
Two of the happiest days in my commentating career were the two times Steve called me "fucking Chris Trash". #sadlyfe
I know, I'm pretty optimistic about my chances with Kissyface27
Congratulations R2. I know someone who is going to be disappointed.
Let me check the nerdcionary...Yup, "metanerd" is, without a doubt, the nerdiest word ever nerded.
Steve, aren't you going to congratulate the guest bloggers?
Enhance. See also
February 11th!? I need to quit my job so I can pay more attention to videogum.
They said it would never happen They said he would never make it They said Amelia was not a contender for the Worst Movie of All Time But you never stopped believing The inspiring story of an ordinary commenter YOU discovered Werttrew blogging for Videogum on February 11th, 2011
This guy is on to something
sounds like Sean Anners needs to borrow a feeling.
I hereby petition to have Becca's mom be the the next Videogum guest blogger.
Cool beans, I love me some Ed Helms but I was wondering if this was any good. From the trailers it looks like a lazy, bootleg version of 40 Year Old Virgin meets the Hangover.
I have prepared a few questions for you Mr Liedman: As a performer, is it easier or harder to identify yourself as gay in today's world? Do you think we are in the formative years of Internet entertainment? Is what you do today, going to be the benchmark for future generations? Will you be my friend?
...well, i'm paraphrasing.
This is better than when Fox told me to check my prostate.
Lan Party People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am i doing this right?
That's actually the official Fall Out Boys twitter. I don't know if that makes it better or sadder.
Batteredgnome was talking about how some British programs aint care if their stuff is online(I don't know how it actually works). Anyways, you should check out QI. Oh and Happy Birthday, BG.
Finally, after years of rewarding manufactured pop candy , we get back to an artist with some substance. This one's for you guys.
I have a couple of questions Mr. OFarrell: Growing up, what prepared you for a life in viral humor? Seeing that you are young, did you always look at the Internet as a primary outlet for your humor? Is there something-besides making people laugh- of substance that has come from this experience? How do you feel knowing that a creation of yours will probably outlive all of us? Will you be my friend? Down goes babby! Down goes babby! Down goes babby!
Yeah, somebody should have told him not to perform roundhouse kicks in his song...actually why was he even on? Rihanna has been pretty good to SNL. She's appeared in the digital shorts and such. They made fun of Lil Wayne & Eminem (best sketch of the night) for their violent lyrics against women then they go and have someone who actually-very notoriously- battered a woman. Weird move SNL.
Once again the man steals black culture to make himself richer.
I have one question--and one question only-- about this gif: Why are the words coming out of the lower area?
Please don'g make a cockery of my typeeng.
oops i forgot to mention: I posted the long comment instead of the short one because I too take myself too seriously on this blog; is what i meant to write after that. Basically, I don't fault anyone for taking a blog they love to heart. I just think we can all handle thing differently. Or not, who knows, I'm just another asshole on the web.
I don't know if you were replying to me specifically Mans, or if you were just responding to me because we've spent time together in the log cabin that is the tinychat. Either way, this is what i think: I was not really offended when I followed that link and I saw that in fact it was a picture of Paltrow's vageen. I did think it was in poor taste, but I also saw where Gabe was coming from. I mean this were not some creepy paparazzi pics or stolen photos from her camera. They were in fact pubic pics taken of a person who has been trained to take pictures since she was a teenager. She's probably been in a limo or two before. I'm not saying it was her fault if she indeed had a lapse of judgment and forgot how to exit the limo. I'm just saying, that is just a very unlikely scenario. The upskirt pics do not do anything for me, not because I'm gay--I don't care if you call me that BTW, go right ahead,'s not an insult to me--but because i find them creepy. upstaged or not. That being said, that is not the creepiest thing Gabe has posted, yet we always find humor in other weird creepy things. This is what I wanted to post initially: "I can’t wait for next week’s Jeff Dunham’s sex tape." Instead I posted: "I never knew why there was so much hate on Paltrow until last week. I read some of Videogum’s old posts and then I sort of got it. There is a point to be made that these getting out of a limo shots are all publicity stunts. I mean what’s the advantage of not wearing underwear to a place where you know you will be photographed? That being said, I would have loved to read some commentary on that, instead of just another linked advertisement for it. This came off very Mean Girls. Either way, I can’t wait for next week’s Jeff Dunham’s sex tape." About the rape typo from earlier in the week: I did not comment in that simply because I did not have anything to say about it. I did think that some monsters made fun of the wrong thing. Many monsters failed to make fun of the typo and instead made fun of rape in general. I don't think anyone advocates rape who made those jokes, but I did find some jokes distasteful, so i decided to ignore the post. If I had though of something funny to say about the monsters making fun of the rapes I would have, but I just didn't and was fine with that. I think the bigger issue during Upskirtgate was the personal attacks. I don't care to start attacking monsters personally because of taste. Maybe some of us have gone through stuff that we find hard to make fun of and some of us have lived a sheltered life. Our differences are no reason to turn on each other. We find stupid shit funny and that's why we are here. Sure I love the serious stuff too (I made a freaking* blog about the blog, I should hardly be the one to tell people to take this in stride), but in the end we are just anonymous Internet commentators. I'm not going to go full-out Winwood and say that our words have no meaning at all. Only a thick headed animatronic wolf would truly believe that but, writing our personal opinion in the comments is really not going to influence anyone who doesn't already agree with us. I joined the site because you guys were funny AND not morons like in most internet sites. I think we can certainly discuss delicate issues which we disagree on, without calling each other Nazis or Doodie-heads *freaking: fucking ©Steve Winwood
Pfft, Olivia Munn's job at the Daily Show is just a self-aware joke on how Fox News uses beautiful-looking women with no talent. They know what they are doing.
Does anyone mind if I recycle a BNPG I started on twitter? You DO! OK, well here it is anyways: Kidzbop 2011 "Who reupholstered your tushy?" "let's make a toast for the book-bags, let's make a toast to game consoles" "I eat my turnips & my asparagus"
Dammit! that was supposed to say "someone having a pizza addiction"- that's why I wont ever make it to the funny status app big leagues.
Hold on, there's more: I read about someone having addiction. I believe the technical name for this was "normal".