
You got us with your PSYCHE!!â„¢ out, Steve. For a second there you made us think you were the type of person who craved attention.
Nothing like the Holidays, starring John Leguizamo.
Chris Trash: The infinitely interesting story of a guy in a cubicle.
Move over Tony Melendez. ( insert html : ). This guy is really inspiring, he reminds us that even though life might give you lemons, you can still handle a tool to give somebody else even worse lemons.
*AKA the grown man who spells childhoods, childhood us
We are so lucky the internet was made after our childhood us, Salamandar the sneezing fart kid. Yours truly, Chris Trash the raw garlic eating kid. This is the greatest video ever.
Gabe, you obviously just want to go to the movie theater. You want to have monster movie night? We'll buy you popcorn & a large coke.
Didn't 4chan kill tumblr?
Why is Elvis not yellow?
Are you saying there's hypocrisy in the pro-life/abstinence-only stance?
James Franco has finally been bested.
I didn't mean just high school. Viggo represents the everyman trying to leave by the rules, then a couple of bad guys(the movie's term, not mine) come fuck up the town for no other reason that they are bad guys and the everyman stands up to them. Also he hate-fucks her because she doesn't want to be with a guy who lied to her all these years? Also, there is no way you can defend the acting. The acting!!!!! I will re-watch this and i will present my counterpoint at monster's balls.
Since you liked torture porn, can we get a review of the saw movies?
The story might have been original, but the script is awful & the acting(aside from Bello) was Tori Spellingesque. Also, this is basically torture porn for nerds/people who were picked in HS. This movie aims for gritty realism but it really is just the product mind of a guy went: "what if i could fuck up all the people who picked on me? I would fuck them up real bad! Also, I would hate-fuck the hot cheerleader, with whom I would make movie star babies". end rant
Who would have guessed Stevie was the type to get infatuated?
What is that "Iphone 4" contraption you are holding against your ear?
MTV just announced a show called "Jersey Shore". Finally, a show with Italian-Americans being represented in a positive light.
You seem like a nice fellow who is interested in making friends and being nice.
I sure as hell wouldn't hang out with anyone from the internet.
Sure it's a nice thought, but Barack Obama will never get elected.
Tiger Woods & Brett Favre are sports heroes who will never tarnish their legacy.
Kings Of Leon will never sell out!!!!
Flight of the Conchords rule!!!!!! The show will be on forever!!
Purple Noon you say? I was wondering what this week's pick was: Have you seen "Dear Zachary"? It's on Netflix instant. I think you might like it.
Anyone have any ideas of what Judges I should vote for? How do I find out which is which and waht is what?
Thanks for rallying the upvote troops, Gangy. I was going to put a caption in it but I didn't know how to do it because (SPOILER ALERT!) Omar wins the lottery in The Wire and he moves to Florida , so I put the V which just made things more confusing because it's a 2 month old reference. Anyways, I made this for for you:
Sorry S-Dub you were great for a while, but I think we all know its over. Maybe, take a few weeks off and come up with some new material. Watch some 80s Scott Baio movies and relax; get your energy back. Maybe buy a puppy and point out flaws in its character. Go to Showbiz and hang out with your family. Peep The giraffe.
It's nice to see how JD Samson from Le Tigre started out.
There's always the castrati alternative.
Not just her. I wouldn't want to be any of the girls' parents that night. Awkward!
I guess Werttrew is on vacation. So we better pick up the slack until he comes back:
Gabe, I know back in the day you prevented Betty White from voting and you were hailed as a hero. But times have changed, we have female singers, female motorists...why can't she "host" the most boring show on television?