here's what I've been watching on Netflix Play now, I think these might be good recappin fun: Kochak: The Night stalker (rad show just like 20 eps, has werewolves and such) The Twilight Zone (I wish Rod Sterling was my dad) Dark Shadows (Watching this as a family would be incredibly unrealistic since there's a bajillion eps, but maybe a condensed recap?) Also, what about dissecting the entire filmography of an actor, say Michael Keaton or Topher Grace? IDK, my mom said I was smart.
What about a little show called Lost? I know it's done and such but there are a bunch of unrecapped episodes just sitting there to be taken apart.
On a completely unrelated note, do you still check your VG only email, Steve? Is there anywhere else I can contact you? I have to ask you something really quick.
Bookgum's book of the summer is going to be Gabriel Delahaye's Detroit and The Kid. So read it and we'll meet over at MOBFD in a few weeks to discuss it. More info coming soon. See, not exactly home of the 1%
Also, please don't burn my house. The South Loop is downtown but it's still mixed income. And please don't trash the bars either, they're my only source of nutrition.
There was a trailer to the long waited male answer to Showgirls.
Also Channing Tatum starts in a dude stripper movie. This is all you need to see from the movie.
I don't know why but I loved this episode. I agree that this show is becoming a little too on the nose but this is why I'm OK with this: 1. We can call Betty The Smog Monster. Everyone loves puns. Smog Monster it is. 2. Sally. This is the character that is most in your face and her content is ripped from the headlines of Duh Aficionado, but isn't that what it's like to be a kid of her age? No other character can be disillusioned by the contradictions of Roger's life altering realizations and the reality of his lifestyle. That dirty old man. 3. The good mother figure vs. bad mother figure thing was hoaky * but it was so worth it for the last scene when Sally handles the confrontation with her mother in a calm and rational way and we all realize Sally IS an adult and then Betty throws a tantrum. (Sportsgum: Sally is Aaron Rodgers. Betty is Favre.) As far as Greensberg goes I think it has to do with his father issues. He's not a complete selfish dick like classic Campbell who just wants anything he can't have. Greensberg wants to please Don for the sake of pleasing him but doesn't realize Don would respect him more if he would instead just be honest with him the way Peggy is. When complementing Don about his devil idea backfired he took it personally because most of the office looks to Don like a father figure, much the same way Sally looks at Megan as a mother figure. *as alluded to by the Dark Shadows thing, which I think was the only real reason to have the friend scene because maybe Dark Shadows wasn't on the air yet so they couldn't just show Megan commenting on it while watching it on TV but they really wanted to use dark shadows because they are really trying to hammer in the era this season but I don't know maybe I'm just trying to read to much into that.