
Sorry, I haven't been as lighthearted as I once was. I've been working a lot lately and such. However, I think I have solved the problem by buying. this Funny Status App Let's see here... pizza, cookies, old people being sexually suggestive. Got it! I wish someone would invent a cookie holder, for when you want to dip it in the milk. I mean your fingers get cold and if you squeeze too hard it breaks and falls to the bottom and you either try diging it out with your hand or drinking the milk.
Speaking of terrifying, did you ever see the Dinosaurs ending?
What's the point?
Meh, everyone was thinking Bieber. Well, everyone is always thinking Bieber.
I never knew why there was so much hate on Paltrow until last week. I read some of Videogum's old posts and then I sort of got it. There is a point to be made that these getting out of a limo shots are all publicity stunts. I mean what's the advantage of not wearing underwear to a place where you know you will be photographed? That being said, I would have loved to read some commentary on that, instead of just another linked advertisement for it. This came off very Mean Girls. Either way, I can't wait for next week's Jeff Dunham's sex tape.
Isn't the whole idea of a Christian God that he's a benevolent dictator already? Why would you need a Justin Bieber wannabe to tell you what's right?
I decline to comment until her lawyer's full investigation is complete.
Surely, we can raise 5 bucks to fund LBT's gambling habit. Let me see here... 1.20, I have $1.20, anyone else?
Dang, the speed's too fast. Basically, he shows the kid his clothes the throws them on the floor a couple of times.
What about Gwyneth Paltrow LeBron?
I disagree, I think he's growing into his groove.
It is a cherry picker, Skyjack is the name of the company. What, didn't everyone work at a lumberyard during school?
Black Swan blows instead of sucking
Wait Kenny Powers, something in the Internet is fake? I'm going to need a minute.
C'mon tell me you weren't at least a little happy for him? He proved he's not just another pretty face.
When will people learn? Dogs are the only thing that makes drunk driving safe!
I wanted one that was easily recognizable. The old one with the little man dancing with the cat seemed a little inappropriate somehow. Did you know that my first avatar was actually Loony Bird from the Rock-Afire Explosion? I got it because of Winwood. Speaking of Winwood his art reviews on the Sunbreak are great. it inspired me to look into artists like Max Clotfelter and such. I wish Winwood would come to Chicago, we have a museum for outsider art. True Story: my drawings were on a Museum when i was 10. OK, not much of a story, but I kind of want to get back into art. I stopped when I was like 17 because I hated art kids (sorry art people-I love you now!) Do you like grapes? I always thought they were really expensive as a kid, you know because of those roman emperor cartoons where they are getting fed grapes and fanned at the same time.
I love Jim Carrey but I missed the episode, what exactly was he promoting? I looked at his Wikipedi & it doesn't seem like he has anything coming up.
I was just talking with Jakem & Garbage face about our favorite Wire episodes. Remember the one where Snoop tries out for the Harlem Globetrotters? Or the one where McNulty hears about crimes, puts on his sunglasses & says: "Now THAT'S Mcnutty!"?
How 'bout that Marshawn Lynch?
Haven't you played this before?
Remember Keyboard Cathy? She's playing in New Hope PA. this Sunday. How do I know this? She's My Facebook friend. Jealous?
Do you have any movie recommendations?
Her mouth is frowning but her eyes aren't into it. What's the sad equivalent of smize?
Welcome back, NJ! I made you a Nirvana cake.
Remember back in the day when pretentious people would be like "I don't watch TV, just TLC & the Discovery Channel"? In their faces! Ha! I Haven't been this self-satisfied since I went to lecture a Native South American tribe about their own customs.
Plagiarist commentator!...Just kidding, Teach. Is this for real?
Sure, our friends think the dentist was being sarcastic, but we know the truth.
Aww thanks guys, but please don't downvote Whoa, he was just funnin' me, friends. Besides, he's on OG commentator that needs to comment more. Whaoa, sorry if i offended you back in the day when i suggested you were a Gabe stalker, I was a lot less considerate back then. Remember when I posted that pic of he puppies eating that pig head? Ahh, classic asshole me.
Wouldn't it be funny if the one time people didn't overreact and think this was the apocalypse, it was?
Me too! Every friend I get helps me keep away from interacting with my family, real life friends and it's easier to ignore me in the Internet! Only YOU can stop me from being obnoxious in real life.