
Videogum guru werttrew has a guide Skip over to 3, if you have your image. I use Imgur since it doesn't ask you for a captcha and you can drag to upload.
And fuck you I'm not proofreading that, hope it makes sense. Love.
Guys, I know I tell you guys, you rock every couple of months, but you rock. The other day That One said something about how he was shot and survived and such and appreciating life in a different way. I know DS has shared his health problems which are a big reason he loves the gum and such so let me pile on to the TMI. TL;DR alert: About two years ago I was poisoned (POISONED I TELLS YOU!) and I went through a few months were I couldn't leave my bed much less my house. Before that point I was running an average of 40 miles a week and went to the gym 5 times a week, I had a great job that was lucky to have and be good at it. Basically, my life was entourage. After that I felt all kind of fucked up. I couldn't get out of bed much less run or perform my job. After a few months of medical care I was able to bounce back physically but I started getting panic attacks. I was lucky to have a very supportive family and a great group of friends who helped me out through this but sitting at home day after day, bored and desperate, sometimes sleepless for days due to worrying if I would ever recover, was hell. Videogum was a great help for me during these awful months. You monsters, Gabe, Scott, Lindsay, Steve, Werttrew, Kelly etc. you guys made this community and I'm genuinely thankful I had you snarky bastards in my moment of need. I never even joined a website before this, and look at me know; I'm one of the biggest gumnerds. I'm not saying you guys saved my life or anything, but you guys made a significant difference. What I'm trying to say is stay awesome and see you next week.
Is it your birthday? Happy birthday from Atole!
Bonus features: He gets fired after he gets caught stealing a small desktop printer.
I made up a little story for him: Act 1: He goes to get apply for a job somewhere but was declined because of his appearance. Act 2: He calls gets professional make up job and applies for the job again. This time he is genial, courteous and an all around-good-guy. Act 3: He gets called back, told he has the job. upon arriving at his new place of employment, the people there are surprised that he has face rings. (this is where this video begins.) Our hero looks at his new employers with contempt and takes off his makeup. Everyone learns a lesson in not judging people on their looks. Fin.
This gif just looks creepy half a year after this video was posted. Oh well.
Two days later:
Hate to break it to you guys but those aren't real dinosaurs either.
David dies?!!!!!! #onlyonseason3 Just kidding, I have no idea what David the Gnome is. Remember Ludacirs' Back for the First Time?
Oh man, you guys remember when the main guy from Dinosaurs destroyed the Earth? Best kid show ending ever.
Wait, I agree on Almodovar not the first thing.
Watch The Basque Ball or Lovers of the Arctic Circle. Sex & Lucia has a bunch of psychee out twists, which is my guess why you didn't like it. Alright, but I'm watching you.
Agreed. What do you think of Julio Medem?
So Lost having some weird spiritual thing at the end sprinkled into a bunch of stuff that was already scifi, fantasy, magical realism, etc was lame but the Breaking Bad [omitted for spoliers] was rad? You are a hypocrite Steve Winwood, a Hypocrite!! Like I said, the finale was great, I just didn't care for that scene.
If it's any consolation the whole season kind of builds up to it in expert Breaking Bad style. How it's done should still be fresh and exciting. There's 2 other ''reveals'' that are a lot more satisfying on that episode alone. The scene from which the image is composed is actually the hokiest, most b-movie scene in the history of the show. Not to give it away but I kind of wish I knew how it went down since that scene is a permanent marker-wang-doodle on a Picasso of a show.
"Gargle your puke and swallow it and shut the fuck up." is now my favorite saying after "choke on your lies."
Really glad you made that correction, otherwise your comment would have made no sense.
Semi-relevant factoid of the day: Bret's old band, The Black Seeds, were also featured on an early episode of Breaking Bad.
I don't know, I was pretty buzzed on caffeine when I wrote this.
Did anyone notice towards the end when Walt stares at the Pollos Hermanos air freshener with the two chickens hugging? I don't know if you guys watch Arrested development but Hermanos means brothers. Also, a few episodes ago the cartel spared Gus' life back in the day "because of who he is". Gus.2 is just around the corner.
Agreed. In general I don't think they cartel members are portrayed realistically. I don't see how there's a generational criminal enterprise who is dedicated solely to smuggle a drug that can be easily manufactured in the US. I'm not saying meth is not smuggled, but this is basically a cocaine cartel that doesn't sell cocaine. Then Gus is a bulk seller but somehow micromanaging street-level dealers? Not that it matters to the story, the only reason I nitpick these tiny things is because the show is so good at telling a story. Great show, can't wait until next year.
It's not really related to cathollicism, but I guess there's people who are both catholic and worshipers of it. It probably* has to do with trying to keep from being persecuted by the catholic church or the anti-religious governments of Mexico's past. *Not sure if this is the case, but that's what happened with Santeria, whose worshipers used catholic saints to mask their allegiance to west African gods.
The Santa Muerte is something that's been around for ages. I don't think it's necessarily violent thing like the Jesus Malvelde thing and the producers probably put it in simply because of it's eeriness. I've seen an altar to it in a Chicago bodega and the people who ran it were friendly but I'll be honest, it took me by surprise.
Character development of the characters is the least redundant phrase ever written. Ever. Like in all of time.
Exactly, which goes back to the character development of the characters. There was a reasonalbe progression where Walt went from being a man who did some evil stuff to take care of his family to someone who just does evil for personal gain, and spite. I love the way characters rationalize their involvement with something they know it's wrong. From walt selling drugs, poisoning kids, killing rivals to Skyler leaving her cancer-striken husband because she thinks he's having an affair, to Ted cheating on his taxes because his company employs innocent people, etc. Jesse, who is a reputed petty criminal is ironically the only person who knows he is doing wrong but admits it to himself.
The show is definitively comic-bookey, specially some of the cartel back-story, but it's so well made that you kind of let some things slide. There's real development and sincerity in the characters are handled. Confessiongum: Sometimes when they do a flashback scene and they show a character that's dead I'm sort of surprised for a millisecond that a dead person came back to life.)
I know that two-face ending was ridiculous, but it was mainly because the CGI was poorly made. Also, I think Mike ends up being Walt's enforcer next year.
Dear Monsters, Considering that Netflix was split into two companies I went ahead and got the Blockbuster by mail free trial. Blockbuster is cheaper and they have a better disc selection but their website setup is horrendous. I also have Dishnet and upgraded to Blockbuster PlayNow. Their selection seems more current, but their website is even more horrendouser, which is a big drawback if you are a web-based service. I think it also works with the DishNet receivers, but I don't have a compatible receiver, yet. My question to you guys is this, are any of you knowledgeable of both services? Which ones do I keep? Do I keep BB for discs and Netflix for streaming? Do I go all Netflix? Which seat do I take? -Chris from Firstworldproblemland
How awesome is it that Kelly's mom is halfway to an EGOT? I know it's gotta be kind of weird, but it's also really, really awesome that Kate (may I call you Kate?) is an active monster. I wish my mom was that cool. P.S. Can you buy me some beer, Kate?
Thanks Glue, thanks Monsters.
What about scorpions in the back of dress shirts, those are still cool, right?
oh man, i can't believe Badger was part of the cartel.