
Now that Bin Laden is dead, this man can finally shoot his gun at random on top of of a vehicle notorious for toppling over, without the fear of senseless danger.
No need to fear, only the New York Times could bring us the audacious, in-depth music coverage that Internet media is afraid to cover. (Link via Pat M's subscription)
Jesus loves all the creepy, sentient wooden children.
How did i miss the episode where he gets hair plugs?
As stale as the premise for the office seems, you gotta hand it to them for actually finishing story lines. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I was surprised that Scott took out his mic in the end and addressed the documentary aspect of the show, which is something i just assumed they chalked up to abstract storytelling long ago. Last night did feel like the end of the series and whatever comes next will feel like one of those spin offs where they try to rehash the success of the original, but I'm curious to see how they will end it now that they addressed the cameras. thank you this has been TL;DR with your host Chris Trash.
They're robots punching each other.
This guy liked it:
washed up? payed? Google Translate needs to hire proofreaders.
Speaking of nerd documentaries. the Rock-afire Explosion documentary is now on Hulu. It's a must watch for all Steve Winwood fans.. so basically me. It's a must watch for me, but you guys should check it out too.
Little known fact: Jordy is Brenda's baby.
????????????????????????????? Okay, that's th last one. This has been Chris Trash Wastes Five Minutes of Your Time. We now return you to your regularly scheduled comments.
Just kidding, friend.
You should have been aborted
She's pretty
Woops, that was huge and I forgot to say it's a sadface. Anyways, here's this: NOOOOOOOOOOO=
@ian My dog ate th reply button, but hr you go:
Thanks for shattering this video's stereotypical portrayal of movie pirates being misanthropic, self-satisfied, bored loners., Steve.
Suggestions you say... can we have monster numbers? That way we can make IDS and such. Also hats, we need hats.
Yikes, this is creeping me out, and I made it. No creepos, please.
April 7th. Official one in New York & satellite one in Chicago on the same date, An absolute URL: Monsters' Ball has the info.
I was into steve winwood before he was mainstream
Nobody wants to see how the viral video sausage is made
Counter Counter-counter point
Hey, I watch Bob's Burgers! I will take this as a sign that yes, Kristen Schaal will be my girlfriend.
I'm worried about Ras Trent, you guys.
C'mon guys, help me out. Make me look cool in front of Kristen Schaal.
Hello, Bob Burger's, I have a few questions: Mr. Dauterive, I'm a big fan of King of the Hill mostly because the show had a lot of heart. Not many shows-specially cartoons-have this. I noticed Bob Burger's has a similar spirit. Is this something you had in mind when creating the show? Mr. Boss, when working on a sitcom, do you try to bring a new fresh aspect to the genre? Do you start out working with a sitcom template then expand outside the box or do you try to fit the idea into a traditional tv format? Kristen Schaal, will you be my girlfriend?
Me too to reiterate: Here's a bonus gif of a shell bomber to make up for it.
I'm sure Microsoft will find a way to survive without the Zune.
I was just curious is all.
Miss (soon to be Mrs.) Bomber, I have a few questions: 1.You are pretty open about your online activities in your regular life, is this a conscious choice or does it come natural to you? If it's a conscious choice, what made you decide to embrace your online persona? 2. Would you ever do the Goop detox again? 3. Who are these cool monsters you speak of, & why have you not introduced them to me?
If a dracula is ever chasing you, turn around and trip the bitch.