
List of good communists according to this guy: Lenin Stalin Mao Karl Marx Richard Marx Brezhnev Social Security Trotsky Betty White.... oh Betty White isn't dead? nevemind
I'm getting that phrase on my tombstone.
You know I'm not usually into wrestling but I might have to tune in to see Randy "Teabagger" Savage duke it out with Hulk "Coffe Partier" Hogan.
Are you calling The Steelers s bunch of ladies?
Chicken Noodle Soup is my submission:
I like how the last cat finally came to terms with the fact that that happened. its like the different stages of cat grief of in here.
Uncle Winwood's Infinite Jest. Featuring an all Belle & Sebastian soundtrack?
It's really sad when you have to put down an animal. Its like they are your babies for about a decade and then they become your grandparents. I put down my Chow Chow about 4 years ago and I still feel sad about it. As far as the discussion about depicting images that some may find offensive goes and/or censorship goes, the thing about that!.. . TINABEAR!! .....ohh Shit:
Thanks for letting everyone know about marcy. Now my live-in gf is mad at me
How is your Wang 2200, Gabe?
This meme is so old it had to altavista arpanet
This meme is so old it stared off in Arpanet.
This meme is so old it actually knows what a Wang 2200 is.
Listen, I like MIA's music, but she's nuts. She married the son of a guy who got rich selling cheap liquor to poor people. When I went to see her in the HOB she started the show (two hours late) saying that an election was going to do nothing for the country, then backed Obama when she saw everyone else was doing it. She is not doing jack shit to actually change the situation in Sri Lanka, besides just making money off the rebel-without-a-clue imagery she portrays. She's a cashillionaire now and I may just be uninformed but I don't see her being mentioned as a philanthropist.
This meme is so old Gabe came up with it on his Wang 2200 he bought with his pension money.
IDK how to use that twitter thing yet, so I'll just write it here: Sorry to hear you were in the hospital DS3M.
Yeah, that's EXACTLY what i meant lets exclude fat people from TV. Listen the big arms guy pic was inappropriate and i realize that. Go downvote it, I'll wait..... ...Ok got that out of the way? So she can't be criticized? Why, I thought she was an adult? If Lindsay Lohan was high on SNL and messsed up her lines would it be appropriate to laugh at her? If Steven Seagal tried to kiss Kristen Wiig mid-skit, would it be appropriate to laugh at it? What If Mary Kate Olsen was Loopy and incoherent because she starved herself all week? She is probably a good actress, like I said i haven't seen precious, but she is by no ways a good comedic live performer. We didn't just start to exclude fat people from TV. Whats your favorite movie? I'm sure it starts a morbidly fat person in the lead.America is 70% fat people. VG is probably 60% fat people, myself included, but if Val Kilmer or Jennifer Love Hewwitt put in a little weight we make fun of them. Listen some of my best friends are fat, some of my favorite performers are fat. B.I.G., Adele, Aretha, Beth Ditto, John Goodman, Etc. one of my GF's best friends Is MORBIDLY fat. I have a picture of a fat person in my wallet. (OK that last one ain't true.) Casting her in SNL was Stunt casting plain and simple. And Precious is kind of racist if you ask me. Lets take Ginger Kid and MIA's theory for example; what if precious started a redheaded morbidly obese ginger? Would that make the film not as realistic and deep? Whould she get cast on SNL because of her DRAMATIC performance? Every time a TV drama needs some cheap gritty "realism" they cast a black person in the role. You are a racist, 1mitation_crabmeat. A racist! JK, but see how it feels to have your words misconstrueded-ed?
*How am i supposed. Man I'm way off today. I'm going to take a nap on my desk.
The sad thing is that this could be an amazing video if 1.- they got rid of the flag from the capitalist nation that MIA chooses to live in. 2.-less acting; more video, c'mon MIA! I don't care if you make a violent video against racism but be a little subtle about it.
I mean who am I supposed to laugh when the whole time I'm thinking: "that girl need some serious help!" As a regular American I'm no Calista Flockhart but it's one thing to be overweight and another thing to be dangerously obese. My mother was naturally skinny and healthy her whole life, then when she turned 40 she started to overeat because of depression and anxiety. She immediately got all types of illness during this period. Because she was DANGEROUSLY FAT. Oversharegum.
Can we post pics of our pets Gabe? They don't play sports, but since Birdie doesn't have a daily post schedule yet, we can met the monsters' pets, right? here's Chetos: Tina: and I'm currently taking care of my sister's pet rabbit Fuzzykiss:
Damn, I'm off my proper reply spot game today!
This guy:
This girl:
Gabourey Sidibe' mom is on record saying that she is happy her daughter is morbidly obese because otherwise she wouldn't have gotten the role on precious. by the way SNL, here's a tip: get Monique next time.
Can your fancy "scientists" explain that?
I would give away all my money and possessions to see a video of an LHC scientist give ICP a tour of the LHC facilities and describe to them how it works.
Web design!... how does that work?
I wonder; which candidate did the Hatched Herald endorse on the past presidential election?
"I could eat a knob at night" -Sir Karl Pilkington
PS. Proof reading: How does that wok? fixed: Of course its wrong you big dummy( who was kind enough to read my comment). I have not seen precious either, because it looks disturbingly dark and depressing. And no, I don’t mean because Mariah Carey is in it. In the movie they got a kid actor to portray someone who is a victim of parental misguidance, when she herself is clearly a product of parental misguidance. It was as if future train wreck* Dakota Fanning hosted and her whip scars were visible. *I’m trying to get the term “child actor” to be replaced with the more accurate term “future train wreck”.
Is it wrong that I was thinking about this the whole time? Of course its wrong you big dummy( who was kind enough to read my comment). I have not see precious either, because it looks disturbingly dark and depressing. And no, I don't mean because Mariah Carey is in it. In the movie they got a kid actor to portray someone who is a victim of parental misguidance, when she herself is clearly a product of it parental misguidance. It was as if future train wreck* Dakota Fanning hosted and her whip scars were visible. *I'm trying to get the term "child actor" to be replaced with the more accurate term "future train wreck".
Allow me to translate Winwoodese:
I just watched community. Best. Episode. Ever. At the end when Abed says something like "you can find a replacement for everything, except friends" that's because COMMUNITY IS THE NEW FRIENDS. I felt like pointing that out, in case someone missed it. Streets ahead indeed. I ran down the street high-fiving random people on the street after I watched the episode.
sorry i wasn't trying to reply to you, im just really psyched that Uncle Winwood won.
Hey, I got 2nd place for making the baby cry. Good to know.
You got the caption, we are halfway there. My fair Winwood!
Wow, thanks Uncle Winwood. I made them up, but I made them up with love for you and my fellow monsters.
I meant to reply to the Jim Carrey thing, but I think it works for the main post also, how 'bout that!