
Vampires, Werewolves, that thing! What these kids need is realistic, relatable, romantic movies. C'mon Hollywood, where's: "Text-less in Seattle"? "When Harry Twittered Sally"? "You've Got Poked?"
A brief history of Dumb & Dumber.
I know we make fun of Gwyneth Paltrow, but damn that's taking things too far You've done it again uncle Winwood. Good job.
Now you know what was going on in the bottom of that "untitled (how does it feel video).
Something makes me think, this wasn't designed for communication with the mouth.
I like to think of the above image being projected in a smoky conference room. The hum of the projector gives the scene an eerie, intriguing ambiance. Don Drapers voice then comes on: " What sort of Man reads playboy?" I'll tell you exactly what kind of man reads playboy, Mr Hefner. I'ts the seventies and women respond to the subtle enticing masculinity of so called "Party Vans" and crotch-hugging bell bottom jeans. Women want a man who is not bothered by not wearing an undershirt with a flannel Shirt. This is he future Mr Hefner, and in the future men and women have casual sexual intercourse without any repercussions whatsoever. People will be able to met at the local grocery store and plan multiple sexual encounters based on the symbolic shape of their food. Nothing encapsulates this vision more than Johnny & Ruth's Leong Fruit &Produce.
I'm trying to tickle uncle Winwood, how he takes it is up to him. Also, I saw McLovin at the Airport and people yelled "McLovin!!" at him like 20 times in 10 minutes, but he seemed to not even notice.
He's just acting glib. That's the bad-ass kid from Boys Meet World, Boys Meet World! I might get the IPhone Cover
Oh. and guys whose neighbors suddenly decide to password protect their Wi-fi connection. @$%# you 2WIRE843!
Also, guys who hang around the supermarket holding phallic looking foods.
Also this guy:
This guy:
Dang it, that would be perfect but I just signed a one year lease with my avatar.
Tucker Max is hilarious, just not intentionally.
You mean to tell me "Bloodsport" is not 100% accurate to the story it was based on?
I really Hope you are wrong on this one ILAST. I doubt it but I rally hope you are.
Hmm, should I see a movie recommended by Winwood? YES! As soon as I find it at my local thrift store I will watch it and report back. Stay tuned for my review of Steve Winwood Presents: Zapped!
In your defense he did own a garage, so I can see why you went with him.
The only thing that could make this better is if Tracy Morgan was interviewed by Brian Fellows.
"You are beautiful no matter what they (the-creepy-guy-in-the-condemned-building) say Words can't bring you down You are beautiful in every single way Yes, words can't bring you down Don't you bring me down today..", I don't think I follow you. I'm going to upvote you anyways, for effort , but I really need someone to do an explanation of your comment in Gabe's Lost recap style.
I just hope that at least one of us is female or otherwise Betty White is going to have to be the Eve to our Adams. (since she is the only other person to survive, besides those who use the Cusack-Cookie-Monster as an ark.)
(Flash-forward to 2012, Just before the end of the world) Coming up after the Sunday night movie "Gun" is ''Well known TV Show"
So, that's how Donald Glover got on 30 Rock right after college.
Well thanks for letting me know so late. My $^&*^ puppies diagram was halfway done.
Now, that's the way you end the world.
Excellent link. I, for one, am counting the days until I can become fossil fuel for the next emerging species that manages to make a gasoline engine.
Christians, Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Jews, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. ... why do we focus all our energy into looking at what makes us different when we all have one thing in common; the realization that Stephen Baldwin should change or GTFO.
I blame the new Pope. You never see him giving the earth a smooch like good ol' JP2.
We are going to need a bigger Cusack.
I'm thinking that's actually God'd punishment to the Earth for creating that song.
Nothing better for the paranoid than to live where there's no sunlight.
Yousa thinking yousa people ganna die?