
Awesome! Have you ever gotten in Monsters Ball? I know Gabe's mom and Steve Winwood's Grandpa have.
It's also worth noting that the title card does not match the actual title of the movie.
Dan Aykroyd's Unplugged on UFOs
Kind of, but I was telling a yarn in which it's kind of funny to post stuff like this in medium-sized pop culture blogs or to give it a shirt like this as a joke gift, but if you actually wear it, you are an asshole. But I disagree with your math; it only makes it 18.98% less funny. Fact.
The back of that shirt:
So Xenu had nothing to do with it?
I haven't been able to stop talking about Cruise's gums since I saw that pic. Thank you FLW. You earned this: "That man can play anything! A nerd! The Devil! A hunchback! Italian chef! Get me Eugenio Derbez, that's the kind of versatility we need at Billy Madison" -Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler associates himself only with the best comedy world-wide. He's the David Byrne of 4th grade jokes.
He plays Felipe AND Felipe's grandma!
I googled Rolf Dewolfe and a picture of the bird from showbiz pizza came up, the caption said "Chris Thrash" but I misread it as Chris Trash.
"Benjamin Button was bullshit!" - (Present day.)
So after all these years the biggest revelation is that Steve Winwood was right?
Pitfall-style Videogum
I'm not a fan of weed but weed films are the best. I used to love the first Bill & Ted movie when I was a kid. I know it's not explicitly a weed movie, but c'mon.
I think it's because of the Miami U t-shirt.
Hey man, everyone gets old.
INT. MODELLAND MODELING ACADEMY Tookie De la Creme enters hallway filled with beautiful yet unwelcoming models. ALOOF MODEL 1 (Dismissively) Look, It''s the new girl. ALOOF MODEL 2 (Sarcastically) Hey Tookie, why do they call you Tookie De La Creme? Tookie takes off glasses and lets her hair down, looks straight into the camera. TOOKIE DE LA CREME Because I'm delicious! -Fin-
Remember when Justin Timberlake was going to write a book about an aspiring basketball player named Justin Woodriver? No? Well, I'll NEVER forget!,,280825,00.html Justin, please stop acting and go back to book writing.
We can all agree Tookie De La Creme is a great name, perhaps the greatest, but does anyone find it weird that she chose to name her character after the guy who founded the Crips?
I've seen worse
You are right, Steve. My bad. Infinite Jest is November 4, not December 4th. Again, Gabe has his book for download on pdf. Here's the link:
Gabe has a PDF version of it in the same post. You could print it out if you want. Also, the kindle has no light , it's electronic ink which has no glare. I recommend it specially if you want to read Meeting European Men and want to pretend it's another book for some reason. The time frame is when the books will be read. Werttrew will lead the the Infinite Jest discussion and we'll have the discussions at the end of the reading period.
Oh man, KCC's book is the best, wait until we get to it, it will be awesome.
The official reading time is two months,but the deadline is December 4th, so if you get it now you'll have over two months to read it. Plus reading ti with the monsters will be funzo.
Also, a link to it might help:
Hey guys, remember Bookgum? It’s back at MOBFD. MOBFD is the group blog for Videogum Monsters by Videogum Monsters. We have original stuff, recaps, Monster Ball stats, rejected Videogum tips, reviews, list featuring the monsters on twitter, tumblr, Words with Friends, community links, inside jokes, and more. If you are interested in participating contact your local Werttrew, Chris Trash or Thisismynightmare today!
I haven't heard audience reaction this wrong since Whitney.
Thanks, Kelly! I'll be sure to thank the scruffy dudes who live behind my house in the alley for introducing me to crust punk.
Woohoo! I'll be the one Mexican guy at the Polka/punk show, can't miss me.
I'm not usually a fan of period dramas, but this one is just very well made. It's not over-dramatic theater at all, it's very nuanced. And the storyline is simple but expertly timed. Them cats are smart as lighting.
Topknot, the new King of Videogum.
Thanks Topknot, I really appreciate it, but now I feel overrated and one thing Stereogummers hate is things that are overrated. Let me be the first to start the backlash: Chris Trash sucks, I saw him commenting In Yahoo OMG, mainstream a-hole. Chris Trash unironically likes Uffie. Chis Trash made a long pointless reply comment about himself, what an ego.... and so forth.