
This meme is so old its flacc....uhg I can't even finish the sentence.
I ran this in "Nice-translator" and translated Winwoodese into Enlgish: "I used to to have a Facebook account but I was banned. Instead, I now spend my time being great over at Videogum".
I have nothing to add. I just wanted to be a part of the most Downvoted comment of the week.
You think you love Steve Winwood? I made my own Winwoodbot!
dang it! I forgot to put the link to the picture.... or should i just not?
Yes, makes sense
This movie will also appeal to my dad and he's almost Gabe's age. And he doesn't drink mountain dew, he smokes a meth pipe now and then but that's it.
I'm tearing up. (starts slow clap, watches around him, no one else is clapping)
Claire Danes is Simple Jane: the story of Temple Grandin
Man the raw footage from the new Mummy movie is not that impressive without the CGI.
After a successful exorcism the demon known as Larry King is pictured leaving the body of a victim.
Madden, then procceds to eat an entire turducken and draws his friend Al Michaels a picture of your naked body on his telestrator.
I hope they follow that up with John Madden F***ball I imagine there would be a of him yelling "BOOM!"
Gif Request time: George Costanza slamming door shut.
And good day to you too, sir:
And with that information my search for Uncle Steve Winwood narrows down to 49 States.
Once I was walking downtown and I saw this fat guy holding up a sign with a picture of John Wayne that read : "Why do I have to press1 for English, pilgrim?" I thought to myself: " Thats what made America great; people bitching about how hard it is to do a microscopically minor task", and when I got home I found out John Wayne married 3 different Hispanic women.
Griddlebone is Imelda Marcos
Damn i didnt read yours before posting mine
Steve winwood is Werttrew
Scott Baio is Wanda Sykes
Lloyd Blankfein is George Bailey
Ned Holness is Carlos Mencia
Stephanie Meyer is William Shakespeare
Jonas Brothers are The Clash
Jose canseco is manny pacquiao
Dane Cook is George Carlin
Carlos Mencia is Cheech Marin
Gabe is too old for this shit: the story of Danny Glover
Off topic: All right congratulations on your little horse Gabe, Ima let you finish but: Last night as I was doing chores with my GF I realized something I went into some dark places with my comments yesterday. They were really unnecessarily confusing and contrived. I realize I was wrong. I needed to clear my head so I went out for a walk: I realized my first post simply went too far and I chastised 1mitation_crabmeat2 for being a part groupthink, without offering an effective alternative. On my second post I tricked the monsters by showing you a picture of my two cats. That last pic is not really my cat Tina eating Furrykiss; it’s just some other cat eating some other bunny. I was just trying to marry the two topics Gabe gave us, which were controversial images and cute animals. I apologize to the monsters who thought that Tinabear ate my sister’s bunny. I apologize to Gabe for hijacking his blog; this blog is not about me. I apologize to uncle Winwood for jacking his stylo. And lastly I want to apologize to Tony1 who I made fun of, because he missed out on his Monster’s ball award (Ballsie? Notsewfastsie?) Two weeks ago. I now know those comments were not in the spirit of Videogum. So without any further ado I present Tony1 the Silver Ballsie I received last week:
C'mon! Do you really think this guy is capable of rape?
What?! idk what to think anymore. Up is down down is up. I don't know who to trust! I OMG I just got a flashforward! In the future my grandkids are going to be like: why do you type "IDK" instead of I don't know, grandpa? I need a nap.
I have the perfect roommate for this guy: