
I was going to order mine, but then I read that it ships 11/7/14. What if I get the Evola before then?!
When I was a teen4ger, my friend convinced me the lyrics were, "Don't touch me, I have a social disease." Weed might have been involved.
If he really was Yeezus he could've made them stand up.
"...n00b." Added, the spokesman, under his breath.
Random thoughts: I always thought the show would be better without Frasier. Niles was a better Frasier than Kelsey Grammer and their interactions were just one character having a monologue with a slightly different version of himself. Why did Frasier always have his shirt off? Were Frasier's fans really into shirtless, middle-aged husky balding dudes? That's okay if they were, I'm just wondering. Why wasn't there more Grunge/Frasier culture clash? He worked at a radio station in Seattle In the 90s.
Quick personal story: the day after the BB King booing an 89 year old guy came in to do his taxes with me. He just had a form for the loss of his house so right away I knew he wasn't getting any money back (which was the only thing he was interested in) but I remembered the BB King story and thought, man I'm going to listen to this old fella because I don't want to be like them dudes that booed BB King. Long story short, he told me all about how the government is against him, "the attorneys", the judge, and he made countless racist remarks for about 20 minutes. When I finally tried to hint for him to leave, he just kept saying the same things in circles. I think we "talked" for about an hour until he regained his marbles and decided to leave. Anyways, I did the right thing and I'm glad I did it, but man that shit that depressing. Anyways, no moral to the story, just a thing that happened that was semi-related to this site.
That's a mighty elaborate way of saying that in 30 years our white dreads will turn grey.
I'm pretty sure this is just a very complicated plan to get Neil Young porno trending on Google.
True. It's not everywhere that you can hear funk slap bass mixed with the dancehall and hip-hop beats and punk guitar and deadly on the mcs. Putting on SXSW; you know it ain't easy,
March is my busiest time at work so I don't think I'm going in the foreseeable future. But I ask myself, with all the mainstream commercialization, can the festival still come full range?
PS. Feel free to cite me on your report.
When I was 19 I got high and drove home listening to the radio between stations on full blast. I don't remember what station it was but it was mostly static with very few whispers of audible music, but I didn't realize until I got home. I honestly thought it was supposed to sound like that at the time. The whole time I thought I was listening to grunge. People would stare at me from other cars and stare and I just thought, "man, looks like these people have never seen a Mexican dude listening to grunge before." Anyways, that's why I don't smoke weed anymore.
And here I was basing my appreciation of his music on artistic merit.
As much as I cringed to Xylo Piñata and felt Meh for X & Y, I still love the first 2 albums. Viva la vida is too poppy for my taste but there's still some great stuff in there. If there's even a couple of songs like this in the new album, I'll give it a few listens. in shorrt, I like Coldplay*
Hgih five. And it goes without saying, today we're all Kelly Conaboy.
RIP, Kelly. See you at that crossroads
Thank you KCC. Thank you KC. Thank you Scott. I'm actually writing this from a train heading back to work after grabbing a quick lunch beer with 5 fellow monsters, so I can't say much but I think that says a lot.
Hasta la vista, Taco.
If you are a monster and you register I can make you an author and you can post whenever you want. Just let me know so I can add author rights.
I would say so, but I think Kelly has final say here.
To be fair, they're just really really smart babies.
I'm 100% sure I had that thing. Well, maybe 99%. It was like an Eye eye/opossum hybrid deal that would hang from its tail on the handle of a bucket I kept it in. If I never had a monkey eye-eye opposum, then why did I have the bucket?
Don't forget about Right now it's dormant but we'll keep you updated on monster stuff once my dog learns how to do my work for me.
Don't feel bad for me for I am already dead. No, seriously, I can't speak for everyone but I think monsters have a perspective where they can appreciate sometime nice and nerd out while still knowing that at the end of the day it's still just a blog in the wind. Kahoona Matata
Woops, my bad. Definitely meant
I'm going to go ahead and open up and tell you that I have a therapist and you're going to be very surprised. Anyways, I've been very busy at work so I didn't have much therapy but I did talk to her about VG, because sadly that's the only thing going on in my life until after tax season. It was very weird talking to her about a blog that has helped me as much as VG, specially because it's not a group help blog but a trampoline injury blog. Long story short, it was a good talk and I really appreciate you guys, from the Scotts, Gabes, Kellys to the Winwoods, Louis Simons, etc.I would name you all but there's litrally 100s of peeps here whom I truly appreciate and a client is getting suspicious at all my typing when I should be taking care of her. Fan forever fan love yous.
Kelly, I really think you should apply to run and Topher, if you are reading this, you should hire Kelly. I visited the blog and the humor is very similar to what VG shows if only more #old. Cerealbox would crush it if it had Topher AND the best blogger in the game right now. It would be a match made in blog heaven and a natural progression of VG. Also, they have a suggestion box, I already suggested that they change the "Self-Centered Shit" section to Hey, What's Up with Topher Grace. You might do the same if you like.
This one time I used bing to search cancer and it wrote back '' could you be any less specific? ''
Bonus facts: I sometimes sing "I'm up all night to pet puppy" One time my dad took me fishing but all we did was drink some type of Zima knock off and buy fishing equipment and live fish that we kept in the freezer and never ate. The picture of us holding our fish still hangs in my parents' house. Crickets taste better than alligator. Alligator tastes better than rabbit. I like pets.
I would like to now present my updated list of Top Ten Chris Trash Animal Interactions of All Time. 10. I bought a dog from a Videogum commenter. His name is Atole. He likes cats. That commenter is DS3M who is the only person, that I know, who has a VG Tattoo. I lost Atole to my mom, who after she dogsat for one weekend called me and told me "thanks for giving this dog, I love him soooooo much." #dogjacked I now have 2 poms and one cat. 9. As a teen, I had a cat named booger. She was an outdoor cat who would come and hang out with me. When she was older she came to give birth in our garage and we made a little place for her and her kittens. The garage burned a few days later and momma booger came by.. but the kittens were gone. She paced back and forth all day around the remains. :( :( :( 8. I once kissed a monkey when her handler wasn't looking. I miss you, Animal Kingdom on Milwaukee Ave. 7. My dream is to have Rideable dogs. 6. I have this weird thing where I never cried as a kid. In fact i did’t cry when i accidentally slashed my leg with a broken bottle but I did cry when my pet hamster, Rosie died. I cried for days 5. I once found a little tiny monkey like thing that I kept in a bucket. I’m not sure what it was really, at this point I think I might have imagined it. 4. When I was young my dad had an eagle and a falcon. We feed them chicken heads. We used to have all types of animals. When I was a kid my dad would tell me he got the birds of prey by the legs while my mom put them in a bag. It wasn't until I was much older where I realized he bought them from a dealer. 3. on a trip to La Huasteca I befriended a feral dog. This is of note because The area was declared a disaster zone due to flooding at the time but my cousins and I went anyway. If only Siri had been there to tell us it was raining. 2. My cat once weighed 20 pounds. He passed away a few months ago at the age of 12. He used to slap my mom's Chow in the butt and once killed a skrl and brought me its tail. #missyoubuddy 1. When I was 7 I traded my dog, Wilberto, for some Rambo stickers.
Remember when Kelly wrote that Friends script and tried to pass it off as the work of a random 8-year-old?
Guys, I know Kelly is mostly posting posty posts by Gabe and Lyndsay, but do you remember how awesome and action-packed Kelly's first week solo was? That was some good ish.
STEVE!...oh, wait... I'll just lie down again.
I know and I felt stupid after I cleaned because it was such a ridiculous thing to do, but then I figured that that's probably what she would do if she found out a guest of hers was gay.
I always took what Gabe said in stride because I'm an adult* and can respect someone else's opinion when it differs from mine. Not to say Gabe and Kelly never influenced my thinking, on the contrary. But I never really got upset with anything they posted except for the Love & Other Drugs WMOAT. I loved that movie before I read that post. I mean I still do but its hard to argue with the tremendous flaws of that movie. I don't even want to watch it again because I know there's a strong possibility I will hate it. Anyway, I was upset but mostly with myself for not picking up on the obvious flaws to begin with. *kind of
I had someone over to watch this episode and I learned she was a horrible person. She went "yuuuuck" when Thomas kissed the dude, not because Thomas is yuck but because Thomas is gay. She also kept saying that the cast was "very ugly but they dressed very well". When she left I washed her dishes twice and cleaned my apartment to get rid of her dirty vibe-funk.