
OK, now let me use my obvious joke detector. Beep..booop....bap..beep. Yup, obvious joke is obvious.
No one forced you to read it... oh, wait I did nag you to read mine. I wouldn't've if I knew there were better writers working on theirs. Oh well, it's what i do now.
Hmm, let me hook this up to that new X-ray thing that I got from the app store. Yup, just as I suspected.
I knew that stuff was aimed at children
Oh yeah, I've been waiting for this one.
My guess; Robert Pollard and Wayne Static still sore about their breakup.
As long as we are talking about Gabe fan fiction , we started one for MOBFD. Don't worry Gabe, the future chapters won't be so Gabecentric. Anyways, sorry for the spam. Also, Great Job G-money, you earned it.
You are married to Booger Bradley? off.
Clearly you don't know your music history as well as I thought
Me too, I like that each season work by itself. There are a ton of unresolved things though. Like, what other classes was Stringer taking at the community college?
Yeah, it was a great Idea but the crappy mics take too much away from the video.
So.... where do I submit this?
Look at this stupid chipmunk, it thinks it's a squirrel:
It's called a grumckle. This guy knows what you's talking about:
This easily wins my Biggest Cute Kid to Bad Parent Ratio Award of the week. Congrats creepy camera guy.
Wait a second! Who is this guy, then?
You'r on, but I ain't shaving my starburns.
An artificial, stitched up silver screen legend plays with a muppet.
This guy knows what you are talking about:
Disclaimer at the end of the movie: Remember kids drugs are bad, if you take them you get to see your grandpa, God, Jesus and all kinds of famous people.
Capsulekei, It is I, your boyfriend.
Woops, sorry for the huge pic. Also, why does Wolverine always look constipated?
It thought the original title seemed a little derivative
If Booger Bradley says the kid knows what he's doing, then the kid knows what he's doing.
I love both my dog and my cats, but I'll tell you this: my cats have never tried to eat my dog's poop.
Let me help you out, Facteaco:
Great job, Huck! Your blogging muscles really impressed me.
I can never look at Abby Elliot the same way again after realizing she looks like an exact female (albeit very beautiful) clone of her dad.
Oh man, I can't wait for the Footnote TV episode on my boyfriend, Johnny Gold.
There's always the more sinister alternative: Babyfriday. JK.. I hope.
Let's hope Facetaco never finds out about this.
Dang, I've said that on here before? I thought that was just a thing I said in Videogum chat. You do not want to go in there, unless you want to hear about my third testicle, which is something I would never mention here.
Even though I've never actually seen any of the original Star Wars movies, I'd like to take this moment to re-post some Steve Winwood Star Wars photoshops. I'll make some more when I actually watch the films.
Not thanks, I have to play Wii tomorrow and stare out my window.
We'd never judge you Gabe. "Age ain't nothing but a number." -MLK
My favorite part is when he says: "you are welcome to all the militareeee! Everyone who protects you.. while you... SLEEP!" Not only is he anticipating thanks from the entire military, but he's doing so in a perfect Mitch Hedberg cadence.
If you can decipher the grammar in this comment, you get an official "I can read Chris Trash'es caffeine fueled dribble".