
"I want a title that conveys the charm of Dane Cook" -date rapists
Don't worry, Wert. Other information sources are still available.
Holy crap! Everyone in this video could be a viral star yet they fit so well as a group. This is what it must have been to see Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young in the 60s.
I didn't see that. You are right, Taco. So it's way worse than I thought. It basically says, 'Instead of going to a docto about your chest pain, eat this drug and have a hot dog". It's litr'lly a drug to help you eat shittier and get less healthy.
On related news Larry the Cable Guy is the spokesman for Prilsosec. As afar as I can tell the drug is advertised as an aid to help you eat shitty food. Granted you can't get it without a prescription but getting frequent heartburn is a sign of a bigger problem than not being able to eat over processed meat at a tailgate party. People like these should absolutely get called on their bullshit. They belong with the same group of people who sell superfoods and cleanses, the people who sell dietary supplements labeled as wonder drugs and that guy who sold me a "program to watch 1000 tv channels on your pc".
Although I agree on Reservoir Dogs and disagree on Pulp Fiction and Basterdz, all his movies have that in-jokey fake feel. I with any of his movies you can overlook flaws if he hits enough points you like. Another thing I didn't like about the Basterdz is that he made the Jewish special force seem like blood thirsty goons. I know that was not his intention and that anyone with half a brain knows that Hitler was the bad guy, i just think it was a weird move.
Yeah I don't know how i feel about Ingloriouz Basterdz. So he started making a remake about Inglorious Bastards, which is kind of cool in a b-movie kind of way, but then he threw in the other story line and it just didn't fit in with the movie. I think it was a better story than the Inglouriouz Basterdz but at that point the Basterdz are just there to make the movie seem like the Expendables.
Stay tuned for my Videogum is a good blog and Steve Winwood is a wacky character comments.
As someone who kind of feels ashamed to love Quentin Tarantino when I was a kid, I wanted to nominate Pulp Fiction for the WMOAT, but i caught the movie by chance on cable the other day and , holy schnikees, it holds up. There's obviously some really cheese/disjointed parts in the movie, but it all somehow works in the end. In summation: Pulp Fiction: good movie. -Chris Trash, King of Original Observations.
It's not only that he's a Christian. He's also a virgin. He was home-schooled all the way up to college and no one thought he would make a good NFL QB (and they might still be right) because the way he plays almost never works in the Pros. He's also a missionary (or was ) in his spare time. He was supposed to be an abortion* but his mother didn't listen to the doctors and had the baby. I personally love how angry he makes sport nerds. He's not supposed to win, but he pulls it out at the last minute every time, just like Jesus in all those sport movies he starred in. *or so his mother claims, IDK, this is the part that makes me uneasy.
Let me save you a few seconds by googling that for you:
Fun fact: A new CD of the Beach Boys' Summertime (the album with John Stamos singing lead in Forever runs from 140 -260$.
I don't think it's an act, at least not completely. Doesn't make him any less the best, though. But yeah, Gervais is not that great. I'm surprised Merchant isn't given more credit.
I don't know what a major market is. I googled it and a grocery store came up. I'll probably watch it on the IMAX, it that helps.
I loved the Dark Knight but I hated the Batman Begins. Mainly because I made the mistake of going opening night and sitting next to the loudest 20ish year old nerd in the world. 1. He tried to finish Batman's sentences whenever there was a pause for dramatic effect (he was wrong most, if not all of the time). 2. He flinched and/or jerked his shoulders every time there was some fighting onscreen. 3. When the movie ended he applauded really loud then scoffed " In NEW YORK we applaud". 4. It seemed like there was more stuff but I guess it just seemed like a lot. Anyways, I like the list format, it helps me think. And he had a girlfriend (or at least a girl friend) who was as into it as he was. She was not loud so I didn't mind her. Anyways, the moral of the story is that I'll watch it in a matinee a few weeks after it's out.
I'm going to eat 700 oranges during the course of the year. I had some orange juice earlier but so far the count is at 0.
If that is real.. then does this mean that..ENHANCE!!
An hour later:
Nobody can eat fifty eggs.
I'm going to eat 700 oranges over the course of the year.
I had a similar realization while watching Midnight in Paris, but then I had another realization on top of that. I never really want to watch any Woody Allen movies, but somehow I think I've seen the majority of them. not only that I'm pretty sure I've loved or at least enjoyed most of them. I don't know why* declaring him as one of my favorite directors is so hard for me but, by golly, I think I'm finally ready to do it. My Name is Chris and I reluctantly love Woody Allen. *Well, there was the whole thing where he married his step-daughter, but who's counting?
Happy holidays, monsters! See you next year! Take me out, Kanye:
When I was 14 I asked a girl to go see Deep Impact with me, but because of my weird accent she thought I invited her to go see "The Pimp Act". We are now married. (No, we are not.)
Thought me? Did I mention I had wine at lunch? I declare myself exempt from standard language laws.
That Monster's Ball thread with Werttrew's, Son of Gabe's & That One's Comment is my vote for comment thread of the year. If you haven't read it you should go back and read it, it thought me the true meaning of Monster's Ball.
Semi-related: Do NOT rent Angel Dog from Redbox. The movie is on Netflix Instant. This has been a dogsplotation* Public Service Announcement. * Dogsplotation is the term I just coined for b-movies starring dogs, such as Cool Dog, Santa Buddies, 12 Dogs Of X-mas, etc. Yes, I had some wine at my work's holiday lunch today, why do you ask?
It's worth pointing out that there's a controversy about how this list isn't "original" enough. As the prophecy foretold: A warning to the crews out there who think they're hot if you're not original rockers you will get shot down by the kids neglectin' your art, the stuff you did eventually it get so bad puts you to bed cause when the lightning flashes sweet electricity all the world then stands revealed with the clarity of raw voltage, briefly we see and the hope is you'll be able to tell just what dope is
On a semi-related note, I found out that my favorite Mexican pop star, Julieta Venegas, follows Stereogum on twitter so if you guys could please say something to make me look cool in front of her I would appreciate it.
I know it sounds stupid but it doesn't really take away from the storytelling. Check out this leaked still
He lost his raw sex appeal when he cut his dreads. Also, he, Nick Hexum & S.A. probably split the votes.
Let see Tim Tebow get out of this one.
Ah man, i just got this. Upvote police, thumbs-up this man.
Merry Trollmas, Steve.