
Good song but the video is a miss for not having of Ross riding a mini-bike.
He wants to make life one long weekend.
This goes againts that petition I signed, but man, I really hope that whale is dead.
Other things that are people: Soylent Green Long pig
Two Jon Heder references in as many albums; the throne belongs to Kanye.
Great job, interns. You earned your Static-X and Guided by Voices music records this week.
Gabe: Do not give me Editor's Choice next week. I repeat: DO NOT GIVE ME EDITOR"S CHOICE NEXT WEEK.
I would just like to thank everyone for this opportunity to ruin Stereogum. Also Real Estate did an awesome job.
I have no problem with the artist doing their own version of it and making New York City Cops a political statement is not a bad idea, but the whole thing just seems very flat. You can't even hear the sample and it's so distorted it could just be static and it wouldn't change the song. Rhymefest did a much better job of sampling The Strokes a few years ago.
I was disappointed that Stereogum didn't cover the leaked Watch the Throne album cover.
You know, for a Chupacabra post, this thread is surprisingly political.
I'm off my commentator game, let me try that again: Sure, but Carter couldn't have gotten him without intelligence from the Bush administration.
I saw this on Fox News this morning. Turns out Carter had little to do with this and we should all be crediting George W. Bush.
I like how he shows his alpha male dominance over us, lowlier men, by instructing us to turn off our phone right after he checks his spam text.
This isn't Ark, I think they split up over copyright issues, which is why the magic is gone.
Hyde? I heard he's the borther of the oldest kid from Malcolm in the Middle.
Did you ever find your wallet?
At first I was like: and then i was like: Do your thing, DS. Carry onward VG soldier.
I know all those words, but that sentence makes no sense to me
Videogum: Mentally handicapped woman valiantly runs for office, much to the chagrin of Internet community.
This is just a few seconds of it, but it's the few seconds where you see his face change from sheer joy to pure terror.
Hijack away, this is monsters' ball not Chris Trash ball, if anything it's Hugh's an Asshole Ball.
Attention monsters of Toronto and it's vicinity. Us monsters have organized the first Canadian monster meetup. Come and have fun. [note: no assholes]
HA! HA! HA! HA! That old lady had to go somewhere else to get food! ;)
I think most people are calling them "mob-action attacks", although I can totally see people calling them flash mobs. What was my point again? I'm just going to end this comment with a wink to show how i meant no busting of the vibes. ;) Man, I should do that winking face more often. It gives you a pass to say whatever ridiculous thing you want to say. ;) YES! worked again!
I love flash mobs. Nothing says spontaneity more than planning an intricate event months in advance.
If that's our 13 year old Katy Perry.... then who the hell is this?
One of my biggest regrets is my lack of funds required to finance Monster Babies