
Hey guys, do you want to hear what the guy with a little person dancing with a cat has to say about something every important? Of course you don't, her e it is: Listen, I'm like to think I'm pretty liberal, I have elected in the past to pass corporate jobs for small business type deals based on how much i hate corporate culture, I have voted 90% Democrat in every election and the way corporate greed has taken over the county for the past decade is absolutely disgusting. but as far as #OWS is concerned, much like Community, I pretty much saw this coming. Much like community, I appreciate the enthusiasm and I think it's one of the things that consciously tries to change things. I appreciate OWS as a symbol that people are pissed about the way things are going and such, but I just don't see a clear goal behind it. What exactly are they trying to accomplish? Are we trying to bring down the Fed? 'Cuz i'm not for that. Are we trying to destroy capitalism? I'm not sure I want that either as I type in my fancy computer (which I do not need and don't get me wrong I am nowhere near the 1%). Now, if someone would say to me OWS is about making Wall Street responsible AND we have a plan then I would be more willing to go down and take time from my job and show up for the cause. I don't know maybe something like require companies making above an X amount of money to disclose financial records in the same way non-profits have to? Require a minimum tax? Something (exclamation mark) -End relevant comment- Let me tell you a pointless story: In October, my cousins from Germany and Mexico came to run the Chicago Marathon sponsored by Bank of America. They signed up early in the year, before OWS was a thing. Friends of one of my cousin's disgustingly asked him how he could support Bank of America... while they stood in line at Starbucks. Now this is way simpler than fixing the banks, but this what it was: Not run something you've trained for the whole year with your family who's coming from two different countries v. not giving a huge corporation money for over priced coffee because you didn't want to go out of your way to an independent coffee shop. What I think I'm trying to say is TL;DR.
You click on ONE male enlargement ad...
What an uncharacteristic comment, Steve. Someone must have hacked you. Always remember to log out of everything when using a public computer.
What an uncharacteristic comments, Steve. Someone must have hacked you. Always remember to log out of everything when using a public computer.
Happy 311 day, monsters.
Ashton Kutcher voiced had some questionable choices.
Guys, Ricky Gervais is absolutely annoying and The Invention of Lying is The WMOAT but if you are not watching season 2 of An Idiot Abroad you are doing your self a big disservice.
When I used to work in a lumber yard , along time ago in a time historians refer to as the early 2000s, there was a guy who peed his pants. We used to sing "Lean Back" to him but with the lyrics: Albert don't dance he just pees in his pants and Soils his underwear (we held our noses shut at this point Lean back X3 This was a while ago and I like to think I have matured-unlike Hugh Jackman who peed his pants like a little kid.
Never mind, i just checked, 90% of babies look like Fat Joe.
I'm pretty sure that baby's Banjamin Button Fat Joe.
I swear that was a gif of the asteroids space ship shooting the down-vote button. sigh, I'm going back to bed. Hold my calls.
No more down-voting me mwahahaha!
It should start this bookmark, co-starting Videogum.
"CBS 46 in Atlanta is reporting tonight on an interview with Private investigator TJ Ward, who used software to analyze speeches by Mr. Cain and Sharon Bialek earlier this week. After listening to Cain’s speech and analyzing it, Ward said there is no doubt, Cain is innocent."
I guess the Cain Campaign is using targeted google ads. Which means that the reason that the Cain ad is there is because Huckabeast mentioned it, I think. So basically Cain is using the Herman Cain Bettlejuice meme strategy.
Apparently I don't like when people give credit where credit is due.
I'm going to go ahead and say this is probably not a well focused use of advertising
I love how all the elements in this video come together. I love the eerily pleasant music, the fluid animation, the theme, but most of all I love the excuse to post trippy cat gif tumblers.
Well EXcuuuuuuuuuuse me!
No love for the Original Kings of Catchphrases? Hammmm...burger!!! I think this are the famous comedians they made fun of this time: (the others being composites or generic) HAMBURGER! Yakov Smirnoff Sarah Silverman Dane Cook Tosh.0 Am I missing any?
Same here, I still read all the posts at night on my Kindle(sponsored comment) but I didn't get a chance to comment as much because of stupid work.
Me too. I think if you try to get it people just assume you are kidding. I will now point out some things I have done. Please judge them by one a one by one basis and use your downvoting buttons accordingly. When I was 14 a girl (WHO I LIKED) told me she loved me, I responded by giving her the finger. When I was 8 i wore a jacket without a shirt because I saw Vanilla Ice do it. I threw up on DS3M I peed on a cat once. I told these things publicly just to see if I could get Lowest Voted.
Great Job monsters, be careful who you take candy from this Halloween. By the way, Ken Jennings Verified his account on twiiter.!/KenJennings/status/129761890967625728
Strong words from a guy who can't even pronounce Ralph the right way.
I believe that's from The Uncharted Zone a television show is on the Blab Television cable station based in the Gulf Coast of Florida.You might remember the Uncharted Zone for Mark Gormley who Lindsay Robertson called "your dad." Internet Personalities.
Who is smarter, you or Mans?
Oh man, I miss Mans. I wonder if he'll ever return.
I hear you
When I was 16 I was a bartender at a restaurant that was next door to a modeling agency. It became sort of a model hangout for a little bit, the manager loved having the models around even though they would only drink our generic coffee and maybe a drink or two. One time a dude model came crying because the agency told him he had puffy cheeks. He started calling out our other costumers, many who had nothing to do with the agency, and pointing out their physical flaws. What I'm trying to say is that it kind of made sense to me.
Audience? Who's your favorite squadron?
I'm more of a psychological thriller type of guy
This is dumb, everyone knows the perfect Halloween dog movie has already been made.
You know who looks really dumb with a beard? This guy:
Actually I'll just wait until the fourth season to watch it.
I haven't watch this show but I love the ads for it
You guys seeing any shows this weekend? Protip on your profile: Don't post the entire url just the part after the forward slash, otherwise it links to something like!/!/chris_trash instead of!/chris_trash Also, do you guys think a stereogum twitter list like the one we have for videogum would be a good idea? If you think it is send me a tweet and I'll add you. Maybe we are not as tight of a community as VG, but maybe this would help and such. Let me know otherwise i won't do it.