
"Time Betty white had some time alone"
This is my suggestion for the tittle:
They both owned it?! At the same time!? Somebody call TBS we THE perfect show for Conan's lead-in.
This is going to be me outside the Itunes store waiting for 50 Tyson's album to drop.
As long as you can gif man, as long as you can gif.
Top Scientist #1: That thing looks ridiculous! Top Scientist #2: (slowly puts canvas baseball cap on top of device) Eh!? Top Scientist #1: Genius!!!
I'm sorry, I don't Twit. Where do I send the money? P.S. Sorry Haiti, that money I promised you is going to have to wait;some stuff came up.
Great llamas of the Bahamas! This crusty barnacle can't fill a simple 1040EZ. I'ma write a letter from the Central Bureaucracy!
Crap, can't we start a get a "Let's get Werttrew a laptop" fund? I'll send a couple bucks in paypal cash.
Wait a second, that's not Steve Winwood! I'ts Winwood's genetically modified alter ego Stefan Gagner Du Bois!
Off topic: Where's Werttrew?
So Sideways Sayid who hasn't changed clothes in days and just arrived in LA from Australia is carrying a duffel bag and a big travel bag while running from the police. What the hell is in them bags?
Time works different in Pandor... Sideways LA.
Lapidus likes to watch.
I'm sure there is a reason why the other others don't just blow up the smoke monster plane, like they blew Jack. But why can't they just get a hose to trip the plane before it takes off?
Dang it that was supposed to say ......Sorreeh. And this is officially the correction to the correction.
*one page form
Finally what I have been hoping for the last two years; Accountinggum! Also, shouldn't he have filed 1040A if he has kids? I guess someone doesn't take care of his kids.
Except in his case its more like "fill this one pafe form and we'll give you enough money to buy a fuckin' car" ...well at least a 97 Celica.
Yeah, If he does have kids and can somehow, in some way, manage to provide for them he is probably getting thousands back. I guess that would require his parents to fill out a Social Security application when he was born, and that form was Fuckin' BullShit!
I always knew I was a fucking bad-ass for being able to do my own taxes. 1040, Schedule C, and Schedule M! What you got to say know huh!
Isn't the term "former child star" a little outdated? I think it's about time we start calling current child stars "future train wreck".
Dude, seriously I don't know what you are talking about. I'm Winwood's biggest fan, but I don't think anyone is downvoting you systematically just because you are in a commenting "feud" with the 'Wood that no one besides you and him care about. I'm new to the site but i think the spirit of the comments are all in fun. Anyways, if it makes you that upset I can find another commenter to be obsessed with. Like Steve Winwood's suave cousin Stephan Windoodé, who likes to constructively compliment people's opinions and is always on topic.
I'm with you, Betty is awesome. it seems to me someone is J-e-a-l-o-u-s that they are not the most adorable senior citizen in the family... ..I know, I know, I used that already earlier today . I'm hoping on the Winwoodmobile. Downvote away!
And with that Stephen J. Winwood manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Indeed Mr. Winwood, dou..... I mean touche. Touche indeed
You took her down a peg or two.
Jon Heder Starring in "Geek".
They are saving that title for the sequel.
Calling an action film "Gun"? And I tough "Shoot 'em up" was lazy. Even porn titles are more creative than that. What's next Mike Myers starting in "Fart"?
It looks like whatever Jeb put on Notsewfast's drink gave him nap time. But you can entertain yourself watching this in the meantime. Also for my Spanish speaking Monster friends you will recognize the lyrics were written by a Señor Stephen Winwoodo.
Well he would have Impregnated Matthew Vaughn, if Matthew Vaughn had breasts. Also,If all those Roman Polanski movies are any indication, I need to see this Nowhere Boy.
I didn't mean it baby! Please stop crying! He is just new to the family that's why we are paying more attention to him now.
Looks like someone is j-e-a-l-o-u-s because they are not the cutest member of the family anymore.
? am I missing an inside joke? I'm sorry sir I'm going to have to ask for some linkdentification.
Why doesn't it surprise me that he looks like a grown-up version of ginger kid?
I don't know that what you did technically qualifies for a "stay-cation". Do you commute to the Videogum office? Because if you don't, you just basically slept at work for 4 days.
I can't say it was Kick-Ass or Suck-Ass because I did not see it, but what I can say is that from the trailers it Looks-like-it-aint-worth-my-11-bucks-Ass
That's what he wants you to think. If Nicholas Cage's movie trailers have taught me anything, it's that he is probably secretly stashing all his money in that pyramid.