
Sorry to be a bad VG nerd, but I don't really get the Paltrow hate. I read these posts and I just don't get it. Little help?
Is cheryl cole going to be there? I've never seen xfactor or idol, but if she's there I might have to tune in. Unless the sponsor changes to mr. Pibb, then barf. Barf aloud.
Why would you ever see that in theaters?
I'm not sure new movies count for this since they are not on Netflix yet (werttrew?) But once they are, I'm nominating Black Swan along with you. (spoiler alert) It's basically the same movie he's ever made, the man is The AC/DC of movies & his shtick is getting tired.
That Invention of Lying is nothing more than Left Behind for Atheists. I get it Gervais, the "there is no god" jokes were funny, you are funny, the cast was great -I have a picture of Karl in my wallet- but did you really have to sit your cast down in the most condescending, South Parkish way possible?
I don't want to stir up anti-peach sentiments, but that peach had it coming.
Wait, are we changing our catchphrases? May I suggest: NOOOOOT!!!!!!!!! I ain't give a toot. Just a joke, chum. In retrospect Lost was very disjointed & full of itself. SEXISM IS EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should have been raised differently. Trash Humpers. Beanie babies. & whatever happened to ATGSTTS & Mans' earlier suggestions?
It's like that episode of Dr Who where the Doctor Who sheds his skin!...or something, I've only seen one episode of Dr. Who.
Chat Times, Let's PARTY!!!
I posted this already, but I'm too busy(hangover) to make a new one.
Steve, Would you attend a Seattle Meet-up? Maybe around May next year? Please let me know as I would attend if you show up.
Girl talk is veddy veddy overrated.
1. Hi DS 2. Sorry ILAST 2.1 The first Youtube comment does in fact belong to Steve Winwood, I’ll let you figure out what it was. 3. IRL!! OMG WTF!! 4. I forgot what this footnote was going to say 5. No, YOU suck!!!! 6. I also forgot this one, probably was just fishing for compliments. I love you guys, no homo 7. Werttrew, please give Tony B an honorary MB award 8. Seriously 9. In fact she was one of the first people I thought of when I thought of MOBFD 10. I’ll never quit you babyfriday 11. The only person I’ve ever downvoted was Steve Winwood & that guy who showed a pic of dead Chris Farley 12. Duh 13. Slighly homo
State of the gum address December 18, year of the Pepper Ann. Gabe, Website Contributors, Monsters, Lurkers, Video Gum Readers and Trolls: Video Gum was the 2nd website I have ever joined besides Gmail *. I care about it in a somewhat unhealthy way. After 2012 I will be typing VideoGum into a broken powerless PC in a post apocalyptic world*2. I know I am not the only one who feels this way. When Al Gore gave us the promise of the internet, we imagined a future in which you would be able to connect with cool people that you could connect in a meaningful way even though you wouldn’t know them in real life. Soon after the first youtube comment was posted, we realized that it wouldn’t quite work out that way. We’ve come a long way but I think we are slowly moving into a direction where we can do that and we don’t have to be afraid to be decapitated by a random stranger. The VideoGum community has evolved into a family/water cooler gang/irl community*3 It seems however that during the holidays we tend to fight just like a real family would.*4I hope to put this into perspective and if I am wrong, please tell me. *5 I joined this site in April after witnessing how level headed you guys were towards Steve Winwood. In any other community he would have been teased and trolled back. However the funny and light hearted way in which you answered to his asshole-ishness set you guys apart and streets ahead. I can’t properly express how that thread made me feel. At first I was hesitant to join because I had an odd sensation that I did not belong in the community*6 During my first week, I posted a picture of puppies eating a pig’s head, which I found hilarious-Hilarious I say! You guys responded to that by once again being hilarious and light hearted*7(I would have in fact been assigned the lowest voted comment that week if Gabe would not have taken the week off to go buy Birdie. ) A Week later, you guys understood where I was coming from and I was lucky enough to be awarded the silver at the monsters ball. At this point I did not fully appreciate what getting this made up, good for nothing award really meant. The recognition eased me into starting a facebook account, a twitter account, etc. I was surprised that not only were a lot of the monsters on the same wavelength as me but there were also very nice. They were the nicest people I’ve met. What started out as a moment of procrastination at work became a very positive development in my life.*8What I did not know because I was not a frequent reader was that there had recently been what the kids refer to as a flame war in VG right before I got there. Had I known about that I probably wouldn’t have joined. What we like to refer to as the V is for VideoGum Flame War of ot-9 created some casualties and changed the way that we commentate as a nation. Like any war there were no real winners. Yes I think VG did change for the better afterwards but I think we could have reached the same results with a non-violent approach. Recently tensions have been escalating between the super frequent and very casual commentator camps. I believe this started when Duke Nukem and Baby Friday exchanged fire. The tension started because Duke took offense to the frequency in which Baby commentates. Duke Nukem is a commentator with whom I often agree with in theory but not in his approach. Baby Friday is a commentator who I consider my personal friend but whose comments I mostly glaze over. This is not to stay she is not funny*9, I find her hilarious and adorable, her and her husband Teacher-Man are the cutest couple ever! I am just not drawn in by the BNBG nature of her comments. However I cannot possibly imagine personal attacks on her because of her awesome non-trolly behavior. It seems that when she responded by attacking her detractors she might have lost some fans. *10 More often than not if you get mad at the down votes, you will get more down votes. I do not know why this happens nor do I care to know*11 Sometimes it’s hard to read tone on the internet*12 and it’s hard to know when we are kidding and when we are serious. But this is quickly escalating into a not light hearted territory. I have a self imposed rule of not getting mad at the website and I try to reach out to people who might be trolls or simply misunderstood. I assure you, Baby Friday is not a troll and you can’t blame her for being excited about a website that we all geek out about. Over the past year we’ve lost some great commentators I would hate for Baby Friday to be one of them. I am at the moment writing a manifesto at 7:23 on a Saturday night & I’d like you to think I’m doing it for the benefit of the community, but I am really doing it for myself. I cannot go on ignoring a problem inside a community which means this much to me. God bless BabyFriday, God bless Duke Nukem & God bless The United States of Videogum. I love you all*13 PS. Katydid is my favorite chat monster
He he, Pron. C'mon everybody #pornmovies. Calling Baby Friday! King: The Story of LePron James Transporners Insertion Winter's Bone
That's the cutest/most disturbing anti-abortion advocate since my dog Keep your laws out of women's bodies, Atole!
You are going away for a long time, baby.
Nice try Mel, but the only way we'll forgive you is if you make this movie:
The idea is to create new content & have a go to place for all things monsters i.e. links to Gabe's fanclub, bookgum, monster football fantasy link etc. but if you have outside content that you think the monsters will enjoy we will gladly post it.
I knew you could do it buddy. Also: it gets better. No sarcasmo.
You want to write Steve? I deleted a part where I explained that this was not meant to poach VG but it think it's obvious. Anyways let me know if you want to write.
YES! Come on down! Lets keep Austin weirder than it already is!
Not mine but i think a lot of people's would be: 7. Steve Winwood being accepted into the VG community.
Congratulations to all the Monster Awardees. Y'all monster rock & thank you for giving 35 upvotes to a pic of a puppy that references Communism, Nazis, Arson, 9-11, Anti-semitism, & conspiracy theories. Special thanks to Patrick M for breaking the Masturbating on orphans glass ceiling.
Send Submissions & hate mail to
Ok, so as few of you may know Videogum was the first site I’ve ever joined (no Steve, I am not quitting) besides email. So much like Facebook is the internet to your mom, VG is the internet to me. I’ve really enjoyed this experience & I am glad I have not been murdered by any of you Internet weirdos I’ve met in real life. So anyways, lately all my internet activity (all free time activity to tell the truth-in fact I should be working because I have a big deadline coming up) has been related to VG. As you know the monsters are the cream of the crop Commentators* in all the land, but the content Is scattered all over the internet. This is why I had the idea to put all the monster activity that was off-topic to VG under one roof. I talked to WerttreW and he taught it was a good idea, he even agreed to let me put his content on the site. We then decided to have the site be a place where any monster interested in doing amateur blog style things can have a wider audience than if they were to post randomly at live journal. So we invited some of the brightest monster minds to be regulars on the blog. This will, in theory, be the number one stop for monster community news & we will have links to all the monster activity to the stuff we cannot host. So far we don’t have much but we will start posting this weekend. Look for posts from these rad characters in the upcoming weeks: • Wertrew • Notsewfast • Dr Girlfriend • SHellbomber • Godsauce • Concert_addict • Baby Friday & Teacherman • This is my Nightmare • Cake or death • Hipsterdad • Briadru • Lil Bobby Tables • Stupid Lisa Garbage Face • Zac Little • DS3M • Melsanie • GhostDad • Caring is Cool • Politically Neutral Dog • Lizzing • A Serious Monster • Incredimarc • Lawblog & more to come
That's the most adowable extwemwist since my dog Atole
This new Animal Collective DVD is going to be awesome.
I'd like to have "sex" with him.
+1 validation point, Steve
Somewhere in the Midwest LBT's evil twin roams, hating Zelda & undoing knit crafts.
Mannnnnn, TV shows don't need to have writers to be successful. This is just the first step in a series of much needed improvements.
Who will come up with things for zombies to do now?!!!!
Virgin of Guadalupe Scottish fold approves