
What I'm trying to say is I feel you, lil' Christmas Danzig.
when I was 10 I wrote and drew a story which was basically A Christmas Carol starring a teddy bear. My older brother made fun of me because he said the story was predictable and unoriginal. I responded to this by adding a chapter in which Santa Claus and Jesus sued the teddy bear. The teddy bear won the lawsuit. Funny how I didn't turn out weird or nothing.
Oof, sorry. Can you guys just assume I feel crappy after I type something like that? It would save me a lot of time and effort in apology comments.
On the other hand the TV Best Actor, Drama Category was based on actors Courtney Stodden would find appealing. "Began to watch Boardwalk Empire, Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad, Boss, and The Borgias for the bodacious old bros"
I think what worked with Da Ali Show and Borat is that the comedy was drawn from the reaction of the people SBC interacted with. In one of the DVD extras the director from Da Ali G Show explains that he's trying to test how people think about foreigners, homosexuals and young 'uns. Bruno the movie feels, to me, like it's just making fun of gay people -not in an overtly offensive way, but still, gay jokes are the most tired jokes, specially if they are done for two hours straight. Have you guys seen Ali G In Da House? Woof City. Hopefully, this the awfulness of this trailer is not indicative of the rest of this movie 'cuz i plan to watch the crap out of it at least once.
This is my favorite Videogum Feature by far (RIP WMOAT) but am I the only one that's a little disappointed that Gabe hasn't fired Kelly in the last posts? I was looking forward to the tell-all book.
My favorite part of last year was when Gabe went to Comic Con. Can Gabe & Kelly go to more stuff? Horror conventions? Cat shows? Maybe movies in limited release? Maybe that doesn't make sense, just sayin' that would be cool. I like the little events that crop up once in a while.
Note: seven minutes after this post went up Steve had a detailed list of demands and complains. How could you not love this?
dammit, i was trying to bait steve winwood, but I guess he retired that little number. Anyways, my suggestion is more Winwood.
Thanks for all the nice things you said about the KCC interview, guys! P.S. Happy birthday, Topknot!
Oh man, are you sewious? 'Cuz I kind of want this to happen now.
Patrick Mortensen= Patrick M? scanners.gif
If you are a fan of those comments or her videos, you do not want to miss this book. Trust me. A+
This kind of surprise me too, I would have thought Steve would be annoyed by the other people at the theater, but If I have learned one thing from my year reading Videogum is that Steve has a very complex, well-rounded character.
I’ve been really busy at work lately so I haven’t been able to read the posts/threads during the day like a normal person, but I was reading one of the threads the other night and I ran into a little number by a commentator named “death of speedy”. I got curious about his/her avatar, so I googled it and learned that “Love & Rockets is a critically-acclaimed comic book, but more importantly, “death of speedy” is my new favorite commenter. He or she has been leaving images of actors dressed in absurd female costumes on videogum sporadically over the past few months. The awesome part of this is that when you google image “death of speedy” the 4th page is this: Genius. DoS, I don’t know how you did it, but I salute you.
Bookgum Reminder: December's book is the Single Girls' Guide to Meeting European Men.
Good try, kid, but Angry Greg Ryan is the cutest Eagles fan.
Ambarella retweeted this earlier, and it makes me very happy for some reason. please upvote her comment above, if you want to upvote someone for this.
My favorite part was the end, when you realize Katherine was a Jedi all along. I think if you are Spanish the best icebreaker is that shirt the dude on the left is wearing.
Best music video Best new act Best album Indie rock crush Best movie Best Tv Show Best viral video: Dancing With Swords Pizza Party Song Tablecloth Trick Done Perfectly Going To The Store More Sand Motivational Bike Kid Life Is A Highway Brad Is An Actor And A Model Slow Loris With A Tiny Umbrella Kids Krumping By the way, you can use your Videogum account to comment on Stereogum, F to the Y to the I.
Best show: Breaking bad Best movie: twilight What about the other categories?
I'm working all weekend. What are you doing Steve? What's a Winwood family thanksgiving like?
Glad to see Eega got some recognition, her gatheraroundtheoakentable and Steve are very naturally funny. I love most of you monsters but those 3 are bringing it lately. #FF
I'm pretty sure that'a actually Cthulhu.
Woops that was supposed to be a reply to ROFLame-o.
"Most Muslims aren't terrorist but ALL terrorists are Muslims."
I don't remember exactly, this was in Mexico in the early 90s so I would say maybe 30,000 old pesos. I think adjusted for inflation, taking the new peso system into account and converting into dollars maybe it was something like 20 Dollars today. Main thing to remember is that there was a time in my life where i would wander into a party and burp for pesos, kind of like Clint Eastwood in those movies.
When I was a kid there was this other kid who would sing Opera at parties and people would give him money. I used to have this burping ability (superpower you might say) and one of the older kids at my pop warner football league caught wind of both things. Soon he was taking me around the neighborhood pimping me for burps. I don't remember exactly how long that lasted but I know it ended when i projectile-vomited in the middle of a living room. Who says nostalgia is the worst?
Example: Pictured Thomas Pynchon
Why don't celebrities just wear that reflective clothing that bicyclists wear? Sure it would make it easier to spot them but it would ruin all the paparazzi pictures.
I think we can all agree that my grammar is the worst thing in this thread " I, as a person who believes like most people, just want to understand what this really means."
Listen, that was definitively passive aggressive, but just because I don't agree with you 100% does not make wrong. Sure I MIGHT be. But you consistently attack commenters who don't agree with you 100% so I excuse me for not wanting to spend the rest of my afternoon arguing in the Internets. One I'm not acting like I don't understand the goal, I don't. I, as a person who believes like most people, just want to understand what this really means. As far as the proposals, how do you know where I have argued? You call me lazy because I ask legitimate questions instead of attacking anyone who disagrees with me? You are telling me I'm wrong but I don't see any facts coming from your end. I admitted that the anecdote was irrelevant, but it's really not. There are people who just want to fight, in this case you, and there are people that actually have a clear understanding of what they want. My brother is actually a big OWS guy and so are many of my friends. Yes I'm glad for it, I just think there needs to be more side-stories as opposed to always having the study group together.
I'm going to reply to you because I feel dirty even replying to Backwaxer. I agree with everything you say and I think OWS has served it's purpose but there seems to be no cohesion between the movement itself as to what really needs to happen.
I'm not saying we should all boycott Starbucks, I'm saying that if you are going to take a completely anti-corporate stand you can't pick and choose based on arbitrary notions. Starbucks is by no means immaculate nor completely evil, just like Apple isn't or any corporation for that matter. My issue is more with not having a clear goal for instituting some types of system for responsibility as opposed to just calling something evil and hoping it all works out.
Thomas, do you recognize any of these items?