
3. Will you teach me to count?
This was the same guy who made fun of his friend dying on twitter, after all. But if you ask me this is his most offensive tweet:
Hello Mr. Mande, I have a few questions: 1. As someone who was making fun of "hipsters" back when most of America wasn't even aware of the term, what do you think of the recent slew of hipster related memes? 2. Since there is no real central attribute to being a hipster (such as punk music was to punks etc.) do you look at as the natural end of the cycle or are you confident that hipsters will continue as a culture in the future? Does their eclecticism in fact makes them stronger? 4. Will you be my friend?
Bye mans. Thank you for this magical blog day. I'm just going to reread all these posts and listen to this now:
I did the same thing and tried to make a connection between DFW's humor and vg. there seems to be a lot of social commentary and satire using very silly aspects of society-- so i wanted to write something like this or something but my brain started hurting. I'll go back to mindlessly inputing numbers into a computer now. sorry to bother you fine people.
Quebec sovereignty movement BNPG! Go: > google translate.
For a minute I really thought it was you rapping, Mans. You got me again, you silent assassin you.
But what does he think about The Boondock Saints?
Someone needs to tell NASA to flip their Iphone sideways when recording.
Monster Prominence Video:
Remember to point and laugh, otherwise it's not effective.
For college monsters/Tom Hanks
Monster March Madness NCAA Challenge Space shuttle wake up song.
I can't effing* wait. Even Oprah's Narration couldn't damper my love for Life & I surprisingly preferred Sigs' narration to David Attenborough. Here are some similar titles if you guys like this kind of stuff: Wild China, Wild Pacific, Atlas 4D, Ganges All the Ron Fricke films; Baraka, Chronos, Koyaanisqatsi, etc. Most of the Kieth Merrill documentaries; Amazon, Yellowstone, 12 Dogs of Christmas Most of these are also on Blu-ray. If you take any recommendations from a random Internet stranger, make sure it's this, check 'em out. * no way to know what that means really. If only we had someone who knew. Send hatemail to principal enchman
I still don't think he should have been cut from the movie.
G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G- Unit! Foster-Walker Undergraduate Residential House
You guys think this is bad? you should see what happened to the withdrawal dream baby from trainspotting
HE ANSWERED! A million upvotes to the person who gets him to reply to a question about Steve Winwood.
THE 911 IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!!!!! Seriously, this is by far the worst "psycheeeee!!!! out ending" ever, right? I imagine the writing sessions went something like this: Writer: My character is so brooding and aloof, he's so cool. Writer's friend: Why though? Being white is hard? He just goes around moping for no reason? Writer: Oh yeah? Well... It ends with 911! Writer's friend: ...
NEVER FORGET: How misguided and condescending this piece of crap is.
I want to watch it come down all the pigs are all lined up I give you all that you want take the skin and peel it back now doesn't that make you feel better? shove it up inside surprise! lies stains like the blood on your teeth bite chew suck away the tender parts I want to break it up I want to smash it up I want to fuck it up I want to watch it come down But it's all-----right 'Cuz I'm saved by the Bell!!
And if he doesn't get the Emmy after this winter's best mid-season replacement, there is something wrong.
I'm surprised he didn't win one earlier. For these films:
I always pictured her as Winona Ryder in bettlejuice.
Don't worry, I'm sending that baby some help.
ok, last one, It's hard to photoshop dudes & pretend you are working at the same time.
Wait a minute...
Meh, I don't see it.
You are right. Nevermind, I'm an idiot. I would also like for you to be able to pick your own screensaver; I'm getting weird looks on the train for carrying around a picture of Agatha Christie with me.
Documentaries are my favorite types of movies and even I gotta say this was fucking boring. The only good part of the movie is the part of the film where they show Joaquin's appearance on Letterman. It's good because Dave does in 5 minutes what these two assholes failed to do in a year; make an interesting interview dealing with self important assholes. My theory is that this film was supposed to be a commentary about a celebrity obsessed culture, but it just comes off as a couple of guys being dicks. Being weird doesn't make you interesting. My theory is that Phoenix and affleck decided to make this film based on Joaquin's resemblance to Zack Galifainakis. Diddy actually comes off well compared to the protagonist, which is a herculean task that this movie somehow manages to pull off. In fact they managed to make everyone but themselves seem pretty reasonable, which in my opinion is the opposite of what a good mockumentary does. Ali G must be rolling over in his grave.
Steve, are you going to be writing any more stuff for The Sunbreak?