
I feel like a big part of his followers are people like us who follow him ironically. What do you say, guys, #UnfollowChetHaze?
Alternate theory:
I think this season the show has been more about using the characters to tell a story of the times as opposed to used the time to tell a story about the characters. I'm not saying it's a worse show for it, just different. Full disclosure: I may or may not have bought the Megan single on vinyl.
Woah, Steve say it isn't so. I'll miss you, buddy.
Steve?! That one ain't steve. Ugh I need coffee. sorry everyone i suck. need coffee.
Steve, you do realize that all the comedies in the Thursday night block use drama to keep the story lines going, right? I mean I guess Whitney doesn't but when you make a plot so prominent that it requires a cliffhanger and then you make the ending a 20 minute sketch... why? Why?
How has Kristen Schaal not hosted SNL yet? Is it because she's not as funny as Eli Manning?
"Glee, but for Simpsons fans." You sir are correct, although I gotta admit I think they pulled it off and I enjoyed pretty much all of it. I didn't expect much from the tired court troupe. The Ken Burns episode was super annoying because it completely removes all the drama, at least the Law & Order structure is built with suspense, even if-as the pointed out- there are no stakes. Also, I enjoyed the 30 Rock. It was an A+ decision to have Kenneth give a history of live TV and have the cast act it out instead of just making a regular episode live like last time.
My theory on Superman is that everyone was just afraid of him and just went along with what he said. "That Superman sure is mysterious, right, 'Clark Kent'?...Please don't toss me to the sun or use your laser eyes on me!" gumby can ball
This tweet is semi-related. FF#!/MrBikferd/status/86544244692627456
Also, is the multiple pages for comments thing going to be permanent? I like that little number, I think it's kind of rad to go to old comments. I have less than 100 pages of comments with both my FB Connect and VG account, I would've thought I's have way more than that.
Next week on Bookgum A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I mean it's not the internet but the discussion will be done on the Internet with fan favorites, Patrick M, Godsauce, Girl Philosopher, Stu and someone else I'm probably forgetting. So that's stuff.
Also, I had this random but accurate thought: I joined VG because of this thread that I keep going on about. Vg was the first website I've ever joined but since then I've spend the most time with Vg than any other form of entertainment save for MAYBE the Simpsons and the NFL. Anyways, keep doing what you do. Good Job, Gabe, Kelly, and monsters. Stay Awesome.
Attention everyone this is very important: The Jodie Sweetin chat on tinychat/videogum has been postponed to next week to observe the holiday. See you then at 5:30 San Francisco time. Sunday afternoon tea with the monsters?
"I'm taking pictures of you without a camera, ladies. Who wants cocaine?"
This is going to be so helpful for my People Staring at Me Like I'm a Dick photo-blog.
well, that didn't work. let's blow it alll up
Great week, monsters. Let's march on out of here.
Unacceptable, Steve. Unacceptable.
That dog's wearing dark sunglasses in the shade, not sure we can trust him.
Oh man, this is embarrassing, I just spoke to werttrew and it looks like we spent all our money on a Jodie Sweetin video chat. I'll get back to you when we have enough surplus.
Very well put. Because of this comment I am hereby offering you a million dollar deal to come speak at a Videogum Monster Meetup. The list is sort of out dated but most of the monsters are there.
Will you do it next week? Also, great week, everybody. I think this goes without saying but the TMZ post was exceptional, even for this blog.
Damn you, Facebook Connect!
If you didn't like rejectedjeffdumhampuppet's pic, you're going to hate this one, Kelly. Now, monsters, I'd like to take an opportunity to bring up a very important issue. We are trying to raise 100 bucks to get Jodie Sweetin to come to videogum tinychat So far, Facetaco has raised 40 bucks in pledges, If you or a family member can contribute, please get in tough with him @facetaco. Thank you.
On the one hand, this looks terrible. On the other, it has the John Stamos wearing an 80s wig stamp of approval.
Has anyone used either for something like this before? How would it work? Kickstarter. Would be set a goal of, say, 150? Paypal, would we take donations now and just give the money back if we don't win? Can we do that?
how do we collect the money? The auction ends March 18.
The Charity said yes. Now how do we do this?! Semi related: You can bid on a Skype Chat with Jodie Sweetin for 100 $+ it's for charity. Don't ask me how I know this.
I don’t believe he actually means this. If he did, he would be doing so much to discourage the rumors about him being a homosexual: