
Yeah, if being weird for no reason was a prank then my parents got y'all good when they had me.
My favorite part of his documentaries is how candidly and lovingly he talks to the peeps and then he insults them in the voice-over. He's part Mans, part Steve Winwood.
Do you think Tom feels left out because he can't use Facebook?
(Werner Herzog condescendingly compliments the hula hoopers)
Finally a proper medium to address the haters.
Is this it?
The meetup is actually an After-palooza meet-up, so you can still come.
I hear tons of Ontario monsters asking for a meetup, but it never gets past that. I say you guys make it happen already. if you need help planning it contact @werttrew on twitter or @mobfd
Great, I threw all my gifs in the garbage because i thought we were done with them.
"A small change at one place in a nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state. For example, the presence or absence of a Sara Palin fart could lead to creation or absence of a hurricane." -Ashton Kutcher
Classic liberal media, showing Sarah Palin talking at a press event she organized.
This was cool, I can't wait until Disney steals the premise and adds a talking animal.
You know one thing I never got about superman is why he wore his costume under his white dress shirt. All those villains and not one of them had X-ray vision? Did he just never go out as Clark Kent when it rained? The glasses as a disguise? That I totally get.
Oh man, whatever happened to Confused Guy Withpinkstewieshirt-Andpointyhair? He was my favorite Pokemon.
I know you meant assholes, but i liked how you ended it with asshole. It's like they achieved a state where they just assimilate to a giant asshole organism. They are no longer individuals; they are asshole.
See you at Friday's meetup, Patrick.
"Those Westboro Church guys are REAL assholes. Believe us, we'd know." -The KKK
This Justin Bieber perfume ad is disturbingly close to that SNL skit with Tina Fey. Seriously, how did the perfume company think this was not going to be creepy?
I second UP. Nice work ripping off other animators, Disney. Also The Lion King for the same reason Taxi Driver? More like Taxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi driver Raging Bull? More like Scorsese's Raging hard on for DeNiro. Get a room already. Inception? More like fast and furious for New Age hippies. Shawshank Redemption? A movie about criminals, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Pulp Fiction? That movie's so ridiculous, it's like someone from youtube made it. Seven Samurai? Naked butts. Wait, you really didn't like it? We weren't being facetious? Never mind I earnestly nominate Black Swan then.
I think that whatever you may think of KCC, you have to admire her work ethic. She's out there doing what she wants and she's not letting anyone stand in her way. Hi, Katherine!
I was kidding, but we should totally a Vg meetup at Castaways.
Glue said what? Thanks for the upvotes, monsters. It's suny in Chicago, let's go to North Ave and read VG from the beach.
Pendulum Waves Brosworth invites you to his rapture listening party:
A-hole gets away with it at a ballpark.
Not a video but this is perhaps the best e-moment of my life, besides getting an email from Winwood.!/KatherineCahoon/status/71062558546735104
It's been a while since we've done a cute animal comment thread. What you guys say? Who's coming with me?!
But he's so adorable! How can the government say no to those pretty giant cheeks and that cute little grotesque denial of reality?
Holy Schmokes, I think we got a mini-Winwood.
welcome back, bud. How was the wedding? Http://welcomebackbanner.png
Did she reveal what the secret is or did she end it with semi-religious filler? Http://lost.jpeg
If this any indication, then look no further for tomorrow's Oscar-nominated Actor/director/author.
Sorry to step on Werttrew's toes , but we are a' chattin' chat up!
Unicorn* Well, anyways don't visit it, you are better off visiting the sites that taco and Constantinople mentioned.
I'm just being nice to sell you some insurance. Great job, Kira. This is the only thing that came up when i googled Kira, so be sure to visit my uniform friendship page.
The wolrd demands pictures of Adzuki Bean!
Sorry meant to say" is this just a trailer"*
Sorry for asking, I guess this is before my Internet time. What's Charlie bit my finger? I googled it and got a vid of a baby biting a toddler, but I don't see how it relates to this short film. Is this just a short? Aside from the toddler the vids are completely different. -Confused in Chicago
Great job, Notsewfast. Take some time to spend with your loved ones, you earned it. Oh yeah, you are also Asian now.