
I liked the old trilogy. Even though the first movie is horribly directed, the two other movies make up for it and make the first movie make sense. I watched the prequels so I could watch something that Steve said was on par with Gabe's recaps, and for the most part they were. From my limited understanding of Star Wars fandom, i think it's pretty close to being a Cleveland Browns fan. You treasure the magical moments of old and keep going to the games hoping they turn around, but knowing that it's going to be another letdown. You call radio stations (i'm not actually a Browns fan) to say what they should or should've done but at the end of the day it's out of your control. Yeah, I ain't care for they shoul'ves or should'n't'ves but it's fun to point out flaws on such terribly movies. Specially the prequels, because Lucas could've paid the best screen writers and directors and would've had a set of great movies. Instead he focused the money on special effects that will date themselves in a few years.
On an unrelated note, I went and watched the Star Wars prequels so I could then watch the Red Letter Media reviews you recommend. Man, did those things suck! I had to stop the last movie near the end with the lava fight. it was just so boring. I saw a link on the internet somewhere suggesting you watch the prequels after the second movie and before the third. Don't. They add nothing to the original trilogy. I recently watched the originals for the first time ever and I probably would've hated the whole thing if i'd watched the prequels in between. Also, I love the reviews, except for the tangent about serial killing and such. I recommend that you watch The Red letter Media Reviews and skip over them. See you next week.
You suck at making .gifs, Chris Trash. Hit the road.
You heard Kelly, Animatronic Cat Ears. Hit the road.
There's a monster online gaming list. My PSN name is babysdayout but I only ever play karaoke games because, as we've established before, I am a teenage girl.
Congrats, ballers. You earned it. PS. Where's the Reverse Monster's Ball?
Seconded. I hope they somehow both lose, then I'll be like
No love to Joe Esposito for best original song?
Commenter that Least Understands HTML Chris Trash
Chris' Picks Best Picture Midnight in Paris Best Actor Jean Dujardin, The Artist Best Actress Meryl Streep, Doesn't Matter, It's Streep, What Are We Going To Do, Not Give Her The Oscar? Best Supporting Actor Christopher Plummer, Beginners Best Supporting Actress Octavia Spencer, The Help Best Director Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist Best Original Screenplay Midnight in Paris Best Adapted Screenplay The Descendants Best Foreign Film A Separation Best Animated Film Chico & Rita Art Direction Hugo Cinematography The Tree of Life, Emmanuel Lubezki Costume Design The Artist, Mark Bridges Documentary (Feature) Pina Documentary (Short Subject) The Tsunami & The Cherry Blossom Film Editing The Artist Makeup Mark Coulier & J Roy Helland Music (Original Score) 311- Live in Chicago Music (Original Song) Muppets Short Film (Animated) Wild Life Short Film (Live Action) “The Shore” Sound Editing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Sound Mixing Hugo Visual Effects Rise of the Planet of The Apes Movie that Sounds the Most Like a Porn Midnight in Paris
I'm not going to lie, I find this adorable.
I'm not going to lie, I didn't understand this comment.
I know! If only there was someone who documented Videogum inside Jokes. Oh, well, I guess we'll never know. :(
I'm not going to lie I find this adorable.
This is blatant pandering to get in Steve Winwood's Revers Monster's ball.
I upvoted you based on who you are, man. #FF this guy, monsters.
Do it, man. You can absolve the downvotes away by saying 3 Donna Darkos and 5 TWSS.
Seriously, I love this show. My favortie part of this episode was how the earl was eventually forced to do the right after he thought he was just doing a friend a favor. Also, the way 3 larger story points meet around the simple scene of snooping on a footman's quarters is just neat beans. Neat neat beans. Well done, you Downton Abbey guys, you have won the respect of an anonymous Internet commentator.
"Troop Beverly Hills is my now, man"- Gabe. No need to reply, Gabe, I got you.
I was expecting some kind of twist because I thought Gabe hated nostalgia, but this is just a clip from Troop Beverly Hills?
Fine, I won't talk about season 2, but can we at least discuss the prequel? #sports!
Brian Scalabrine is our generation's Justin Bieber.
I was surprised 10 people wanted to watch Being Eve. That said, watch Being Eve, it gets really good by episode 6. You'll like it if you like shows with heart and/if you are a teenage girl like me.
Happy Birthday, Kelly!
OK, this might seem like an odd choice, but I stand by it, Being Eve? It's a teen dramedy from New Zealand but I swear it's good. Kind of like the wonder years but without the nostalgia and not as sappy. IDK, I think it's a good show that most of us haven't seen and there's not that many episodes to it and it would be cool to see Kelly recap it and I'm pretty sure no other website would and I'm just going to shut up now.
##FF @YourObligations @ARealistcCareerPath @JustinBieber
Walking bear? Nope. Chuck Testa.
When I was in school I used to work at a lumber yard with a guy who used to say the most offensive things and would always defend them with the fact that he was half Irish and half Italian. He'd say something like N**** N**** N**** N**** in a sing song voice and then apologize saying that Italians and Irish were persecuted so he was allowed to "joke like that". He would also say to women stuff like "I want to eat your ***** and drink your p**s. He would defend that by apologizing and saying he has hot Italian blood and that's how he was brought up. Anyways, he's still there so the moral of the story is: Always apologize. No matter how insensitive or assholish your actions are people always forgive you if you apologize.
I, for one, would love to read that letter.
Great week. Not only Mark Wahlberg but also Paula Deen, Ricky Gervais and the park ravers. On a different note, attention new monsters: did you know that we have a twitter list? leave a comment and we'll add you. You can also reach us @ @mobfd @werttrew or @chris_trash #tweeting
Can't believe she doesn't remember the case of Donna V. Darko
To be fair their original title was much worse.